Foreign Languages Press
Peilan Sun
中国是世界上最早发明养蚕、缫丝、织绸的国家。而用彩色丝线在丝织物上绣成图案的刺绣工艺.大约在公元前15世纪的商代就已出现。最早的刺绣工艺主要用于服饰,大约在公元10世纪的宋代,刺绣工艺逐渐向具有观赏性的艺术品方向发展,到明、清(1368—1911年)刺绣艺术成就显著,刺绣工艺形成了不同的艺术流派.苏绣、粤绣、蜀绣、湘绣四大名绣争奇斗艳。苏州地处太湖之滨,盛产蚕桑.中国经济文化重心从五代(907—960年)朝江南转移,“上有天堂,下有苏杭”的说法亦就是五代时期开始流传的。江南文化经济的繁荣促使苏绣技艺有了长足的进步,苏绣艺术独领风骚,影响深远。 今天的苏绣艺术又开创了一个大有作为的新天地。苏绣艺人对传统技艺进行挖掘,加以总结.提高,发展,使苏绣艺术既有优秀传统的文化内涵,又有新时期的时代风貌.苏绣艺术已成为中国工艺美术园地中最富有魅力的工艺品之一。
苏州刺绣中国四大名绣水乡苏州的蚕桑习俗与刺绣 苏绣名人苏绣的针法御制耕织全国之织图
插图:Chinese embroidery originated from the painted cloth art of ancient times. In primitive society, it was customary among Chinese to wear tattoos, which were said to be both for decoration and to help ward off attacks from aquatic animals and beasts during fishing and hunting excursions. In the New Stone Age, people learned to make clothes from fabric to cover their bodies, and began to paint the tattoo designs on their clothes instead. After discovering the painted patterns on the fabrics could not be preserved due to everyday wear and tear, the weather and water, people began to use needles to stitch their clothes with flowery patterns that would last longer. Thus, embroidery was born.In the embroidery of 4,000 years ago, colored silk threads were used to outline patterns, which were then filled in with paint. By the fifth century B.C., colorfully embroidered clothes, quilts, and decorations became part of the fashionable social life of the upper classes.Embroidery is the oldest traditional art involving silk processing, another famed art in China. The silk and silk fabrics which were produced before embroidery became popular provided the base materials and colorful silk threads for the embroidery art. And the silk fabrics embroidered with patterns became even more attractive.