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《表达英语综合教程》Expressing English以最新《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》为指导原.则,运用国际第二语言习得理论的新成果,充分体现“以人为本”的思想,突出英语专业的特色和优势,注重培养英语专业学生的语言、认知、逻辑等能力 本套教材为英语专业本科1-2年级基础阶段编写,核心理念是关注英语表达能力的培养,将思考、听力、口语、阅读、写作、翻译融为一体,综合提高英语表达能力 一、编写理念 与国内同类教材相比,本套教材在编写和选材理念上突出3个特点: 外语教育整体性 强调外语教学中的语言能力、思维能力、策略能力、知识面、人生观的平衡关系和综合发展 外语学习一体性 根据第二语言习得中输入一输出假设原则,将输入与输出有机结合,通过提高语言输入能力,促进语言输出能力发展,达到增强外语表达核心竞争力的目的外语交际双向性强调中西文化表达的平衡,在口头表达训练中提供相关中文信息,在笔头表达训练中强调英汉对译 本套教材在选材上注重内容的思想性、文化性、可读性,语言地道,范文质量高,题材广泛多样,篇幅适当,内容涉及社会、文化、教育、科技等领域练习设计强调与主题内容相关,形式多样,如理解思考题、语言运用题、测试模拟题等教材设计的整体思路围绕4条路径展开: 以读促思(Read tO.Ihink) 以读促说(Read t0 Speak) 以读促写(Read to Write) 以读促译(Read t0丁ranslate) 二、教材结构与使用建议 本套教材基础阶段共4册,每学期使用1册,每册共分12个单元,每单元教学时间为6课时,也可根据各院校教学计划而定每个单元围绕一个主题,包含两篇课文(主、副课文各一篇)每6个单元结束后设计1套复习测试题,检查和巩固学生所学知识每单元由9部分组成,使用建议如下:经典名句(PRoverbs and Sayings)每单元精选一句语言精炼、思想内容深刻并且与该单元内容有一定联系的经典名句,如谚语、歇后语、名言等,要求学生课前熟记或背诵,使学生尽快进入该单元的学习状态 课前准备活动(Pre-reading Activlnies)围绕本单元的主题和课文内容开展相关的课堂导入活动,要求学生查找资料,就课文将要涉及的内容了解相关背景信息,开展交流和讨论。
《表达英语综合教程2》是《表达英语综合教程2》与1—2册相配套的教师用书,主要供教师备课和授课时参考使用。全书提供每单元Text A中的以读促思(Read to Think)、以读促说(Read to Speak)、以读促写(Read to Write)、以读促译(Read to Translate)、语言研习(Language Studies)五个部分的答案和Text B中的细读(Reading for Details)、略读(Reading for Main Ideas)两个部分的答案,以及两套模拟测试题的参考答案。 《表达英语综合教程2》供高等院校英语专业本科1年级基础阶段使用。
Unit 1 Wakening the SoulText A Broken WingText B The Santa Claus on 1-40 Unit 2 Childhood MemoryText A Latchkey Children Knock, Knock, Is Anybody Home?Text B The Room with Five Doors 26Unit 3 Body Clock and LuckText A The Secrets Our Body Clocks RevealText B How to Get LuckyUnit 4 Are They Still Kids?Text A They Stole Our ChildhoodText B Stolen ChildhoodUnit 5 Imaginative Learning and Creative ThinkingText A Universities and Their FunctionsText B Learning by DoingUnit 6 Skills of Interpersonal CommunicationText A Six Steps to Put People at Their EaseText B Alone Versus LonelyUnit 7 What Do you Know About Americans?Text A The American CharacterText B Fast-free LivingUnit 8 Doing Your Share to Save the Earth Text A You Can Make a Difference an Earth Day StoryText B Global Warmings PR ProblemUnit 9 Growing PainsText A Chameleons and CodasText B Ugly GirlUnit 10 The Mixed Nature of LifeText A Force of NatureText B In Their Loss, They Found Each OtherUnit 11 Virtual RealityText A Internet IssuesText B A Design for Living on the InternetUnit 12 These Are the Times That Try Mens SoulsText A The Christmas Crossing Text B Voice of Courage
“E-waste includes computers,entertainment electronics,mobile phones and other items thathave been discarded by their original users。While there is no generally accepted definition ofe-waste.in most cases e-waste consists of expensive and more or less durable products used fordata processing,telecommunications or entertainment in private households and businesses.’’“E.waste is both valuable as source for secondary raw material,and toxic if treatedand discarded improperly.Rapid technology change,low initial COSt and even plannedobsolescence have resulted in a fast growing problem around the globe.Technical solutionsare available but in most cases a legal framework,a collection system,logistics and otherservices need to be implemented before a technical solution can be applied.’’“‘The China Undergraduates Consumption and Lifestyle Study 2005’,or CUS.2005,is thesecond of an annual study initiated in 2004 and CO-sponsored by Sinomonitor,a Sino-Japaneseindependent market monitoring company,and China Youth Zeitgeist Cultural Co.Ltd.,adomestic media firm specializing in university students.It sampled 9,000 undergraduatesfrom 125 colleges and universities with a total of 4.4 million undergraduates in 3 l majorCities across China…The research shows that the top two items of consumption of Chineseundergraduates are information-technology (IT) and digital communication products.”