合成与分析纳米物质特性的能力取得了革命性的进展,广泛应用于生物医学、机械、电子、精密材料以及军事工程等领域。纳米力学是研究和描述单个原子、系统和结构在各种载荷条件下响应的机械行为特性的学科,它的发展促进了该技术的进步。尤其是多尺度建模方法,它可以使此领域的工程师更好的理解微纳米材料。 本书由该领域内资深专家撰写,对纳米力学和材料的基本概念进行了介绍,侧重于多重尺度建模方法和技术的研究。本书内容包括:分子力学基础,微粒系统、晶格机械及现代多尺度建模理论等。 本书是一本相关领域电子工程师、材料科研工作者开发微纳米材料应用的全面的指南,同时也可作为微纳米力学和微纳米技术专业研究生的参考书。
1 Introduction 1.1 Potential of Nanoscale Engineering 1.2 Motivation for Multiple Scale Modeling 1.3 Educational Approach2 Classical Molecular Dynamics 2.1 Mechanics of a System of Particles 2.2 Molecular Forces 2.3 Molecular Dynamics Applications3 Lattice Mechanics 3.1 Elements of Lattice Symmetries 3.2 Equation of Motion of a Regular Lattice 3.3 Transforms 3.4 Standing Waves in Lattices 3.5 Green's Function Methods 3.6 Q~asi-Static Approximation4 Methods of Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 4.1 Basic Results of the Thermodynamic Method 4.2 Statistics of Multiparticle Systems in Thermodynamic Equilibrium 4.3 Numerical Heat Bath Techniques5 Introduction to Multiple Scale Modeling 5.1 MAAD 5.2 Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics 5.3 Quasi-Continuum Method 5.4 CADD 5.5 Bridging Domain6 Introduction to Bridging Scale 6.1 Bridging Scale Fundamentals 6.2 Removing Fine Scale Degrees of Freedom in Coarse Scale Region 6.3 Discussion on the Damping Kernel Technique 6.4 Cauchy-Born Rule 6.5 Virtual Atom Cluster Method 6.6 Staggered Time Integration Algorithm 6.7 Summary of Bridging Scale Equations 6.8 Discussion on the Bridging Scale Method7 Bridging Scale Numerical Examples 7.1 Comments on Time History Kernel 7.2 1D Bridging Scale Numerical Examples 7.3 2D/3D Bridging Scale Numerical Examples 7.4 Two-Dimensional Wave Propagation 7.5 Dynamic Crack Propagation in Two Dimensions 7.6 Dynamic Crack Propagation in Three Dimensions 7.7 Virtual Atom Cluster Numerical Examples8 Non-Nearest Neighbor MD Boundary Condition 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Theoretical Formulation in 3D 8.3 Numerical Examples: ID Wave Propagation 8.4 Time-History Kernels for FCC Gold 8.5 Conclusion for the Bridging Scale Method9 Multiscale Methods for Material Design 9.1 Multiresolution Continuum Analysis 9.2 Multiscale Constitutive Modeling of Steels 9.3 Bid-Inspired Materials 9.4 Summary and Future Research Directions10 Bio-Nano Interface 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Immersed Finite Element Method 10.3 Vascular Flow and Blood Rheology 10.4 Electrohydrodynamic Coupling 10.5 CNT/DNA Assembly Simulation 10.6 Cell Migration and Cell-Suhstrate Adhesion 10.7 ConclusionsAppendix A Kernel Matrices for EAM PotentialBibliographyIndex