J.M.T.汤普森 编
Cosmology and the Big Bang
1. Thirteen Billion Years in Half an Hour
2. The Paradigm of Inflation
3. Cosmology with Varying Constants
4. Small Scales, Big Issues for Cold Dark Matter
5. Violence and Black Holes in the Hearts of Galaxies Probing the
6. First Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
Results: Implications for Cosmology and Inflation
7. Quest for Gravitational Waves
8. Strong-Field Tests of Relativistic Gravity with Pulsars
9. Gamma-Ray Bursts as Cosmological Probes
10. New Radio Interferometers and Data Access: Investigations of
Star Formation
Stars and Conditions for Life
11. Gamma-Ray Bursts
12. Astrophysical Dust
13. The Astrophysics of Crowded Places
14. Astrochemistry: From Molecular Clouds to Planetary
15. Extrasolar Planets
Solar System and Climate Change
16. Our Solar System
17. Planetary Upper Atmospheres
18. The Solar Dynamo
19. Explosions on the Sun
20. Solar Variability, Coupling between Atmospheric Layers and Neil
版权页:插图:Quantum effects become crucial any time we ask a question which in-volves lengths scales comparable to or smaller than that of an atom. Thequantum realm is a strange one indeed, divorced from everyday intuitionand common sense. In it, balls can pass straight through walls and a catcan be both dead and alive at the same time.Remarkably, the theorems proven by Hawking and Penrose show thatEinstein's theory very likely breaks down at some point because the typicallength scales for the Universe become smaller than the size of an atom, andso quantum effects must be included. At the same time we cannot ignoregravity because near the Big Bang gravity becomes extremely strong. As aresult, the combined theory we are searching for - the holy grail of modernfundamental physics - is known as quantum gravity.Whether or not quantum effects can smooth out and make finite theinfinity density and temperature of the Big Bang is not known. Indeed itis one of the biggest unanswered questions in cosmology. Most researchers,perhaps, believe that they will - and hence that the cosmos may be mucholder than our current best estimate of thirteen billion years. But withouta complete theory of quantum gravity we find only tantalizing hints.