

李树德,毛荣贵,(美)Rosemary Adang 编译 湖北人民出版社





李树德,毛荣贵,(美)Rosemary Adang 编译  




《助你成长》就“教育子女如何成才”这一话题,从美国杂志上浩如烟海的文章中精选出22篇,撰写了导读,翻译成汉语,呈现给读者。如一把把开启智力的钥匙,如一个个通向顶峰的石级,这些文章,将助你攀登,助你成才。  多少学子对出类拔萃的“尖子生”暗羡不已,多少家长节衣缩食,不惜重金为子女择校!读一读Secrets of Straight-A Students(《优等生的成功秘诀》)吧,名校的尖子生的秘诀不“秘”也。——人人可以学到,人人可以做到。比如:Study anywhere——or everywhere(学习不论场合);比如:Get organized(归放学习资料有条理);比如:Schedule your time(安排好时间),等等。如此而已,岂有它哉!如此做法,应了眼下一句时髦话——细节决定成败。


  毛荣贵,上海交通大学教授,翻译博导。曾任《科技英语学习》(月刊)主编10年。1 996年应美国驻华大使James R Sasser(詹姆士?尚慕杰)之邀,伊leading citIzerl(杰出公民)的身份遍访美国并讲学;Rosemary Adang,英语语言文学研究专家。中美教授携手,精选美国当代短文,介绍给中国读者。这些短文反映了美国社会的方方面面,美国人的价值观、人生观、生活观,以及美国人的日常生活,同日寸,也折射了美国当代文学的某些特点。




~2. They are cheering for the Lady Chieftains from Shiprock, adesert town on the Navajo Nation reservation. They are cheeringfor a group of high-school girls who have known few victories inlife, led by a black coach who will not accept defeat. In eight yearsof living with these normally reserved people, Richardson has nev-er seen them so aroused.3. Dressed in simple maroon-and-gray uniforms, the mostlyshort, stocky teen-agers look tense. They are up against KirtlandCentral~~s powerhouses, Lady Broncos, who have won eight statechampionships in a row.4. In the pregame huddle, coach Richardson reminds his team,"We can win this. " He speaks in a calm, serious voice that givesno hint of his Texarkana, Texas, upbringing. "I believe in you.Now you have to believe. " The girls emerge from the huddle shou-ting their coach' s favorite exhortation, "Discipline !"5". As Richardson watches the Lady Chieftains take the court,he senses the nervous hope they share with their fans. This is achance to prove that the Navajo people can achieve anything theyset their hearts on.6. In 1980, Jerry Richardson was hired as a special-educationteacher for Shiprock High School. Then 24, he had just gotten hismaster's degree in physical education from Louisiana Tech. Beforethat, he had gone to Northwestern State University of Louisiana ona track scholarship.7. Visiting Shiprock for the first time, Richardson felt as if hewere in a Third World country: three stoplights, a few broken-down trailers, a couple of convenience stores. Flat, scrubby landstretched for miles, broken only by a large rock shaped like a shipunder sail, for which the town is named.8. Poverty and unemployment chimed almost one of every twoon the reservation. Alcohol and drug abuse were major healthproblems. Many kids in Shiprock had lost close friends or family toalcohol-related fatalities. Richardson heard rumors of what passedfor fun in this bleak area: a game of "chicken. " Kids would getdrunk and dodge traffic, sometimes with fatal results.9. At Shiprock High School, teachers came and left as fre-quently as spring snows on the mesa. On any day, at least 15 per-cent of students were absent. And the dropout rate was twice thestate average.10. When Richardson became the assistant basketball coach,the Lady Chieftains had never won a championship. And no onehad expected them to. He had visions of what the team could be,but he didn't get off to the kind of start he wanted. As he wasdriving to a school game, a truck crossed the median and collidedheadon with his car. Richardson was pinned inside for two hourswith a punctured lung, a broken jaw and multiple bone fractures. 1I. Four months after the accident, he was back on the bas-ketball court. If Jerry Richardson could pull through a near-fatalcar accident without giving up or making excuses, couldn't he fos-ter that same kind of grit in the Lady Chieftains? 12. Three years later, when the head coach quit, Richardsonwas the only one interested in the job. He immediately made chan-ges. The girls and their parents were given contracts to sign. Prac-tices would be three hours a day. Three unexcused absences would get a girl kicked off the team. 13. Instead of waiting for a failed report card to take action, he started weekly grade checks. The players had to act like role mod- els on court and off no drinking, drugs or discourteous behav- ior. Dating was fine, but serious boyfriends were out.14. One thing that bothered Richardson was the girls' seemingpassivity. When he spoke to them, they avoided eye contact. "Tothem, looking an adult in the eye is rude," another teacher ex-plained. "You can't go against their culture. "15. "That's fine at home," the coach answered. "But whatabout off the reservation? People will assume they're submissive ordeceitful. " So Richardson began to teach the girls to look people inthe eye when they weren't on the reservation.16. He was also annoyed by the informal coaching of relatives.Navajo culture places a strong emphasis on family. Outside of coac-hing, that was fine with Richardson. But he resented relative giv-ing advice from the sidelines during a game. "I am their onlycoach," he told players families.17. Richardson was unprepared for the backlash that followed.Parents complained that he was too strict and not sensitive enoughto Navajo culture. Some parents wouldn't speak to him.18. "I respect your culture. " Richardson would reply. "But Iwill not handicap these girls. And I will not expect less of themthan I expect of myself. "19. Once, just before a game, Richardson entered the lockerroom to find 12 adults around a table where one of his players waslying.20. "She's witched," an adult explained, pointing to the teen-ager. "That's why shes not playing well. We have to unwitchher. "21. Richardson called the team out on the floor. "I want allthe girls who believe they re witched to stand to one side," hesaid. "The rest of us are going to play basketball," Suddenly, thegirl who was lying on the table no longer believed she was witched.22. When parents complained that Richardson had no respect.~






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