刘继新、 胡彬 国防工业出版社 (2011-04出版)
刘继新,胡彬 著
《航空情报学》以国际民用航空公约附件14、15和8126文件为基础,参考了其他民航院校的航空情报教材,并融合了国际民航航空情报的最新资料及国内航空情报的最新发展编写而成。全书系统、全面、深入地介绍了航空情报专业的基本内容。全书共分为9章,附录部分包括3个方面的内容。通过本书的学习,读者可以比较透彻地了解日常的航空情报工作。 《航空情报学》可作为民航航空情报、空管、签派、飞行专业本科生和交通运输专业研究生的航空情报课程教材。
Chapter 1 Introduction1. Purpose of an Aeronautical Information Service (AIS)2. Responsibilities3. Functions4. Users of Aeronautical Information5. Scope of Information Handled by an AIS6. Organization of an AISChapter 2 Collection of Aeronautical Information1. Domestic Information2. Foreign Information3. Channels of Communication4. Screening and Distribution of Information5. Basic Reference MaterialChapter 3 NOTAM1. Origination2. General Specifications of NOTAM3. Distribution4. SNOWTAMChapter 4 Aeronautical Information Publication (AlP)1. Introduction2. Content of the AlP3. Compilation and Editing4. Specifications for AIP Amendments5. Specifications for AlP Supplements6. Trigger NOTAM7. Notification of Differences in AIPChapter 5 Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC)1. Introduction2. Annual Review and Checklist3. DistributionChapter 6 Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control(AIRAC)1. Information to be Notified by AIRAC2. Regulated System3. Schedule of AIRAC Effective DatesChapter 7 Pre-flight and Post-flight Information1. Provision of Pre-flight Information Service2. Physical Location and Layout of an AIS Unit3. Detailed Information for Each Coverage Zone4. Wall Displays5. Self-briefing and Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIB)6. Post-flight Information7. Telecommunication RequirementsChapter 8 Aerodrome1. General2. Aeronautical Data3. Physical Characteristics4. Obstacle Restriction and Removal5. Visual Aids for Navigation6. Visual Aids for Denoting Obstacles7. Visual Aids for Denoting Restricted Use AreasChapter 9 Glossary1. Definitions2. Abbreviations3. Location Indicators for Domestic Aerodromes4. Airlines Two-Letter, Three-Letter DesignatorsAppendix I NOTAM Code in the NOTAM Qualifier ColumnAppendix lI A Survey of China AISAppendix m ICAOAppendix IV The Integrated Information PackageReferences
版权页:插图:Status within the aviation administrationThe utility of the facilities provided and the effectiveness of the procedures introducedfor civil aviation depend to a large extent on the availability and timely promulgation of accu-rate, relevant information to other services and operators. Thus, qualified staffs in sufficientnumber, suitable accommodation and the necessary equipment are a prerequisite to safe andexpeditious provision of aeronautical information. As with any other aeronautical service, suchas air traffic control and telecommunication, adequate resources are essential to AIS. The aeronautical information handled is mainly of technical nature. It will thereforegreatly assist in the provision of an efficient service if the staff employed in the service is tech-nically qualified. Such a qualified staff is more likely, as a result of its knowledge and experi-ence, to be able to achieve a higher degree of accuracy, completeness and clarity in the infor-mation provided.