本书天线基础理论部分从线、面基本辐射单元特性出发,介绍由此组成的离散和连续阵的分析综合。对天线的几个主要参数,系统给出了多种表示法及其相互联系;极化的表示和传输线理论相对应;收发互易由计算接收天线的方向图引入。同时也介绍了数字波束形成和智能天线等近代进展。优化设计部分着重介绍商用软件的有效使用,其中包括空域映射、内插和外推、自适应采样等技术。微带天线部分力求与天线基本理论紧密结合并形成系统,其中包括规则和非规则贴片的设计、方向图计算、阵列设计和有限阵阵中互耦分析、阵列近场诊断。结合介绍高频方法介绍了微带反射阵、Fresnel区板天线和有限尺寸对方向图的影响。分析方法涉及腔模和全波。在全波分析部分深入浅出介绍了谱域方法的精髓。 本书为普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材,可作为相关专业本科生和研究生教材,也可作为工程技术人员的参考书。
1 Basic Concepts of Antennas1.1 Introduction1.2 Radiation Mechanism1.3 Two Kinds of Elementary Linear Sources and HuygensPlanar Element1.4 Fundamental Parameters of AntennarsBibliographyProblems2 Arrays and Array Synthesis2.1 Introduction2.2 N-Element Linear Array:Uniform Amplitude and Spacing2.3 Phased Array,Grating Lobe and Sub array2.4 N-Element Linear Array:Uniform Spacing ,Nonuniform Amplitude2.5 N-Element Linear Array:Uniform Amplitude,Nonuniform2.6 Signal Processign Antenna Array2.7 Planar Arrays2.8 Array Synthesis Through Genetic Algorithm (GA)BibliographyProblems3 Microstrip Patch Antennas3.1 Introduction3.2 Cavity Model and Transmission Line Model3.4 Design Procedure of a Single Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna3.5 Exammple of LTCC Microstrip Patch AntennaBibliographyProblems4 Spectal Domain Approach and Its Application to Microstrip Antennas4.1 Introduction4.2 Basic Concept of Spectral Domain Approach4.3 Some Useful Transform Relations4.4 Scalarization of MaxwellsEquations4.5 Dyadic Greens Function4.6 Mixed Potential Representations4.7 Transmission-Line Greens Functions4.8 Introduction to Complex Integration Techniques4.9 Full Wave Discrete Image and Full Wave Analysis of Microstrip Antennas4.10 Asymptotic Integration Techniques and Its ApplicationsBibliographyProblems5 Effective Methods in Using Commercial Softwares for Antenna Design5.1 Introduction5.2 Space Mapping Technique5.3 Extrapolation and Interpolation Methods5.4 Using Model From Physical Insight to Create Formual5.5 Using Model From the Artificial Neural Network to Train Formula5.6 SummaryBibliographyProblems6 Design of Conventional and DBF Microstrip Antenna Array6.1 Introduction6.2 Feeding Architecture6.3 Desing of Power Divider and Trannsmission on the Transformer6.4 Design Examples of Microstrip Antenna Arrays6.5 Mutral Coupling in Finite Microstrip Antenna Arrays6.6 Introduction to a Digital Beamforming Receiving Microstrip Antenna ArrayBibliographyProblems7 High Frequency Methods and Their AppHcatioIlS To Antennas7.1 IntrodUCtion7.2 Geometrical Optics7.3 Physical Optics7.4 Diffraction by a Conducting Half Plane With Normal Incidence7.5 Difiraction by a Conducting Half Plane With Arbitrary Incidence7.6 Applications of Geometrical Theory of Diffraction in Antennas7.7 Fresnel Diffraction in Three DimensionsBibliographyProblems8 Planar Near-Field Measurement and Array Diagnostics8.1 IntrOdUCtion8.2 Fundamental Transformations8.3 Probe Compensation8.4 Integral Equation Approach8.5 Array DiagnosticsBibliographyProblemsIndex