

韩洪文 高等教育出版社











  《商务英语》是编者在长期从事英语教学和涉外业务实践的基础上,总结语言教学的经验和教训,研究21世纪对高质量人才的需求,紧密联系市场经济发展的客观实践编写而成的专业用书。通过学习使用本书,读者可达到以下目标:1.掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能;2.训练日常和涉外会话的能力;3.具有阅读和翻译相关商务英语资料的能力;4.培养初步撰写商务写作等涉外业务应用文的能力。通过学习,毕业时掌握的词汇量可达到3000。  本书是商贸类专业学生在完成基础英语学习之后的专业英语教材。本书分上下两册,每册分二十五单元。每一单元分为四个部分,第一部分通过精选日常生活中最典型的场景帮助学生训练日常会话的能力;第二部分通过营造贴近实际的商务环境训练学生涉外交际的能力;第三部分通过复习巩固中学已经学过的语法,并在适当提高的前提下,为进一步学习打基础;第四部分从国内外有关读物中选取具有趣味性的片断供学生阅读,使学生扩大词汇量,巩固所学语法知识,丰富表达手段。  本书的编写坚持面向实际、面向改革、面向新世纪的指导思想,试图用一种生动活泼、图文并茂的形式,使读者从机械的语言学习之中解脱出来而进行的一种全新的尝试。建议每单元用8课时讲授,上下两册学习用两年时间完成。本书配有录音带。  本书由首都经贸大学教师韩洪文提出整体设计并担任主编,首都经贸大学杨庆英副教授审阅了书中涉及相关专业的内容,参加本书编写的还有北京商贸外语学校教师杨歆颖、司徒欣,北京农业学校教师张凯,北京十四中英语教师彭纯。全书插图由于红等绘制。英籍专家Croxford Will审读了全稿。  虽然编者力求达到所设定的目标,但由于编写时间紧迫,经验不足,水平有限,不足与疏漏之处在所难免,恳请读者批评指正。


  《商务英语》是编者在长期从事英语教学和涉外业务实践的基础上,总结语言教学的经验和教训,研究21世纪对高质量人才的需求,紧密联系市场经济发展的客观实践编写而成的专业用书。  本书内容包括上下两册,每册分为25个单元。每单元包括四个部分:第一部分日常用语,第二部分商务交际英语,第三部分语法及练习,第四部分阅读训练。本书力图通过情景对话,结合综合教学法,将听、说、读、写融为一体,特别突出了听说能力的培养,对学生进行综合训练。本书注重实用,题材广泛,内容新颖,语言生动,图文并茂。  本书可作为职业高中、职业中专、普通中专商贸类专业的专业英语教材,也可作为在职人员的岗位培训教材和自学用书。


Unit Twenty Six Part A A Basketball Match on TV Part B Introduction Part C Grammar一般现在时的构成及用法 Part D Reading Passage:Who Should Be AshamedUnit Twenty Seven Part A Having Dinner in Quan Jude Part B Working in a Company Part C Grammar 一般过去时 Part D Reading Passage: A Clever ServantUnit Twenty Eight Part A A Trip to Tianjin Part B Using the Telephone Part C Grammar 一般将来时 Part D Reading Passage: Labour and ManUnit Twenty Nine Part A Have You Decided? Part B Plans And Arrangements Part C Grammar 现在进行时 Part D Reading Passage: LaughUnit Thirty Part A A Walk along Chang An Avenue Part B Revision1 Part C Reading Passage: Take PicturesUnit Thirty One Part A Have You Ever Travelled by Boat? Part B Dealing with Problems Part C Grammar 现在完成时 Part D Reading Passage: Chicago Unit Thirty Two Part A The Summer Palace Part B Visits and Travels Part C Grammar 陈述句 Part D Reading Passage: Communicate with SatelliteUnit Thirty Three Part A How Can I Book the Tickets? Part B Socialising Part C Grammar 陈述句的否定式 Part D Reading Passage: Bush Fires in AustraliaUnit Thirty Four Part A A Phone Call to Hong Kong Part B Notes and Appointment Part C Grammar 疑问句 Part D Reading Passage: Flags of CountriesUnit Thirty Five Part A A Mail or an E-mail? Part B Revision 2 Part C Reading Passage: Einstein and His NeighbourUnit Thirty Six Part A At the Clinic Part B A Letter to a Friend Part C Grammar 特殊疑问句 Part D Reading Passage: BambooUnit Thirty Seven Part A Do You Live in an Apartment or a House? Part B Writing Business Letters Part C Grammar 选择疑问句 Part D Reading Passage: An Ideal City TreeUnit Thirty Eight Part A What Are We Going to Wear? Part B Advertisement and Application Letters Part C Grammar 反意疑问句 Part D Reading Passage: Sport ……


  Every year when the Nobel Prizes are announced, there is a great deal of publicity about the winners. This is because Nobel Prize is considered by most people the highest honor. It is very curious that the prizes were started by a man who did a great deal to help the science of destruction! Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm and lived from 1833 to 1896. Besides being a brilliant scientist, Nobel was also a poet. He thought that literature and science were the most important factors in human progress.  When he died, Nobel left a fund of $9,000,000. The money was to be used in giving prizes to those who made outstanding contributions in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and the advancement of world peace. The prizes averaged about $40,000 each, and were first awarded on December 10, 1901, the anniversary of Nobels death.  Since Nobel was a Swede, the Nobel Foundation of Sweden distributed the awards. Many great people have won Nobel Prizes. Among them are Albert Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, Marie Curie, etc.




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