新思路大学英语读写译教程 第三册
吴松江 主编
近三十年来,随着教学改革的不断深化,得益于广大第一线教师的不懈努力,我国的大学英语教学取得了十分可喜的成绩,学生的英语语言水平总体有了明显的提高。这是改革开放政策在高等教育战线的体现,是经济建设和社会发展的需要,也是广大师生的热切期望。 但是,应该看到,学习英语是一个持续的、长期的过程,它不仅是知识的积累,更多是能力的培养。大学英语教育是高等教育的一个重要组成部分,它也不同于一般的、为特殊目的举行的实用型培训。不能只凭一时的热情或“疯狂”、借助某种捷径或“灵丹妙药”,就期望把英语学好。只有通过不断的学习和反复的、刻苦的操练,才能掌握真正有实用价值的语言运用能力。 另外,由于全同各类高等院校在培养目标、办学条件、师资力量、学生入学水平等方面存在着较大差异(即使同一院校中不同院系的培养目标和学生入学水平也不完全相同),教学要求不可能整齐划一。各院校完全应该而且可以根据自己的培养目标和学生的实际水平,实事求是地制定自己的教学要求,突出自己的教学重点,切忌盲目攀比,切忌强求一步到位。在教学中要坚持承认差别,允许并且鼓励不同的起点、不同的教材、不同的教学模式,做到准确定位、因材施教。
新思路大学英语遵循语言学习规律而精心设计,以人为本,体现科学发展。其主要特点: ·只设计基础教程、读写译教程和视听说教程;教材体系简约、不厚重,充分体现以学生为中心、以学好英语为根本的理念,是一套为学生减轻负担、为教师减轻压力(“双减”)的大学英语教材。 ·读写译教程选材短小、精悍,具有时代性、可思性和教化性。 ·视听说教程将听说与视频内容紧密结合,强调鲜活的语言和时新材料的选择,确保教材的时代性和生命力。 ·读写译教程与视听说教程之间充分体现了语言共核、主题循环和内在联系。 ·基础教程内容从英语的零起点设计,适合这一层次的学习者使用。 ·读写译教程和视听说教程的考核标准以中学英语新课标规定之七级为起点,以大学英语教学规定之基本要求(四级)为终点。 ·教师用书内容全面细致,方便教学。 ·教材版式设计围绕主题,图文并茂,赏心悦目,符合学习心理和当代阅读习惯。 ·参编专家和学者来自全国10个省、自治区,具有广泛的代表性。
Unit 1 Anecdotes of Famous PersonsUnit 2 Animals and Human BeingsUnit 3 Individual and TeamUnit 4 Finance and Securities Unit 5 Happingess and GratitudeUnit 6 Internet and CrimeUnit 7 Nature and DrimeUnit 8 China and the World
In 1 882 a baby girl caught a fever that was SO fierce she nearly died.She survived but thefever left its mark——she could no longer see or hear.Because she could not hear she also found itvery difficult to speak. So how did this child,blinded and deafened at 1 9 months old,grow up to become a world-famous author and public speaker? The fever cut her off from the outside world,depriving her of sight and sound.It was as ifshe had been thrown into a dark prison cell from which there could be no release. Luckily Helen was not someone who gave up easily.Soon she began to explore the worldby using her other senses.She followed her mother wherever she went,hanging onto her skirts.She touched and smelled everything she came across.She copied their actions and was soon ableto do certain jobs herself,like milking the COWS or kneading dough.She even learnt to recognizepeople by feeling their faces or their clothes.She could also tell where she was in the garden bythe smell of the different plants and the feel of the ground under her feet. By the age of seven she had invented over 60 different signs by which she could talk to herfamily.If she wanted bread,for example,she would pretend to cut a loaf and butter the slices.If she wanted ice cream she would wrap her arnqs around herself and pretend to shiver.