






Editorial Board of
Studies on the Chinese Market
Economy Series
Chief Editors:
Gao Shangquan (b. September
1929), native of Shanghai; vice-minister
of State Commission for Restructuring
Economy, 1985-1993; executive vice-
president of Chinese Society of Econom-
ic Restructuring, 1991-1995; president
of China (Hainan) Reform and Devel-
opment Research Institute, 1995. Au-
thor of Economic Structural Reform
in China, Selected Works of Gao
Shangquan, and others.
Chi Fulin (b. August 1951), native
of Penglai, Shandong Province; execu-
tive vice-president of China (Hainan)
Institute for Reform and Development
and vice-president of Chmese Society of
Economic Restructurmg. Author of On
Economic Reform in the Reshaping Peri-
od, and others.
Sun Xiuping (b. 1962), director of
Research Department, China (Hainan)
Reform and Development Research In-
Zhu Huayou (b. 1961), deputy di-
rector of Research Department, China
(Hainan) Reform and Development Re-
search Institute.


Chapter 1
Development of China's Securities Market and the Problems
It Faces
Section 1 China's Securities Market: Development Status
Quo and Problems
Section 2 Retrospect and Policies for Future Development of
the Shanghai Stock Exchange
Section 3 Development of the Shenzhen Stock Market and
Reflections It Provokes
Chapter 2
The Issue Market
Section 1 Problems Encountered by China's Issue Market
Section 2 Comparison of Stock Issue Models
Section 3 Determining the Price of Openly Issued Shares
Scction 4 The Problems of Mutual Funds and Internal
Chapter 3
The Stock Trading Market and Its Regulation
Section 1 Gradation and Distribution of China's Stock Tra'd-
ing Market
Section 2 Supervisory and Administrative System of China's
Stock Trading Market
Section 3 Fight Against Fraudulent Conduct in the Stock
Trading Market
Section 4 The Administration of Stock Market Intermediary
Chapter 4
The Circulation of Public Equity
Section 1 Necessities and Difficulties in the Circulation of
Public Equity
Section 2 Models of Market Circulation for Public Equity
Section 3 Supporting Measures for the Circulation of Public
Chapter 5
Government Roles in the Securities Market
Section 1 Functions of the Government in the Development
of the Securities Market
Section 2 The Government's Policy Choices in the Develop-
ment of Securities Market
Section 3 The Government's Policy Options for Securities
Market Supervision
Section 4 Standardization and Legislation of Securities
Section 5 Bringing into Full Play the Role of the Government
and Improving China's Securities Administrative System
Chapter 6
Internationalization of Securities Markets
Section 1 The Opening of Developing Countries Securities
Markcts to the Outside World
Section 2 The Impact of Foreign Securities Investment and
Internationalization of Emerging Securities Markets
Section 3 Improvement and Perfection of China's B-Shares
Section 4 Obstacles and Countermeasures for Internationali-
zation of China's Securities Market




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