

张锦涛 编 国防工业出版社





张锦涛 编  




  本书介绍了美国、英国、爱尔兰、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、印度、南非等主要英语国家的地理概貌、历史变迁、政治制度、经济概况、教育体系、宗教信仰、风俗习惯、国防建设、对外关系等方面的基本知识,旨在扩大学习者知识面,拓展国际视野,加深对主要英语国家思维方式、价值观念、生活方式、军政文化的理解和把握,增强跨文化意识,巩固英语能力,提高人文素养。本书具有以下特点:  第一,内容全面丰富。“全面”体现在两方面,其一,它摆脱以往类似教材以英、美两国概况为核心的传统做法,将五大洲八个主要英语国家概况囊括其中,通过对它们的介绍可进一步了解它们所在地区的基本概貌;其二,教材除介绍英语国家地理、历史、政治、经济、教育、宗教等内容外,还介绍了这些国家的军事和外交,几近涵盖了一个国家的各个方面。  第二,内容新颖、趣味性强、语言通俗易懂。“新颖”在于引用了权威机构发布的大量最新数据和信息。同时,本书还介绍了各国在相关领域最近发生的事件,特别是军事和外交领域的事件,既新颖,又增强了趣味性。  第三,教材各单元正文之后均附有讨论题、术语解释和思考题。讨论题旨在加深对正文的理解,进一步厘清单元内容脉络;术语解释涉及主要事件、历史人物、重要组织或机构、特色城市和地理概念等,旨在加深对所学知识点的理解;思考题要求学习者基于已知信息,对相关问题进行一定的研判,旨在提高分析和评价能力。同时,通过这些练习,对进一步巩固英语应用能力又能够起到积极作用。


本书介绍了美国、英国、爱尔兰、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、印度、南非等主要英语国家的地理概貌、历史变迁、政治制度、经济概况、教育体系、宗教信仰、风俗习惯、国防建设、对外关系等方面的基本知识。 本书既可供英语专业本科生使用,也可作为非英语专业本科生高年级英语的拓展教材,还可用作非英语专业研究生的英语课程教材。


Chapter One The United Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland Unit 1 Land and People Unit 2 The Origins of the Nation Unit 3 The Shaping of the Nation Unit 4 Transition to Modern Age Unit 5 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire Unit 6 Economy Unit 7 Government and Administration., Unit 8 Justice and the Law Unit 9 Cultural Affairs Unit 10 Social Life Unit 11 Military Affairs and Foreign RelationsChapter Two The Republic of Ireland Unit 12 Geography and History Unit 13 Politics, Economy, Demographics and Culture Unit 14 Military Affairs and Foreign RelationsChapter Three The  United States of America Unit 15 Geography Unit 16 Population, Race and Ethnic Groups Unit 17 The Making of the Nation (1600-1900) Unit 18 The Making of the Nation (1900-1945) Unit 19 The Making of the Nation (Post-WW[[ Era) Unit 20 Economy Unit 21 Political Institutions Unit 22 Education and Cultural Affairs Unit 23 Military Affairs and Foreign RelationsChapter Four Canada Unit 24 Geography, History and Economy Unit 25 Government and Politics Unit 26 Society and Culture Unit 27 Military Affairs and Foreign RelationsChapter Five Australia Unit 28 Administrative Divisions andFederal Government Unit 29 The Making of the Nation Unit 30 Economy Unit 31 Education and Culture Unit 32 Military Affairs and Foreign RelationsChapter Six New Zealand Unit 33 Land and People Unit 34 Military Affairs and Foreign RelationsChapter Seven Republic of India Unit 35 Land and People Unit 36 The Making of the Nation Unit 37 Military Affairs and Foreign RelationsChapter Eight The Republic of South Africa Unit 38 Land and People Unit 39 Military Affairs and Foreign Relations


  At the start of Hitlers arrogant expansion in Europe, the Britishgovernment followed a foreign policy of nonintervention or appease-ment. Together with France, it signed the notorious MunichAgreement with Hitler. But Hitler soon went back on his word andattacked Poland which Britain and France were bound by treaty to de-fend. Britain was thus forced to declare war on Germany and the Sec-ond World War broke out in September, 1939. Because of its ap-peasement policy, Britain was ill prepared for war. Its army sufferedrepeated defeats on the European Continent. To deal with the serioussituation, the British reshuffled their Cabinet and Churchill was soonafter appointed Prime Minister of the War Cabinet. The whole nationwas mobilized and industries were centered on war production. Exter-nally, Britain entered into alliance with America, France, Russia andother anti-fascist countries to form a united international front. Aftersix years of fierce fighting with much bloodshed and heavy loss ofwealth, the Second World War came to an end in 1945.  The Second World War ushered in the last stage of the disinte-gration of the British Empire. During World War 1I , Britain sufferedheavy losses with her financial position greatly weakened. On theother hand, most of her colonies had joined in the war and contribu-ted a great deal to the final victory. They had been awakened andtempered by war and a large scale independence movement was on af-ter the war. India, "the brightest jewel in the British Crown" tookthe lead and won independence in 1947. Pakistan followed suit andthen Burma, Egypt and all the other colonies in a quick succession.By the year 1970 Britain had lost all her former colonies except HongKong.




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话说这书是英语特色课老师指定的教材 在众多教材中 老师选这个一定是有原因的 确实不错 基本包括所有英语国家的介绍 各个方面都有介绍到 挺全面的!





