张守信 编
Geological Formation Names of China 0866-2000) is the only catalogue on stratigraphic nomenclature for China in the world to keep two writing types (Wade-Giles Romanization and Chinese Phonetic Alphabet) so as to provide convenience for domestic and overseas readers. The catalogue is intended for specialists and graduates in Geosciences and Stratigraphy.
Shouxin Zhang (1927-2OO6) was stratigrapher and research professor at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZChinese Index of Geological Formation Names
Aba Formation(阿坝租) ②Compiling Group for Sichuan Regional Stratigraphic Scale,1978,Regional Stratigraphic Scale of Southwest China:Sichuan Province,Beijing:Geological Publishing House.First appeared in a 1977 manuscript“The stratigraphic summary of Sichuan”by Integrative Research Team of Sichuan Bureau of Geology ③Aba Zang Autonomous Prefecture,west Sichuan Province④Consists mainly of alternatingbeds of greyish black and grayish green slate,with interbeds of greyish mud-bearing slate,silty slate and thin-bedded marls⑤Early Triassic. Abag Formation(阿巴嘎组) ①AbagBasalt②Compiling Group for Inner Mongolia Regional Stratigraphic Scale,1978.Regional Stratigraphic Scale of North China:Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Beijing:Geological Publishing House ③Abag Banner,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regio ④nConsists mostly of greyish white sandstone and an alternation of dark grey basalt and marls ⑤Pleistocene. Abongshan Formation(阿布山组) ②Tibet Regional Geological Survey Team(Wu Ruizhong et aL),1986,Explanatory Text for 1:1 000 000 Scale Geological Map:Gaize Sheet③The hill of Abongshan,90 km northeast of Shuanghu lake area,north Tibet Autonomous Region④Consists mostly of red sandstone,conglomerate,and interbeds of marls⑤Late Cretaceous. Abor Formation(阿波尔组) ①Originally Abor Volcanics②Brown J Coggin,1912,A geological reconnaissancethrough the Dihong valley,being the geological results of the Abor Expedition,1911-1912.Rec.Ge01.Surv.India,v01.42,231-253,p1.1③Abor in Siang district,eastem Tibet Autonomous Region④Consists of basalt,volcano-clastic breccia andrhyotaxitic dacite etc.It is subdivided into Luotong Member(10wer)and Jiku Mem-ber(upper)⑤Sinian-Cambrian. Abuqiehai Formation(阿不切亥组) ①Abuqiehai Series ②Guan Shicong,Che Shuzheng,1955,Acta Geologica Sinica,35(2)③Abuqiehai valley located south of Gangde’er hill,in Zhuozishan Mountain area,Otog Banner,Ih Ju League,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region④Mainly composed of thin.bedded bamboo-leaf-like limestone,oolitic limestone,and an al-ternation of thick kidney limestone and shale,in lower part also with interbed of quartzose sandstone⑤Cambrian⑥Synonym of Hulusitai Formation.