新思维研究生英语教材基于数据驱动与开放式语料库,基本设定为二个级别:初级(Preliminary,针对基础较弱的学生,如特招生,在职研究生,单考、联考入校生等)、中级(Vantage,针对通过全国研究生英语入学考试的学生,如大部分在校脱产研究生)和高级(Higher,针对有较好英语基础的入学后免修生或有志于参加托福、雅思、GRE等考试的学生)。每个级别包括3本书:听说教程、读写教程、听说教程教师用书,即出版纸质教材共9本。在具备一定的技术支持下,还将陆续出版发行其他衍生产品,如练习册、多媒体教学资源光盘、智能学习软件、流媒体在线学习平台、手机版无线学习软件等。 本套教材初级教程的材料选择难度控制在5000—6000词汇量的范围内,通过此段学习,学生应能达到四、六级水平;中级的词汇量为6 000—8000,通过此段学习,学生应能达到研究生学位的水平;高级的词汇量为8000—10000,通过此段学习,学生可以通过托福、雅思等考试。 本套教材的编写具有横向、纵向两方面的连贯一致性、传承性和系统性,即既在同一级别的听说教程和读写教程之间体现出主题相关、练习相联、相互促进的特点,又使同为听说教程或读写教程但不同级别的3本教材体现出循序渐进的递进性和促进学生语言知识和运用能力逐步提高的特点。这样教材将不只面对高校师生,还可以满足其他各种有意提高自己英语水平的读者。 本套教材的体例和练习设置具有一定的灵活性和实用性。教材内容尽可能既贴近学生的学习、生活、工作,具有一定的时代感和现实性,又结合经典文章,让学生欣赏到历久弥新的具有传承性和共时性的佳作典章。 本套教材的基本体例为:每本教材10-12个单元不等。各个级别的听说教程和读写教程的各个单元的主题一致。读写教程包括三个部分:主课文、辅课文、练习。初级教材的主课文词汇量为800-1000词,辅课文700-900同:中级主课文1200-1500词,辅课文1000-1200词;高级主课文1600—2000词,辅课文1500-1800词。
《新思维研究生英语读写教程(中级)》以数据驱动与开放式语料库为基础,为通过全国研究生英语入学考试的学生或达到此水平的读者而编写,适合于全国各地各种高等学校和科研机构招收的在读全日制硕士研究生。 本教程的词汇量在6000~8000词的范围内,通过此段学习,学生可达到获得研究生学位水平或PETS5左右的水平。 本教程的体例和练习设置具有一定的灵活性和实用性。内容尽可能既贴近学生的学习、生活、工作,具有一定的时代感和现实性,又结合经典文章,让学生欣赏到历久弥新的具有传承性和共时性的佳作典章。 本教程共包括112个单元,每个单元包括三个部分:主课文、辅课文和练习。主课文选词量控制在1200~1500词,辅课文选词量控制在1000~1200词。本教程选材丰富且贴近现实生活。通过阅读和学习本教程,读者不仅会提高自己的英语基础知识水平,在词汇、语法、写作等方面得到很多收获,而且可以极大地丰富自己在各学科各方面的知识,以跨学科、多视角的方式来进行学习和研究,为未来的生活、学习和工作奠定一种具有新思维、新视野的扎实基础。 本教程在每个单元的体例安排中首先突出强调了对学生批判性思维能力的培养,通过要求学生解读与文章内容相关的图片提高其预测推断能力,拓展其思维,并帮助他们掌握和运用相关英语词汇。其次,在文章阅读和讲解中加强对学生阅读技能的培养和训练,提供大量的问题和机会来帮助提高其分析判断和概括总结的能力。再次,每个单元中都安排了与之相关的写作内容,+包括对英语写作技巧和方法的介绍和训练,以及生活、工作中常见应用文体的介绍与实践演练等等,帮助学生提高其英语实用能力。
UNIT 1 FamilyUNIT 2 HappinessUNIT 3 LeadershipUNIT 4 EthicsUNIT 5 Cultural AssimilationUNIT 6 Global CultureUNIT 7 InternetUNIT 8 ComputerUNIT 9 Future TechnologyUNIT 10 Future LifeUNIT 11 DepressionUNIT 12 SuicideVocabulary ListKey to Exercises
The ambivalence of assimilation can cut both ways. Many native-born Americans also seem to harbor mixed feelings about the process. As a nation, the United States increasingly promotes diversity, but there are underlying concerns that the more emphasis there is on the factors that set people apart, the more likely that society will end up divided. With Hispanics, especially Mexicans, accounting for an increasing proportion of US population growth, it is this group, more than any other, that is redefining the melting pot. Hispanics now have overtaken blacks as the largest minority group in Nebraska and will become the biggest minority in the country within the next seven years, according to Census Bureau projections. The nations 29 million Hispanics, the great majority of them from Mexico, have thus become the main focus for questions about how the United States today is assimilating immigrants, or how it is being transformed. In many places, new Hispanic immigrants have tended to cluster in "niche" occupations, live in segregated neighborhoods and worship in separate churches. In this behavior they are much like previous groups of immigrants. But their heavy concentrations in certain parts of the country, their relatively close proximity to their native lands and their sheer numbers give this wave of immigrants an unprecedented potential to change the way the melting pot traditionally has worked. Never before have so many immigrants come from a single country- Mexico——-or from a single linguistic source——Spanish-speaking Latin America. Since 1970, more than half of the estimated 20 million foreign-born people who have settled in the United States, legally and illegally, have been Spanish speakers. Besides sheer numbers, several factors combine to make this influx unprecedented in the history of American immigration. This is the first time that such large numbers of people are immigrating from a contiguous country. And since most have flowed into relatively few states, congregating heavily in the American Southwest, Mexican Americans have the capacity to develop much greater cohesion than previous immigrant groups. Today Hispanics,