导读Preface to the second edtionPreface to thefirst editionPrefacetOthe secondprinting1 LANGUAGE UNIVERSALS 1.1 APPROACHES TO LANGUAGE UNIVERSALs 1.1.1 Ttoo major approaches 1.1.2 The data base 1.1.3 Dqrees ofabstracmtss 1.2 CLAUIFICATION OF LANGUAGg UNIVERSALS 1.2.1 Formal and substantive universals 1.2.2 Implicational and non-implicational universals 1.2.3 Absolute universals and tendencies 1.3 EXPLANATIONS FOR LANGUAGE UNIVERSALS 1.3.1 Commongenetic origin 1.3.2 External explanations 1.4 SUMMARY Notes and references2 LANGUAGE TYPOLOGY 2.1 TYPOLOGY AND UNIVERSALS 2.2 TYlPIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS 2.3 MOP.PHOLOGICAL TYPOLOGY 2.4 SOME FURTHER TYPOLOGICAL PARAMETERS Notes and references3 THEORETICAL PREREQUISITES 3.1 SEMANTIC ROLES 3.2 PRAGMATIC ROLES 3.3 GRAMMATICAL RELATIONS 3.4 MORPHOLOGICAL CASES 3.5 ILLUSTRATION:ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN CLAUSE STRUCTURE Notes and references4 WORD ORDER 4.1 WORD ORDBR PARAMETERS 4.2 CORRELATIONS AMONG WORD ORDER PARAMETErs 4.2.1 Greenberg’s correlations 4.2.2 Generalizations of Greenberg's results 4.2.3 Critique ofthegeneralizations 4.3 THE VALUE OF WORD ORDER TYPOLOGY Notes and references5 SUBJECT 5.1 THE PROBLEM 5.2 ON DEFINITIONS AND CATBGPRIES 5.3 ERGATIVITY 5.4 SEMANTIC AND PRAGMATIC FACTORS Notes and references6 CASE MARKING 6.1 THE DISCRIMINATORY FUNCTION OF CASES 6.2 NATURAL INFORMATION FLOW IN THE TRANSITIVE CONSTRUCTION 6.2.1 lnverseforms 6.2.2 Differential marking of A and P 6.3 SUMMARY Notes and references7 RELATIVE CLAUSES8 CAUSATIVE CONSTRUCTIONS9 ANIMACY10 TYPOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS11 CONCLUSIONS AND PROSPECTS
After a period when the frontiers of linguistic research seemed to be concerned primarily with the analysis of English syntax, the last decade has seen a remarkable upsurge of interest in problems of language universals and linguistic typology using data from a wide range of languages. Despite the vast amount of work that has been carried out within this framework, there has been, to date, no general introductory work that has attempted to synthesize the main characteristics of this approach for the student of linguistics, who has had to turn almost from the very beginning to specialist literature on individual topics in article form. This book aims to fill this gap, to provide the advanced undergraduate and graduate student with an overview of the major current approaches to language universals and typology, with illustrations of the successes of this method - and also warnings about some of the dangers. In a field where so much literature has arisen in a relatively short period, this book is necessarily very selective in the range of topics chosen, with preference for going into certain topics in depth rather than giving a superficial overview of the whole field. I have also restricted coverage, for the most part, to recent work on universals and typology, rather than try to give a historical account of earlier work in this area, although earlier work is mentioned, especially to the extent that it has not been subsumed by more recent research. Some of the selectivity necessarily reflects my own biases, towards those areas where I have worked myself or where I feel the most exciting results have been forthcoming. The book is concerned almost entirely with syntactic semantic universals, although on occasion phonological universals are also used as illustrative material. I believe that critical discussion of work in a few areas is more valuable than an unanimated listing, however comprehensive, of claims that have been made about universals and typology.