

靳慧霞 编 化学工业出版社





靳慧霞 编  






  专业英语练习是高等院校理工科《英语教学大纲》所要求的内容,目的是使本科生在专业内容方面进行英语阅读的系统训练。在这阶段英语学习中,主要是提高学生正确、快速地阅读英语科技文献的能力,初步学会专业英语的写作方法,掌握一定数量的科技词汇及其习惯用法,了解专业英语的特点等,把学生学到的基础英语进行专业化训练。  在这种背景下,编者有了编写一部题材广泛、内容新颖的建筑学专业英语教材的想法。  本教材的主要特点如下:  (1)题材新颖,结构紧凑。本教材共分18个单元,18个主题,各单元知识点自成体系,涉及古典式建筑、现代建筑、绿色建筑、高技术建筑、建筑环境、城市规划、城市设计等内容。  课文均选自英美经典原版建筑学著作和英文原版书刊,题材广泛,内容新颖,紧跟时代,使学习者在学习语言的同时,了解建筑学领域的最新进展。  教材语言规范,措辞友好,富于人性化,图文并茂,注重激发学习者的兴趣和思考。  (2)阶梯阅读,层次递进。每个单元由正文、阅读素材1和阅读素材2三个部分组成,其阅读难度分为简单、中等和较难三个层次,形成难易不同的阅读层次。  (3)词汇丰富,拓展技能。专业词汇的掌握是阅读专业文献的重要基础,词汇的掌握也是今后进一步学习、阅读和写作的基石。因此,本教材每篇课文后配有的词汇表按词汇在文中出现的先后顺序排列,  附录提供了常用建筑学术语1100余条和建筑学常用词汇词组1400余条,作为学生在涉猎课外知识时易于检索、便于自学的助手。  每篇课文后配有课文注释和专项训练,课文注释简明扼要、突出重点,专项训练则注重表达,激发思考。  本书由靳慧霞担任主编,魏健、姜珂担任副主编,参加编写的人员还有范俊杰、靳慧征、周璟璟。  作为一门发展历史较短的新课程,欲确定较为完备的科学的教学体系是较为困难的,其中肯定有许多不尽合理的地方,希望广大读者和同仁给予批评指正!


本教材以建筑的风格和流派为线索,主要介绍了古典式建筑、现代建筑、绿色建筑、高技术建筑、建筑环境、城市规划、城市设计等方面内容。每个单元包括一篇正文和两篇阅读材料,阅读难度分为简单、中等和较高三个层次,形成难易不同的阶梯,以供不同读者根据需求方便地选择;书后附有常用建筑学词汇及常用建筑术语汉英对照,可供读者查阅。 本书为高等院校建筑学、城市规划专业的教材,以及广大建筑学和城市规划爱好者提高修养、丰富相关知识的阅读材料。


Unit 1 Text: Architecture Reading Material 1Architects in Practice Reading Material 2Professional Requirements in English CountriesUnit 2 Text: Classical Order Reading Material 1Roman Arches Reading Material 2Greek Architecture and its Legacy in 20th Century American ArchitectureUnit 3 Text: Gothic Architecture Reading Material 1Rose Window Reading Material 2Gothic DreamerUnit 4 Text:The Triumph of the Baroque Reading Material 1Illusionistic ceiling painting Reading Material 2Rococo StyleUnit 5 Text:Modern Movement Reading Material 1The Bauhaus Reading Material 2Masters of Modern ArchitectureUnit 6 Text:Modern Architecture Reading Material 1Frank Llyod Wright Reading Material 2The derivation of ideas in Twentieth?century Architecture Unit 7 Text: Concrete Resistance:Ando in the Context of Critical Regionalism  Reading Material 1Sverre Fehn  Reading Material 2Prospects for a Critical Regionalism Unit 8 Text:Postmodernism  Reading Material 1Robert Venturi  Reading Material 2Complexity and Contradiction vs.Simplification or Picturesqueness Unit 9 Text:Deconstructivism  Reading Material 1Introduction: Notes Towards a Theory of Architectural Disjunction  Reading Material 2Deconstruction and Architecture: A Brief Critique The Ontology of econstruction Unit 10 Text: Towards a Green Architecture Reading Material 1Examples of Existing Green Buildings Reading Material 2Concepts of DurabilityUnit 11 Text:High?tech Architecture Reading Material 1Architects’ Engineering Reading Material 2Suspending the LimitsUnit 12 Text:Architecture and Chinese Culture Reading Material 1Architecture and Fengshui Reading Material 2History of Ancient Chinese ArchitectureUnit 13 Text:Ornamental Architecture Reading Material 1The Art of Chinese Architecture Reading Material 2Ancient Chinese Architecture:Concrete MusicUnit 14 Text:Chinese Traditional Gardens Reading Material 1Gardens and Confucianism,Taoism and Chan Buddhism Reading Material 2The Design of Chinese GardensUnit 15 Text: Jane Jacobs,a Staunch Advocate of Cities,Dies Reading Material 1The Evolution of Modern Urban Planning Reading Material 2Garden CityUnit 16 Text:Urban Planning and Design Reading Material 1Public Interest Reading Material 2The Significance of Participation in Sustainable Community Unit 17 Text:Architectural Acoustics Ⅰ  Reading Material 1Architectural Acoustics Ⅱ Reading Material 2Acoustic Design of the National Grand Theatre of ChinaUnit 18 Text:Source of Light Reading Material 1Transparent structure Reading Material 2Requirements and Rewards for Good Lighting DesignGLOSSARY建筑学专业术语汉英对照 城市史相关术语 外国古代建筑及构造术语 中国古代建筑及构造术语 中国古典园林史名词 工业与民用建筑术语 绿色建筑与智能建筑术语 建筑设计术语 建筑给水排水设计术语 建筑消防设计术语 建筑照明设计术语 采暖通风设计术语 建筑室内环境术语


  A classical order is one of the ancient styles of building design in the classical tradition, distinguished by their proportions and their characteristic profiles and details, but most quickly recognizable by the type of column and capital employed. Each style also has its proper entablature, consisting of architrave, frieze and cornice. From the sixteenth century onwards, theorists recognized five order.  Ranged in the engraving, from the stockiest and most primitive to the richest and most slender, they are:Tuscan(Roman)and Doric(Greek and Roman, illustrated here in its Roman version); Ionic(Greek version)and Ionic(Roman version); Corinthian(Greek and Roman) and composite(Roman). The ancient and original orders of architecture are no more than three, the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian, which were invented by the Greeks. To these the Romans added two, the Tuscan, which they made simpler than the Doric, and the Composite, which was more ornamental than the Corinthian.The order of a classical building is like the mode or key of classical music. It is established by certain modules like the intervals of music, and it raises certain expectations in an audience attuned to its language. The orders are like the grammar or rhetoric of a written composition.





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