(美)Samuel S.C.Yen 等著
PART 1 Endocrine Regulation of the Reproductive System 1 Molecular Biology and the Reproductive Sciences Paul G. McDonough 2 Neuroendocrinology of Reproduction s, s. c. Yen 3 Gonadotropic Hormones: Biosynthesis,Secretion, Receptors, and Action Lisa M. Halvorson, William W. Chin 4 Steroid Hormones: Metabolism and Mechanism of Action @ Bert w. ''Maiiey. Charles A. Strott 5 Prostaglandins and Prostaglandin-like Products in Reproduction: Eicosanoids, Peroxides, and Oxygen Radicals @ Aydin Arid, Harold R. Behrman, David L Keefe 6 The Ovarian Life Cycle @ John Yeh, Eli Y. Adashi 7 The Human Menstrual Cycle: Neuroendocrine Regulation @ 5. 5. c. Yen 8 The Endometrium and Myometrium: Regulation and Dysfunction @ Jerome Strauss III, Christos Coutifaris 9 Prolactin in Human Reproduction @ Samuel S. C. Yen, Robert B. Jaffe 10 The Breast @ Robert L Barbien 11 Menopause and Aging @ Roberta. JaffePART 2 Pathophysiology 12 Cytogenetics in Reproduction @ Cynthia C. Morton, Patricia Miron 13 Reproductive Immunology and Its Disorders @ Aydin Arid, Harvey J. Kliman, David L Olive 14 Disorders of Sexual Development @ Robert B. Jaffe 15 Female Puberty and Its Disorders @ Walter L. Miller, Dennis At. Styne 16 The Thyroid Gland and Reproduction @ suvio E. inzucchi, Gerard N. Burrow 17 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: (Hyperandrogenic Chronic Anovulation) @ s. s. c. Yen 18 Chronic Anovulation Caused by Peripheral Endocrine Disorders @ 5. 5. C. Yen 19 Chronic Anovulation Due to CNS-Hypothalamic-Pituitary Dysfunction @ s. s. c Yen 20 Infertility @ Robert L Barbieri 21 Assisted Reproduction @ Robert L Barbieri 22 Male Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis @ Johannes D. Veldhuis 23 The Testis: Function and Dysfunction @ Richard J. Santen 24 Inhibin, Activin, and Neoplasia @ Henry G. Burger 25 Contraception Daniel R. Mishell, Jr. 26 Practical Evaluation of Hormonal StatUS Robert W. RebarPART 3 Endocrinology of Pregnancy 27 Neuroendocrine-Metabolic Regulation of Pregnancy Robert B. Jaffe 28 Endocrine Disorders in Pregnancy Robert L BarbieriIndex