Edward Finegan
“西方语言学原版影印系列丛书”是北京大学出版社外语编辑部建立以来的一个新产品,具有重大意义。随着国内高等教育的发展,这几年来本科生、硕士生和博士生的招生名额都扩大了,教材建设再次提上了日程。除组织国内老师自行编写外,从国外直接引进仍不失为一个有效途径。语言学是一门领先科学,因此本丛书的有些内容对其他专业的老师和学生、研究者,甚至业余学习者也有很高参考价值。例如,像有关语料库、认知语言学的著作除外语老师外,计算科学、统计学、认知科学、词典编辑等专业的研究人员和师生也有一读之必要。 北大版“西方语言学原版影印系列丛书”的问世是意料中的事。早在2002年1月北京大学出版社己出版过“西方语言学丛书”,从剑桥大学出版社引进了六卷本《英语语言史》,Robert D.van Valin和Randy J.Lapolla的《句法:结构、意义与功能》,Andres Radford的《最简方案:句法理论与英语结构》共七种,在外语界独树一帜。经过两三年的摸索,经验更丰富了,视野更扩大了。这表现在选题方面语言学和应用语言学并重,这更符合研究生专业目录中有关“语言学和应用语言学”的基本要求。我们的学生既要有理论知识,也要有如何运用有关理论的知识,只有这样,才能将所学的专业知识更好地为国家建设服务。 另一点值得我们考虑的是,全面掌握语言学和应用语言学的专业知识固然是保证教学质量的一个方面,我们还要让高等学校的学生经常站在本学科的前沿,接触本学科的最新成果,掌握本学科的最新动向。这也是保证教材质量,从而保证所培养学生质量的一个重要方面。因此,本丛书既引进有关学科在各时期的经典著作,更注意引进21世纪的新著。长江后浪推前浪,许多经典著作最初也是以新著的形式问世的,其作者的年龄往往属于新生代。因此,时代意识是本系列丛书的一大特征。 为了实现这一目标,本丛书采取灵活的出版发行方式,既可系统成套出版,也可成熟一本,出版一本。这样,只要国外有好的新著出版,北京大学出版社根据该书的质量和国内的需要,及时引进。这在信息爆炸的今天,尤为重要。我们还认为,这套丛书的建设与广大读者的监督和支持是分不开的。
《语言的结构与运用》是一本普遍语言学入门教程,适合我国语言学、应用语言学方向的大学生、研究生及语言学研究研读。本书的主要目标定位于帮助读者认识语言结构和语言在社会交往中的功能。 本书内容包括三部分:一、语言结构;二、语言使用;三、语言变化、语言发展和语言习得。本书虽然是语言学入门的教程,但是,它所提供的信息量非常大,丰富的内容为学生和教师提供了广阔的选择空间。本书的另一特点是语言研究与信息技术结合。本书每章末尾都专门讨论计算机与该章内容相关的内容,除了提供常规的参考书目,还提供了丰富的、带注释的网络资源。本书深入浅出,例证丰富,脉络清晰,覆盖面广。作为语言学入门的书,作者并不只对语言学做具体的介绍,还注重语言学方法的介绍、前沿问题和研究成果的介绍,使学生和读者从系统地接触语言学的时刻起,就能够跟上语言学的最新发展。纵览全书,可以看出这是一本全面系统、信息量大、通俗易懂、注重基础概念、紧跟学科发展前沿的语言学入门教程。想要进入语言学殿堂的读者,一定不会失望。
PrefaceChapter 1 Languages and Linguistics What Do You Think? How the United States Have an Official Language? English-Only,English Plus,Multilingualism What Is Human Language? Theree Faces of a Languatge System Laguage:Mental and Social Signs:Arbitrary and Nonarbitrary Arbitrary Signs epresentational Signs Language-A System of Arbitrary Signs Languages as Patterned Structures Discreteness Duality Speech as Patterned Language Use The Origin of Languages:Babel to Babble Languages and Diaiects What Are Social Dialects? Different Dialects or Different Languages? What Is a Standard Variety? Is There a Right and a Wrong in English Usage? Modes of Linguistic Communication Speaking Writing Signing Do Animals Have Language? How Animals Communicate in Their Natural Environment Can Chimpanzees Learn a Human Language? Did Project Nim Fail? What Is Linguistics? What are the Branches of Linguistics? Computers and Linguistics Summary What Do You Think?Revisited Exercises Especially for Educators and Future Teachers Othes Resources Internet Videos Suggestions for Further Reading Advanced Reading ReferencesChapter 2 Words and Their Parts:Lexicon and MorphologyChapter 3 The Sounds of Languages:PhoneticsChapter 4 Sound Systems of Language:PhonologyChapter 5 The Structure and Function of Phrases and Sentences:SyntaxChapter 6 The Study of Meaning:SemanticsChapter 7 Language Universals and Language TypologyChapter 8 Information Structure and PragmaticsChapter 9 Speech Acts and ConversationChapter 10 Registers and Styles:Language Variation across Situations of UseChapter 11 Language Variation Among Social Groups:DialectsChapter 12 WritingChapter 13 Language Change over Time:Historical LinguisticsChapter 14 Historical Development in EnglishChapter 15 Acquiring First and Second Languages
A SPEClAL WORD TO STUDENTS For hundreds,even thousands,of years,philosophers,rhetoricians,and grammarians have analyzed the uses to which people put language in their everyday lives and the linguistic and social structures supporting those uses.The nineteenth and twentieth centuries proved rich in linguistic insight,as philologists at first and then linguists and cognitive scientists broadened and deepened our understanding of the singularly human trait that is language.In recent decades,as space explorers revised our views of the satellites of Uranus and microbiologists plumbed the recesses of DNA in the Human Genome Project,linguists too have generated a burst of insight into the representation of language in the mind and into the interactions between language use and community social structures.In this book you will uncover a glimpse of language as we now understand it. Despite the impressive pace at which investigators have gained insight into human language,tough questions remain unanswered and many arenas remain unexplored or under explored.Far more remains to be discovered about language than is now known,and all abundance of intellectually exciting and sociauy useful work remains to be achieved by todays college and university students,who are tomorrow’s investigators.Today we understand a good deal more about the structures and functions oflanuages than we knew when you were born.For those of you wanting to contribute to our understanding of the human mind and of human social interaction.rest assured that what is now known will be dwarfed by what is discovered during your life time—and some of you will waa make those discoveries.For those wanting simply to grasp what we now know about language,this book will be equally useful.You are invited to dive m and raise your own questions about language and its role in your life and the lives of peoplea round you. "A stitch in time saves nine"is one of the helpful proverbs I first heard in sch001.and"Look before you leap”was another.One proverb involving language proved false.It said,"Sticks and stones may break my bones,but words will never hurt me"Mostofus learn early in life how powerful a tool language is and how it can be used for good or i11.It can delight and enlighten us,and it can also inflict injury.Pivotal in all human lives,language is as central to your social interactions as it is to your cognitive pursuits.Youll want to learn as much about it as you possibly can.