Microsoft Windows 从NT4.0到2000
本书以模块化的章节结构和实用的练习题,系统地讲解了Windows 2000 Professional和Windows 2000 Server的系统支持技能,包括安装、配置和邦联排除等,并指导您顺利通过MCSE 70-222考试。
AboutThis Book Intended Audience Prerequisites Features of This Book Chapter and Appendix Overview Getting Started The Microsoft Certified ProfessionaI Program Technical SupportChapter 1 The Microsott Windows 2000 Plattorm AboutThisChaPter BeforeYouBegin Lesson l: Overview of the Wndows 2000 Platform Introduction to the Wndows 2000 Platform LessonSummary Lesson 2: Wndows 2000 Professional EaseofUse Simplified Management Increased Hardware Support Symmetric Multiprocessing Asymmetric Multiprocessing Enhanced File Management Enhanced Security Features Lesson Summary Lesson 3: Wndows 2000 Server Symmetric Multiprocessing Simplified Management Enhanced File Management and Security Improved Networking and Communications Improved Printing Support Lesson Sununary Lesson 4: Wndows 2000 Advanced Server and Wndows 2000 Datacenter Server Wndows 2000 Advanced Server Wndows 2000 Datacenter Server LessonSummary Review Chapter2 InstalIingWindows2000 AboutThis ChaPter BefOreYOu Begin Lesson l; Preparing to Install Preinstallation Tasks Hardware Requirements Hardware Compatibility List DiskPartitions FileSystems Licensing Domain or WOrkgroup Membership Windows 2000 Upgrade Compatibility Verification Tool Preinstallation Tasks Summary Lesson Summary Lesson 2: Installing Windows 2000 from a CD-ROM The Windows 2000 Setup Program Running the Setup Program Running the Setup Wzard Installing Networking Components Completing the Installation Practice: Installing Windows 2000 from a CD-ROM LessonSummary Lesson 3: Installing Windows 2000 over the Network Preparing for a Network Installation Installing over the Network Modifying the Setup Process Using Wnntexe Modifying the Setup Process Using Wnnt32exe Lesson Summary Lesson 4: Troubleshooting Windows 2000 Setup Resolving Common Problems- SetupLogs Lesson Summary Review ChaPter 3 Configuring the DNS ServiceChaPter 4 Implementing Active DireOtory Directory ServicesChaPter 5 Administerin9 Active Dir6Cory Directory ServicesChaPter 6 Managing besktOp EnvironmentS with Group POlicyChapter 7 Managing SOftWare by Uslng Group Pol\cyChapter 8 Managing FiIe ResourCesChapt6r 9 Configuring Remote AccessChaPter 10 Supporting DHCP and WINSChapter 11 Managing DisksChapter 12 lmpIementing Disaster ProtectionChapt6r 13 Upgrading a NetWork to Windows 2000Chapter 14 Using Remote lnstaIlation ServicesApPendix A Ouestions and AnswersApPendix B Creating Setup Diskslndex
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