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  随着改革开放的不断深化,国际交往的日益频繁,新兴产业的涌现和发展,我国对大学生英语应用能力的要求也越来越高,越来越具体。本书为经过英语基础阶段学习的大学生,特别是高职高专学生提高英语应用能力创造了条件。编著本书的目的旨在帮助大学生在学完大学英语课程后,能够顺利地阅读楼宇智能专业书刊以及进行科技英语的写作。本书的编写突出语言实用能力的培养。课文的选材,练习的配备,都围绕智能化楼宇这一行业中的实际运用展开。学生能够通过专业文章的阅读,扩大楼宇智能专业的常用词汇,掌握智能化楼宇中的英语专业术语及基础知识,进一步提高阅读和翻译科技英语资料的能力,并能以英语为工具获取专业所需信息,为将来从事这一领域的工作打下良好的基础。  本书能够为学生提供具有针对性和实用性的学习资料,也填补了国内楼宇智能化专业英语的空白。教材内容编写合理,综合考虑了学生目前学习的实际情况,突出新颖性、专业性和科普性。  本书根据高职专业教学的要求,注重楼宇智能化专业英语知识的应用,参照楼宇智能化专业教学计划所含知识体系组织内容。全书共分9个单元,参考教学时数为60学时。每个单元可用4~6学时教授。课文选材是结合专业知识并兼具各种文件特色的英文资料。内容涉及安全防范、综合布线、办公室自动化等专业知识。每个单元的Text A和Text B的文章均以侧栏的形式给出了相应的词汇注释,在课后对文中的疑难句子进行了分析,并附有与课文内容相关的适量习题以巩固对课文的学习。Text C属于拓展学习部分,是对Text A和Text B的补充,可由教师根据实际情况选择讲授或让学生自学。本书的附录中给出了课文参考译文以及练习题答案。此外,本教材还强调学生的实际应用能力,因此在书中还加入了有关科技英语翻译的相关知识。


本书课文的选材、练习的配备,都围绕智能化楼宇这一行业中的实际运用展开。内容涉及安全防范、综合布线、办公室自动化等专业知识。每个单元Text A和Text B的文章均以侧栏的形式给出了相应的词汇注释,在课后对文中的疑难句子进行了分析,并附有与课文内容相关的适量习题以巩固对课文的学习。Text C属于拓展学习部分,是对Text A和Text B的补充,可由教师根据实际情况,选择讲授或让学生自学。本书的附录中给出了课文参考译文以及练习题答案。此外,本教材还强调学生的实际应用能力,因此在书中还穿插了有关科技英语翻译的相关知识。 教材内容编写合理,综合考虑了学生目前学习的实际情况,突出新颖性、专业性和科普性。 本书适合作为高职高专楼宇智能化及相关专业的教材,是为学生提供的一本具有针对性和实用性的学习资料,同时也可供相关工程技术人员及外语爱好者参考。


Unit One Intelligent Building System Text A Intelligent Building Text B Intelligent Hotel Text C Intelligent CommunityGrammar(Ⅰ)科技英语与专业英语的特点 Unit Two Structured Cabling Text A Structured Cabling System Text B Solutions of Home Structured Cabling System Text C How to Apply the Structured Cabling System in the Smart Home Unit Three Safety & Security System Text A Security System Text B Building Security Text C Measuring and Managing Security RisksGrammar (Ⅱ)专业英语翻译基础知识 Unit Four Fire Protection System Text A Fire Protection Text B Fire Alarm System Text C Fire Sprinkler System Unit Five Office Automation System Text A The Development of Office Automation Text B Office Automation System Text C Automation SystemsGrammar(Ⅲ)词汇和句子的翻译 Unit Six Intelligent Networkl Text A Intelligent Network Mode Text B Intelligent Building Their Own Family Network Decoration Figures Vista Text C Minding Intelligent Buildings:Is Your IT Group Ready? Unit Seven Products Text A Intellectual Products Text B Intelligent Home System Text C Other ProductsGrammar(Ⅳ)定语从句翻译 Unit Eight Typical Program Text A Chinese Meteorology Science and Technology Mansion Construction Intellectualization System,Integrated Proposal Plan(Ⅰ) Text B Chinese Meteorology Science and Technology Mansion Construction Intellectualization System,Integrated Proposal Plan(Ⅱ) Text C The Building Energy-saving Technology Appilcation of Intelligent Project of Beijing Communicaion School Unit Nine Professional English Practical WritingGrammar(Ⅴ)被动语态翻译Appendix Ⅰ Translation of the Text Ⅱ Answer to the Question152Reference


  In building codes, dry pipe systems can only be used in spaces in which the ambient temperature may be cold enough to freeze the water in a wet pipe system,and lead to render the system inoperable. Dry pipe systems are most often used in unheated buildings. Dry pipe systems are the second most common sprinkler system type. Water is not present in the piping until the system operates. The piping is pressurized with air.  Operation  When one or more of the automatic sprinklers is exposed to sufficient heat, it opens, allowing the maintenance air to vent from that sprinkler. Each sprinkler operates individually. As the air pressure in the piping drops, the pressure differential across the dry pipe valve changes,and allow water to enter the piping system. Water flow from sprinklers needed to control the fire is delayed until the air is vented from the sprinklers. For this reason, dry pipe systems are usually not as effective as wet pipe systems in fire control during the initial stages of the fire.  Some view dry pipe sprinklers as advantageous for protection of collections and other water sensitive areas. This perceived benefit is due to a fear that a physically damaged wet pipe system will leak,while dry pipe systems will not.  Pre-Action Systems  Pre-action sprinkler systems are specialized for use in locations where accidental activation is undesired, such as in museums with rare art works, manuscripts, or books; and data centers, for protection of computer equipment from accidental water discharge. The characteristics of the system can be used both dry and wet system, piping is usually no water,and linkage with the alarm system. Once the alarm,it can be pre-filling of water,the nozzle is closed, the system is used in deluge valve. Such systems require high, the advantage is usually no water in the pipes, but it can be sprayed to prevent the misuse or frost crack. Rains sprinkler system





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