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Ashcombe Primary School in Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset, has told parents that cards declaring love can be "confusing" for children under the age of 11, who are stillemotionally and socially developing. In his February newsletter, Peter Turner, the head teacher, warned that any cards found in school would be confiscated. He wrote, "We do not wish to see any Valen-tines Day cards in school this year. Some children and parents encourage a lot of talk about boyfriends and girl-friends. We believe that such ideas should wait until chil-dren are mature enough emotionally and socially to un-derstand the responsibility involved in having or being a boy friend or girlfriend." Mr. Turner said any familieswanting to support the Valentines Day concept should send cards in the post or deliver them to home addressesby hand. His views were supported by Ruth Rice, 46, who hastwins Harriet and Olivia, nine, at the school. She said,"Children at that age shouldnt really be thinking aboutValentines Day, they should be concentrating on theirschoolwork. They are at an age when they are easily influenced and most parents including myself are with MrTurner." She added that the cards cause "too much cornpetition. If someone gets a card and another doesn t thensomeone will be disappointed." However, Rajeev Takyar, 40, who runs a localnewsagent, and has two children Jail, 11, and Aryan, five,at the school, said he was "genuinely outraged". He said,"There are schools that have banned conkers (板栗游戏 )and snowballs, and now Valentines Cards. I think ban-ning the cards stops children from having social skills .How are they going to learn about relationships otherwise?It s ridiculous." Alec Suttenwood, founder of the Anti-Political Correctness group, said of the ban, "It s totally ridiculous. Young children just send the cards to each other as friends and to their parents. It s just a bit of harmless fun. There is no difference between this and Mothers or Fa-these Day."
《原创阅读理解完形·写作·听力·每日练+周周测(高1上)》参编名:较北大附中/江苏启东中学/江苏海门中学/扬州中学/湖北华中师大一附中/山东省实验中学/四川成都七中/成都石室中学/四川绵阳中学/重庆外国语学校/河北辛集中学/江西临川一中/西安长安-中等 全国英语特级教师:北京范存智,天津吴守利,重庆唐正华,湖南高利平、张建荣、龚朝阳、刘松,四川张石山、高云霞、陆雅平、陈玉培,江苏刘承群,河北张彦军,安徽张云波,江西廖晓林等18位。 省级英语骨干教师及周报、辅导报功臣奖作者:刘景田,龚源来,杜一飞,陆建华,段永华,昝亚娟,陈金文,蔡银保,王振祥,李作诗,徐勤红,杨奉荣,庞先庆,贾仁起,彭长贵,吴宗平,石海,丁士勇,何高伦,张顺伍,李瑞海,任兴华,崔金玲,曾晓敏,杨树根,蔡建森,刘成,徐卫华,刘心忠,王玉海,赵香萍,卢建立,千大明,陈鹏等40余位。 《原创阅读理解完形·写作·听力·每日练+周周测(高1上)》特色优势——“时文+实名+原创+专顶”全国 “第1套”超强师资编审的权威教辅——18位特级教师、42位骨干教师、12位周报和辅导报“金笔奖”“功臣奖”“十佳作者”获得者倾力打造全国 “第1套”专项“四合一”的品质教辅——阅读理解+完形填空+书面表达+听力训练全国 “第1套”讲练“四合一”的科学教辅——每日练+周周测+专题辅导+专项测试。
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