Generally, remediation means providing a remedy, so environmental remediationrefers to the removal of pollution or contaminants from environmental media such assoil, groundwater, sediment, or surface water for the general protection of humanhealth and the environment or from a brownfield site for redevelopment. Remediation is generally subject to an array of regulatory requirements, and also can bebased on assessments of human health and ecological risks where no legislated stan-dards exist or standards are advisory. This textbook is designed to introduce the generally accepted project managementknowledge to the students majored in the environmental project management or en-vironmental engineering and educate them about the key elements of an integratedapproach to environmental project management that requires expertise in scientific,engineering, legal, public policy, and project management disciplines. Emphasis isfocused on the critical factors that are unique to a major environmental project, suchas the uncertainty surrounding scope definition for environmental cleanup projects -and the evolving environmental regulation. The students will learn to develop envi-ronmental project plans, establish project organization and staffing, define manage-ment functions, develop time management approaches, resolve project conflicts,determine project effectiveness, implement integrated project management tech-niques related to environmental project management, perform pricing and cost esti-mating, establish cost control, set priorities, and perform tradeoff analyses. A provenenvironmental project management process is involved in the environmentalcasestudy portion of this book to provide the students with a disciplined andstructured approach that can be used to analyze and critically evaluate management aspects of environmental remediation projects. Examples of topics covered in this case study format include pollution prevention/waste minimization projects and environmental technology deployment projects.
本书以环境治理项目规划与管理的过程为主线,吸收了国内外最新的环保项目管理的理论和方法,结合案例,完整地阐述了环保项目规划与管理的知识体系。全书共设14章、1个附录和3个案例。主要介绍了以下几个方面的内容:我国环保产业的驱动力、复杂性和特征,项目管理理论,环保项目的规划、追踪和控制,环保项目调研及可行性分析,环保项目的设计,环保项目的实施。 本书可作为高等院校环境科学与工程专业的教材,也可作为环保项目管理工作者的学习和参考用书。
PrefaceChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The environmental remediation industry in China 1.2 Regulatory overview 1.3 The changing market for remediation services 1.4 Modem project management Chapter 2 Strategic Issues in Environmental Remediation 2.1 Significant environmental statues 2.1.1 The environmental protection law 2.1.2 Regulations related to the "three wastes 2.1.3 Other statues related to industrial waste management 2.2 Fundamentals of environmental remediation 2.2.1 The areas of potential project savings "'" 2.2.2 The four phases of environmental contamination 2.2.3 Factors that affect contaminant distribution and migration contaminant properties 2.2.4 Environmental assessment, techniques, and advancements 2.2.5 Remediation processes and advancements 2.3 Complicating factors in environmental remediation 2.3.1 Differing objectives of project stakeholders 2.3.2 Charged political nature of environmental remediation projects 2.3.3 Conflicting regulations 2.3.4 Effect of complicating factors on remedy selection 2.4 Scope management Chapter 3 General Project Management Concepts 3.1 Environmental project management 3.1.1 What is a project? 3.1.2 Project management definition 3.1.3 Environmental project management 3.2 Project criteria 3.3 Project management resources 3.4 Project management functions 3.4.1 Project integration management 3.4.2 The four core functions (knowledge areas) 3.4.3 Four facilitating functions 3.5 Project management steps 3.6 Project management functions and boundaries 3.7 Project monitoring and controlling 3.7.1 Project monitoring 3.7.2 Project control 3.8 Project life cycle 3.8.1 Project phase activities 3.8.2 Significance of the phases 3.9 The environmental industry life cycle 3.10 The project planning and control cycle 3.11 General RPM responsibilities during RD/RA Chapter 4 Reviewing Request for Proposal 4.1 Request for proposal 4.2 Importance of a high-quality proposal 4.3 Aproposal is a project 4.4 Recommended proposal format 4.5 Basis for the bid-no bid evaluation 4.5.1 The bid-no bid evaluation process 4.5.2 The proposal manager and team 4.6 Summarizing data 4.6.1 Categories of information 4.6.2 Site visit/data gathering 4.7 Identifying objectives 4.8 Specifications 4.8.1 Detailed design specifications 4.8.2 Performance-based specifications 4.9 Political, economical, and technological considerations 4.10 Stakeholder analysis 4.10.1 The.project stakeholder management process 4.10.2 Identifying project stakeholders 4.10.3 Identification of mission 4.10.4 Predicting stakeholder strategy and behavior 4.11 Initial risk identification 4.11.1 Definition of project risk 4.11.2 Project risk factors 4.11.3 Risk management 4.11.4 Contract strategy considerations 4.11.5 Overall project risks Chapter 5 Assembling Project Teams 5.1 Identifying key project personnel 5.1.1 Skill sets required to perform tasks 5.1.2 Typical project team 5.1.3 Assembling a technical review team 5.1.4 Availability of personnel 5.1.5 Commitment and leadership 5.2 Team planning and geographical distribution 5.3 Project work plan completion/linear responsibility chart 5.4 The project office and location Chapter 6 Developing a Work Breakdown Structure 6.1 Definition of work breakdown structure 6.2 Work breakdown structure formats 6.2.1 Tree diagram format 6.2.2 Indented outline format 6.3 Work breakdown structure functions 6.4 Work breakdown structure specifications 6.5 Techniques for WBS development 6.6 Scope of work based on the work breakdown structure 6.7 Risk management considerations Chapter 7 Diagramming/Scheduling 7.1 What is so difficult about scheduling 7.2 Schedule definition 7.3 Project time management 7.3.1 Activity sequencing 7.3.2 Duration estimating 7.3.3 Schedule development 7.3.4 Time control 7.4 Method of developing an optimum schedule for an accelerated project Chapter 8 Cost Estimating 8.1 Project cost management 8.2 Cost classification 8.2.1 Direct cost 8.2.2 Indirect cost 8.3 Types of cost estimates 8.4 Information required for assigning resources/cost estimating 8.5 Impact of resource assignment on duration estimating 8.6 General process for assigning resources/cost estimating 8.7 Contingency estimating on lump sum contracts Chapter 9 Earned Value Analysis 9.1 Earned value analysis 9.2 Definition of terms 9.3 Variance calculations 9.4 Graphical earned value analysis 9.5 Cost and schedule forecasting 9.5.1 Calculation of estimate at completion 9.5.2 Calculation of estimated duration at completion 9.6 Causes of project variance Chapter 10 Advanced Project Planning and Risk Management 10.1 Understanding quantitative decision analysis 10.2 Structuring the decision problem 10.2.1 Decision tree 10.2.2 Influence diagrams Chapter 11 Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) 11.1 Scoping 11.2 Site characterization 11.2.1 Define site physical characteristics 11.2.2 Characterize sources of contamination 11.2.3 Characterize nature and extent of contamination 11.2.4 Perform data analysis 11.2.5 Define contaminant fate and transport 11.2.6 Define contaminant-and location-specific requirements 11.2.7 Evaluate additional data needs 11.2.8 Preliminary site characterization summary 11.3 Development and screening of alternatives 11.4 Treat-ability studies 11.4.1 Level of treat-ability studies 11.4.2 Suggested content for a pilot-scale treat-ability study work plan 11.4.3 Determining the need for treat-ability studies 11.4.4 Timing of treat-ability studies 11.4.5 Treat-ability study goals
The basic theory is that as long as one of these key factors is missing, then there is no risk of contamination. Once the legislation and regulation comes into force, this risk-based approach to contaminated land will be implemented. Risk assessment is both qualitative (arsenic is dangerous) and quantitative (discharge limit in 2003 is 10 ppb). Qualitative risk assessment involves the use of so-called 'target values'. This of course varies between different countries. The scale is comparative, rather than absolute. By comparing the risk ratings between hazards, and from previous years, the ratings can be used to describe the magnitudes and changes to environmental risk in a meaningful, efficient and effective way. The "zero" that appears in the scale does not imply the complete absence of an environmental hazard. Instead, it implies that environmental risk of a zero-rated hazard is so small as to approach zero in comparison to other risks. Quantitative risk assessment however is site-specific in that a given site (with unique characteristics) is assessed as to the potential for hazards migration. A contaminant "dose" at the receptor is calculated and then compared to toxicological data. If this "magic-number" is exceeded, then there is a risk. To use the analogy of the arsenic, if the limit is 10 ppb (parts per billion - to put that in context, a millimeter in a kilometer is 1 part per million), and you eat 8 ppb then you are not at risk (assuming you excrete the stuff!). Conversely if you eat 12 ppb, then you may well end up - dead! The problem with man-made contamination (as opposed to natural pollution) is that solid contaminants are often distributed in a random manner and are very heterogeneous. The different contaminants on the site may not have all been deposited in a similar manner, hence predicting their distribution and location can be some what difficult. ……