《体验商务英语》改编组 编
《体验商务英语:同步练习1(第2版)》亮点: ·《综合教程》配备全新多媒体学习光盘:视频案例、商务交际、听说训练,全面拓展商务知识,巩固语言技能 ·《教师用书》配备出题软件:使用灵活方便,提高课堂效率 ·《同步练习》增加英汉、汉英互译练习:特色鲜明,贴近中国学生学习特点 ·《视听说教程》全面整合升级:直观、形象,实现立体化转型
Uint 1 IntroductionsUint 2 Work and LeisureUint 3 ProblemsUint 4 TravelUint 5 Food and entertainingUint 6 SalesUint 7 PeopelUint 8 MarketsUint 9 CompaniesUint 10 The WebUint 11 CulturesUint 12 Jobs
1 Introductions Translate the following English sentences into Chinese.1 Making a good first impression is impo rtant fo r building relationships with other people.2 John was an aggressive salesman who did his job quite well.3 I feel very honored and pleased that I’il be working with my Chinese colleagues.4 Thank you for such a thoughtful arrangement for us.5 I’m Robert Brown.and I’m in charge of the sales of our company.Trans Late the following Chinese sentences into English.1 一般来说,与商务人士初次会面穿正装更好。2 这位是我们集团的董事长李元先生。3 避免在第一次商务会面时开玩笑更安全些。4 那个独家代理商承诺向我们提供免费的咨询服务。5 我叫李杰,这是我的名片。很高兴认识您。2 Work and Ieisure Translate the following English sentences into Chinese.1 Telecommuting often leads to more work hours and mo re interfe rence with family life.2 Employees can be more concentrated and thus more efficient in an office.3 Job flexibility is the key to keeping worke rs happy,p roductive and loyal to the company.4 Weekend is the time for relaxation after a week's work,not a time for work.5 Between home and work,I always stop to pick up a morning coffee.Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.1 迈克尔在家工作已经有好几个月了。2 本人是一个优秀的会计员,同时对英文也颇为精通。3 有时很难区分工作时间和私人时间。4 为了提高效率,员工需要取得工作和生活之间的更好平衡。5 随着互联网越来越流行,人们的工作方式会发生改变。