Foot therapy is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine. It contains a number of unique therapeutic methods established and developed over a very long historical period of medical practice by many physicians of successive dynasties. Because the foot is closely linked with the internal organs through meridians, and fixed acupoints and corresponding areas of the internal organs are located on the foot, different stimuli applied to those acupoints and areas on foot can prevent and treat diseases, and improve and preserve health. Foot therapy methods are easy to learn and can cure many diseases, without any harmful side effects.Employing the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine and the modern medical knowledge and rich clinical experience of the authors, this book was written for the enlightenment of foreign readers so that they might understand, learn, and use this wonderful traditional therapy of China.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Foot Therapy I. Origin and Development of Foot Therapy II. Foot Therapy IndicationsChapter 2 Foot Diagnosis I. Reflecting Areas of Internal Organs on Foot II. General Examination III. Physical Examination on FootChapter 3 Foot Meridians and Acupoints I. Foot Meridians II. Foot Acupoints III. Extra Foot AcupointsChapter 4 Foot Acupuncture I. Method of Localizing Foot Acupoints II. Foot Acupoints (FA) III. Principles for Selecting Acupoints IV. Application Methods V. PrecautionsChapter 5 Other Foot Therapies I. Foot Massage II. Foot Acupuncture III. Application of Drugs on Foot IV. Foot BathChapter 6 Treatment of Common Diseases I. Medical Diseases 1. Common cold (influenza) 2. Cough 3. Pulmonary tuberculosis 4. Asthma ……
插图:Indications: Headache, vertigo, psychosis, abdominal distension, constipation, and paralysis of lower limb.Application: The needle is vertically inserted for 1.6-3.3 cm.(2)Chongyang (ST 42):Location: On the dome of foot arch with the dorsal artery pulse of foot and between the tendons of long extensor muscle of big toe and long extensor muscle of other toes.Indications: Deviation of mouth and eye, facial swelling, toothache, psychosis, epilepsy, stomachache and weakness of foot.Application: The needle is vertically inserted for 1-1.6 cm and away from the artery.(3)Xian'gu(ST 43): Location: On the dorsum of foot and in a depression anterior to the junction of 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones.Indications: Edema of face and body, redness, swelling and pain of eyes, abdominal pain with gurgling sound, febrile diseases, and swelling and pain of dorsum of foot.Application: The needle is vertically or obliquely inserted for 1.6-3.3cm.(4) Neitirlg (ST 44): Location: On the dorsum of foot, between the 2nd and 3rd toes and on the dorsoplantar boundary of the web fold.Indications: Toothache, sore throat, deviation of mouth, nasal bleeding, stomachache, regurgitation of sour fluid, abdominal distension, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, febrile diseases, and swelling and pain of dorsum of foot.Application: The needle is vertically or obliquely inserted for 1.6-2.6 cm.
《Foot Therapy for Common Diseases(足疗治百病)(英文版)》:The Chinese ancients found that the pain and discomfort caused by external trauma or disease could be relieved by randomly or purposely applying some stimulation to certain areas of the foot with their hands or some instrument.
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