唐元恺 外文出版社 (2008-01出版)
《电视生活365天:英文》内容简介:2008年5月12日,北京时间14点28分。这一瞬间,奥运火炬正在中国东南沿海风景城市厦门兴奋的人群中传递,而更多的中国人,感觉到一阵或强或弱的晃动与眩晕……14点46分,新华社发布第一条快讯:四川省汶川县发生里氏7.8 级地震(后修订为8级)。
Introduction1. China and Television2. Catching the Wave3. TV Drama Series: On and Offstage
插图:At 15:02, the first group of TV journalistsgathered at the Beijing Capital Airport. WhilePremier Wen was on a plane to quake-strickenareas, at the same time Channel One and theNews Channel of CCTV decided to start livebroadcasts on the Wenchuan earthquake. Staffwere immediately divided into several teamsand quickly sent to work on every link for livebroadcasts, while the headquarters were movedto the frontlines.At 15:20, live broadcasts replaced regularprogramming on the two channels, which for24 hours covered only news about the earth-quake. The scenes unfolded one after another:post-quake Wenchuan's catastrophic situation;ongoing rescue work; survivors being inter-viewed; and the latest death tolls and reportsof collapsed schools and hospitals, mountingnumbers people found extremely difficult todigest.