傅龙海,杜启遂 编
Chapter Ⅰ Layout and Format of Business LettersPractice ⅠSupplement Electronic CommunicationChapterⅡ Establishment of Business RelationsLesson One Initiating BusinessPrectice ⅡChapterⅢ Enquiries,Offers and AcceptanceLesson Two An EnquiryLesson Three (A)A Non—firm Offer(B)A Firm OfferLesson Four Counter—offerLesson Five AcceptancePractice ⅢChapter Ⅳ Orders and ConfirmationsLesson Six (A)An Order for Antennae(B)A ReplyPractice ⅣChapter Ⅴ PackingLesson Seven Packing RequirementsPractice ⅤSupplement On PackingChapter Ⅵ L/C Establishment,Amendment and ExtensionLesson Eight (A)Urging Establishment of an L/C(B)A ReplyLesson Nine Asking for L/C AmendmentLesson Ten Asking for Extension of an L/CPractice ⅥChapter Ⅶ InsuranceLesson Eleven Request for Broader CoveragePractice ⅦSupplement On InsuranceChapter Ⅷ ShipmentLesson Twelve (A)Asking for Earlier Delivery(B)A ReplyLesson Thirteen Shipping AdvicePractice ⅧChapter Ⅸ Payment Terms(Non—L/C Payment)Lesson Fourteen (A)Proposing to Change Payment Terms(B)T/T Payment(C)Reply from the BuyerPractice ⅨChapter Ⅹ Complaints,Claims and AdjustmentsLesson Fifteen(A)Claim for Inferior Quality(B)A Reply to the Claim(C)Asking for Prompt Settlement(D)Settlement of the ClaimPractice Ⅹ
1.We come to know your name and address through... 从……处我们得知贵方行名与地址。 2.We are indebted to Messrs...for your name and address and should be pleased to open up business relations with your firm in the line of... 承……公司告知贵公司行名与地址,我们很高兴与贵公司在……方面建立业务关系。 3.We owe your name and address to...in New York. 从纽约……处,我们得知贵公司行名与地址。 4.Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counsellor’s Office of the Em-bassy of the People’s Republic of China in...,we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relationship by a start of some practical transactions. 从中华人民共和国驻……大使馆商务参赞处获悉你公司的行名与地址,现借此机会与你们通信,意在达成一些实际交易为开端,以建立业务关系。 5.Your company has been recommended to us by...as prospective buyers of Chinese Canned Meat.As the item falls within the scope of our business activities,we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you. 承……介绍,我们得知贵公司想购买一批中国肉类罐头。由于此商品属我公司经营范围,我们很乐意与你们建立业务关系。 6.We wish to introduce ourselves as a state-operated corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial products. 现向你们自我介绍,我们是国有公司,专门经营轻工产品。 7.Through the courtesy of Mr...,we are given to understand that you are one of the lead—ing importers of electric goods in your area and that you are interested in trading with us in this line.For your selection,we are sending you our catalogue and sample books. 通过……先生,我们得知你们是你地区主要的电器进口商之一,并意欲与我方在这方面做贸易,现寄上目录本及样品本供你方选择。 8.Our lines are mainly chemicals. 我们的主要业务是化工产品。 9.We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality,mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods. 我们愿在平等互利、互通有无的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系。 10.Your letter of...addressed to our head office has been passed on to us for attention and reply. 你方……月……日致我总公司函已转给我们办理并答复。 ……