

北京英语水平考试领导小组 编 高等教育出版社





北京英语水平考试领导小组 编  




在2008年全球FCE(BETS-3)考试改革的背景下,本书是在英国剑桥大学出版社最新出版的剑桥通用英语证书考试FCE原版考试用书Objective FCE Teacher's Book Second Edition的基础上改编而成的。  本书的特色主要有:  ·每个单元给出具体教学计划、课时安排以及本单元重点内容。  ·对教程中英语国家的人文、地理、历史、电影等内容的材料提供了简练的文化信息和背景介绍。  ·每个单元都有相应的教学扩展和附加活动,为教师提供了与学员互动的素材,为学习者提供了自学英语的灵活方法。  ·对应教程中的5个复习课(Revision),学习指导中编写了5套测试题,每套题的测试内容突出了教程中相应单元的教学内容和重点,体现了教程中考试指导和写作指导中训练的考试题型和内容,帮助考生有针对性地学习知识点和提高考试技能。  《北京英语水平考试(第三级)标准教程学习指导》(新版)由中国社会科学院英语培训中心主任王晓明教授、北京青年政治学院英语系主任老青教授负责组织和编写;北京外国语大学陈琳教授、清华大学程慕胜教授负责主审。参加本册编写工作的还有中国政法大学于中华和中国社会科学院英语培训中心优秀骨干教师刘阳等。  《北京英语水平考试(第3级)标准教程学习指导(新版)》编者均为常年从事各级各类英语考试培训工作的考官、教师或专家,因编写时间有限,书中难免有疏忽和纰漏之处,恳请读者和有关专家不吝赐教、予以指正。


《标准教程》(第三版)设计架构Unit 1Fashion mattersUnit 2The virtual worldUnit 3Going placesUnit 4Our four-legged friendsUnit 5Fear and loathingUnit 6What if?Units 1-6 RevisionTest 1Unit 7Life's too shortUnit 8DownshiftingUnit 9The hard sellUnit 10The final frontierUnit 11Like mother, like daughterUnit 12A great ideaUnits 7-1z RevisionTest 2Unit 13Education for lifeUnit 14Ca reer movesUnit 15Too many people?Unit 16Eat to liveUnit 17Collectors and creatorsUnit 18What's in a book?Units 13-18 RevisionTest 3Unit 19An apple a day Unit 20No place to hideUnit 21To have and have notUnit 22A little night musicUnit 23U nexpected eventsUnit 24Priceless or worthless?Units 19-24 RevisionTest 4Unit 25Urban decay, suburban hellUnit 26Getting aroundUnit 27Material girlUnit 28Sense and sensitivityUnit 29NewshoundsUnit 30Anything for a laughUnits 25-30 RevisionTest 5Photocopiable recording scripts


  It was late at night and I was in the living room watchingtelevision on my own. Funnily enough I was watchinga horror movie —— it wasn't very spooky though! Well,I thought I heard footsteps upstairs. So I turned off theTV, held my breath and listened. Someone was definitelymoving around up above me. My first thought was —— it'sa burglar. And then, there was this horrific crash. I wasscared stiff but I knew I had to go up there. I rememberI picked up an umbrella —— goodness knows what I wouldhave done with it! Anyway, I crept up the stairs and the firstthing I saw was a bookcase on its side, with hundreds ofbooks on the floor. Then I heard this whimpering sound,coming from underneath the pile of books.It was the nextdoor neighbour's cat! It was her footsteps I had heard.While I was putting away the books, I found something else.A live frog! It sort of jumped out at me. I tell you, that wasthe really hair-raising part!  Somehow I have to sort out their problem, this fear theyhave of flying. First we talk as a group, and one by onethey tell me about particular times when they've flown andwhat happened. Nine times out of ten they describe regular,problem-free flights, just like the hundreds I flew myselfYou see, most of their worries are only in their imagination.I also use drama and role play, to teach them how todeal with other people's fears, because through that theysometimes forget their own problem, or take it less seriouslythan before. Finally, but only if I think it's still necessary, wego up in a plane. My passenger is accompanied by an actor,who plays the part of the nervous first-time traveller. I sita few rows behind and it's wonderful to watch my 'student'staying calm, offering advice to this stranger. I've neverfailed yet.We were all living in a small house in the countryside atthe time. The house was in the middle of nowhere and itwas quite a long journey back from the university eachevening, so I'd bought myself a small motorbike. Anyway,on one particular evening I was on my way home when areally thick fog came down. I didn't know where I wasand I became very uneasy. I went on —— rather slowly ——but couldn't see anything I recognised. At one point theroad curved round, but because of the fog I didn't see thisand carried straight on ... and hit a wall. The impact threwme off the bike and I ended up underneath it, with my legtrapped. I screamed for help but of course there was no oneabout. I realised that I had to get up and carry on —— or staythere all night. So I pulled myself out from under the bike,got back on and somehow arrived home, where my friendsall took one look at me and drove me off to casualty. Ineeded seven stitches and they kept me in for observation.


  剑桥通用英语五级证书考试是在全球受到广泛认可的高质量的国际英语考试,考试合格者可获得终生有效的英语能力证书。该考试分为5个级别。分别为14eg English Test(KET),Preliminary English Test(PET),First Certificate in English(FEE)Certificate in Advgeed English(CAE)和Certificate of Proficiency in English(EPE)。其中,KET、PET和FCE考试已经由教育部考试中心引入中国。  北京英语水平考试(Beijing English Testing System,简称BETS)由北京市民讲外语活动组委会、北京市人民政府外事办公室和英国剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部共同推出。需用剑桥通用英语五级系列证书考试中的KET、PET、FCE三个级别,涉及阅读、写作、听力和口语等方面,全面考查考生英语语言的综台运用能力,通过BETS考试即可获得国际权威认可的剑轿通用英语系列考试证书。  北京英语水平考试系列用书改编自剑桥通用英语系列证书考试KET、PET、FEE的英文原版教市才。由高等教育出版社独家引进出版。




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