

朱振武 国防工业出版社(图书发行部)(新时代出版社)











  朱振武,教授,博士后。上海市作家协会会员,上海市翻译家协会会员,学术兴趣主要为英美小说美学、英美文学与文化、比较文学和文学翻译。媒体称之为丹·布朗的“御用翻译家”。   专著有《在心理美学的平面上:威廉·福克纳小说创作论》等多部,译著有《御珠奇案》、《魔犬》和《丹·布朗传》等,领衔翻译的著作有《达·芬奇密码》、《数字城堡》、《天使与魔鬼》、《骗局》、《破解(达·芬奇密码)》和《达·芬奇骗局》等近20部,编著作品有《英语夜读15分钟》(四卷本)等多种。专题学术论文四十多篇,散文、诗歌多篇。


第一阶/0011. I Wonder Why Things Are the Way TheyAre/002为何世事皆如此2. A Brother Like That/008哥哥的心愿3. The Sampler/012品尝者4. I Love You,Son/020孩子,我爱你5. A Room of His Own/028他自己的房间6. Dinner for Two/036两个人的晚餐7. To Love and to Be Loved/046爱与被爱8. A Good Heart to Lean On/050善心可依9. A Love without Limits/058爱无界10. The Perfect Picture/066完美的照片11. Love in Bloom/074鲜花中的爱12. Running away/082离家出走13. Friends of the Road/088陌路朋友14. Dream of a Lifetime/096毕生的梦想15. I Want a Wife/106我想要个妻子16. U. U. S Indianapolis--Tragedy at Sea/114“印第安纳波利斯”号——海上悲剧第二阶/1231. A Table Full of Memories/124一张满载记忆的餐桌2. The Personal Qualities of a Teacher/132教师的个性品质3. Companionship of Books/136与书为伴4. Challenges tO a Lasting Relationship/142对永恒爱情的挑战5. The Dreamer/150追梦人6. Business Partners/156生意伙伴7. What Ever Happened tO Chivalry? /164骑士精神安在?8. The Man of Destiny/172主宰世界命运的人9. The Road tO Success/178成功之路10. Let Go of Stress/184抛开压力11. Glories of the Storm/192壮丽的暴风雨12. The Morris Dancers/200跳莫里斯舞的人13. Youth/206青春14. The English Character/210英国人的性格15. Sunday Before the War/218战前星期El16. On Pleasure/2%论快乐17. The Handsome and Deformed Leg/234好腿与瘸腿18. July/242七月第三阶/2511. First Snow/252初雪2. The Age of Thrills/260刺激的时代3. Night/268夜4. Three Days to See(Excerpts I)/272假如给我三天光明(节选一)5. Three Days tO See(ExcerptsⅡ)/282假如给我三天光明(节选二)6. This Was My Mother/292这是我母亲7. How to Avoid Foolish Opinions? /306如何避免愚蠢的见解8. The High-minded Man/316君子9. Sorrows of the Millionaire/324百万富翁的悲哀10. Do as the Americans Do/330如何在美国人乡随俗11. Late Summer/338夏末12. Grand Canyon/344大峡谷13. The Musicians/350音乐家14. Dull London/360乏味的伦敦15. The Colour of Sky/370天空的色彩16. Narcissus:or Self—Love/376那喀索斯——论自恋17. The Enchantment of Creeks/382溪之魅


  In a certain store where they sell plum puddingsI , a number  of these deli-cious articles are laid out in a row during the  Christmas season. Here you may select the one which is most to  your taste, and you are even allowed to sample the various  qualities before coming to a decision.  I have often wondered whether this privilege2 was not imposed  on by peo-ple who had no intention of making a purchase, and one  day when my curiosity drove me to ask this question of the shop  girl, I learned it was indeed the case.  "Now theres one old gentleman, for instance," she told me,  "who comes here almost every week and samples each one of the  puddings, though he never buys anything and I suspect he never  will. I remember him from last year and the year before that too.  Well, let him come if he wants it that bad, say I, and welcome to  it. And whats more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he  can go and get his share. He looks as if he needed it all right,  and I suppose they can afford it. "   每逢圣诞节前后,有一家卖葡萄干布丁的商店会摆出一排美味的布丁。  在这里,你可以根据自己的口味选购,甚至品尝各种布丁,再决定买哪一种  。  我常想会不会有人并不打算买,也乘机来品尝一下呢。有一天,在好奇  心的驱使下,我向女店员提出了这个问题,结果得知确有这种人。  “比如,有一位老人,”她告诉我说,“他几乎每个星期都来尝布丁,  挨个尝遍,可他什么也不买,恐怕将来也不会实。我记得去年、前年他都这  样。不过,我想如果他真的那么需要,就让他来好了,欢迎他来尝。我还希  望有更多的商店能给他这种方便。他看上去确实需要这样,我想那些商店也  偻得起。”






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