

阿瓦德 人民邮电出版社











Welcome to the world of online,real-time,just-in-time e-commerce and e-business viathe Internet-the superhighway of today’s commerce here and abroad.whether it ise-commerce,e-business,supply chain,or networking global business,the goal of thismaturing industry is to improve the quality of life and the quality of time。There is virtu-ally nothing today that is not affected by the electronics that bring people,technologies,and processes together in the interest of time saving,efficiency,productivity,and humancomfort.Even the nonprofit sector from churches to schools,has adopted the Woridwide wcb to establish a presence.The Internet is the foundation for a new industrial order.It is a noose for medioc-rity.The e-corporation is combining computers,the web.and enterprise software tochange everything about how it operates.The Net is about choice,freedom,and con-trol.The Net is about pull(not push)advertising and marketing goods and services.Consumers can now shop and get the truth.Retailers come to customers not like theold days and ways.Everything is an auction.It is the end of geography.Products andinformation about goods and services come to my place,during my convenient time.The famous scientist Albert Einstein once said.“I prefer imagination over knowl-edge.”If e-commerce were there during his time.he probably would have said,“I prefercreativity through imagination,knowledge through experience,and profitabilitythrouRh competitive advantage.”E-commerce offers all these.It is an American inven。tion and will go down in history as the mark of leadership through ereativity,addingvalue to customers worldwide.whether you are a student or a venture capitalist.youshould benefit from the fundamentals and technologies that make e.commerce a reafitvy.This is what this edition is all about.


本书按生命周期整合了电子商务的概念、方法、过程和技术等各个方面,是一本综合性的介绍电子商务理论和实践的好书。全书分为5个部分,分别讨论了电子商务的起源和发展、技术基础和体系结构、商业策略、安全系统和支付体系,以及管理与客户关系问题。本书内容丰富,案例分析详实,涉及了一些诸如博客、间谍软件、广告软件等最近流行的对电子商务发展产生很大影响的新话题。 本书可作为高等院校计算机、电子商务、管理、MBA等专业电子商务课程的教材。


Elias M-Awad世界知名的电子商务专家,尤其擅长银行信息化技术方面的研究。现任弗吉尼亚大学Mclntire商学院弗吉尼亚银行家协会讲席教授,有着40多年的教学和科研经验。他还兼任IT咨询公司国际技术集团(ITG)的CEO,咨询业务遍布23个国家和地区。除本书外,他还著有知识管理、专家系统方面的畅销教材,并已翻译成德文、西班牙文、葡萄牙文、阿拉伯文等多种文字。


PART I FIRST THINGS FIRST 要事先办 CHAPTER 1 The Dawn of a Maturing lndustry 一个成长中的产业的晨曦    In a Nutshell 简介    First Things First 要事先办    Marks of Maturity 成熟的标志    What Is E-Commerce? 什么是电子商务    E-Commerce Is Not E-Business 电子商务不是电子业务    The Drivers 驱动力    Myths You Should Know 一些似是而非的论调    Advantages and Issues in E-Commerce 电子商务的优势和问题    Benefits and Limitations of the Internet 因特网的益处和局限    Role of E-Strategy 数字化战略的作用    Value Chain in E-Commerce 电子商务中的价值链    Integrating E-Commerce 整合电子商务    E-Commerce Business Models 电子商务业务模式    Managerial Implications 管理心得    Summary 小结    Key Terms 关键术语    Test Your Understanding 理解题    Discussion Questions 讨论题    Web Exercises Web练习题   CHAPTER 2 The World Wide Web 万维网    In a Nutshell 简介    The Internet Today 今日因特网    The Making of the World Wide Web 万维网的打造    Internet Service Providers 因特网服务提供商    Web Fundamentals Web的基础    Internet Services and Languages 因特网服务和语言    Managerial Implications 管理心得    Summary 小结    Key Terms 关键术语    Test Your Understanding 理解题    Discussion Questions 讨论题    Web Exercises Web练习题  PART II  THE TECHNOLOGY OF E-COMMERCE 电子商务的技术 CHAPTER 3 Internet Architecture 因特网架构    In a Nutshell 简介   What is a Network? 什么是网络    Information Transfer 信息传送    Network Hardware 网络硬件    Design Considerations 设计考虑    Managerial Factors 管理因素    E-Commerce Issues 电子商务问题    Management Implications 管理心得    Summary 小结    Key Terms 关键术语    Test Your Understanding 理解题    Discussion Questions 讨论题    Web Exercises Web练习题   CHAPTER 4 Intranets and Extranets 内联网和外联网    In a Nutshell 简介    The Basics 基本概念    The Technical Infrastructure 技术基础设施    Planning an Intranet 规划内联网    E-Mail and the Intranet 电子邮件和内联网    Back to Blogging 回到博客    Instant Messaging 即时通信    Extranets and SCM 外联网与供应链管理    Management Implications 管理心得    Summary 小结    Key Terms 关键术语    Test Your Understanding 理解题    Discussion Questions 讨论题    Web Exercises Web练习题   CHAPTER 5 Hosting Your Web Site 托管网站   CHAPTER 6 Mobile Commerce:The Business of Time 移动商务:新时代的业务  PART III E-STRATEGIES AND TACTICS 数字化战略和战术 CHAPTER 7 Building E-Presence 建立网站   CHAPTER 8 Web Site Evaluation and Usability Testing 网站评价和可用性测试   CHAPTER 9 Internet Marketing 因特网营销   CHAPTER 10 Web Portals and Web Services Web门户和Web服务   CHAPTER 11 Business-to-Business E-Commerce 企业对企业电子商务模式   CHAPTER 12 E-Core Values: Ethical, Legal, Taxation, and International Issus 电子化核心价值:道德、法律、税务和国际化问题  PART IV SECURITY THREATS AND PAYMENT SYSTEMS 安全威胁和支付体系 CHAPTER 13 E-Security and the USA Patriot Act 电子安全与美国爱国者法案   CHAPTER 14 Encryption:A Matter of Trust 加密:事关信任   CHAPTER 15 Getting the Money 赚钱  PART V MANAGERIAL AND CUSTOMER-RELATED ISSUES 管理问题和客户相关问题 CHAPTER 16 Going Online 走向在线  References 参考文献  Index 索引


插图:FAKES AND FORGERIES.The availability of the Internet has spawned theonline sale of fake passports,Socia!Security cards,driver’s licenses,college diplomas,birth certificates,and even IDs for police officers and FBI agents.Some of them are soauthentic looking that it takes a real expert to detect the forgery. This new and growingInternet problem accounts for more than 30 percent of all fake ID documents in the United States.There are three levels of fake-ID procurement:Some web sites sell authentic-looking documents in the customer's name. Others sell templates that allow customersto make their own phony documents.The third level is the do-it-yourself counterfeiter.Thomas w.Seitz.who used phony documents to get car loans.currently is serving athree-year state prison term for theR by deception and forgery.CYBER TERRORISM.The September 11.2001,terrorist attacks struck fear inthe heart of America and made us rethink our safety,security,and well-being.Theattacks of Al-Qaeda inspired a newfound sense of vulnerability,demonstrating thatterrorists of all types may be knocking on our door and threatening us.







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