《学习辅导(第4版)》主要为自修者和初次授课教员而编,因《美英报刊文章选读》(上下册)和《大学英语报刊文选》(非英语专业高年级用书)部分课文相同,所以,《学习辅导》也可供使用这两种教材的上述师生参考之用。 《学习辅导(第4版)》助读分三方面:语言点、习题参考答案和本课需掌握的重点词语。语言点分两部分:I.生词表;Ⅱ.注释。习题参考答案在于加深理解和掌握每课的主要内容。重点词语是学生学习一课后必须掌握与政治、军事、外交、社会、经济、法律、宗教、文教和科技等有关词语,与学生在大学一、二年级打基础时要求掌握的有关词语如byproduct,prolong,steady,prior to,make a comeback等侧重点有所不同。那些词语和课文后的注释(Notes)是复习考试的重点,其中有些词语,读者不但要知道意思,还要能用英语释义或译成汉语,如Foggy:Bottom(美国首都华盛顿-地名,喻美国务院及其模糊不清的政策或声明等),Secretary of State(美国国务卿),Speaker(美国众议院或英国议会下院议长),Spokesman/spokeswoman(发言人),Capitol Hill或the Hill(美国会山荘,喻“国会”),the-State of the Union message(美国国情咨文),Downing Street(No.10)(唐宁街10号,喻英“首相府”、“英国首相”、“英国政府或内阁”)和Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫,喻“英国王室或王宫”)等。 本书有10个附录,其中有外刊课考试的若干说明、标题自我测试和四份考试样题等重要内容。此外,还有一些是读者学习美英报刊的必要参考资料。
《美英报刊导读》(第二版)是周学艺先生于古稀之年对第一版进行重编的一部力作。作者在第二版里尽量将文化背景知识与语言知识相结合。在理论上和系统性上都大大提高一步,对读者在阅读报刊文章时具有启发性和指导性。全书增加了许多新内容,并力图将报刊语言表达法的主要特点与语言的变化和发展规律加以总结。使它成为一本既是报刊阅读的入门书,又是报刊语言研究的一本重要参考书。 《导读》与周先生主编的其他三种报刊文选教材相辅相成;相得益彰。《导读》中有的章节以一些文选课文作阅读理解习题。讲授文选课的教师可视具体情况将《导读》内容充实到课堂教学当中,引导学生在阅读报刊文章时发现,总结报刊语言特点,认识语言演变规律,还可以结合具体语言实际,介绍相关的蕊译技巧。 本书作者是新闻英语研究领域专家。他主编了一套完整的、与时俱进的报刊系列教材和参考书,并列入“普通高等教育‘十一五’国家级规划教材”。应读者要求,作者还在《导读》中特地增加了“编书谈”一节。 《导读》适合大学英语、新闻和涉外专业的高年级学生、研究生使用,也适于青年教师及对英文报刊有兴趣者自修之用。
Lesson One:An American in BeijingLesson Two:Home at LastLesson Three:China Finds Western Ways Bring New WoesLesson Four:Exploding Tourism Eroding China’s RichesLesson Five:The Evolution WarsLesson Six:Elite U.S.schools turn the fight for supremacy into online gameLesson Seven:Is Harvard Worth It?Lesson Eight:The Economy Sucks.But Is It’92 Redux?Lesson Nine:Obama Makes HistoryLesson Ten:The New Dream Isn’t AmericanLesson Eleven:Is America’s new declinism for real?Lesson Twelve:Path of the StormLesson Thirteen:Terrorized by“War on Terror”Lesson Fourteen:Iraq:Who won the war?Lesson Fifteen:Libby Defense Portrays Client as a ScapegoatLesson Sixteen:Stealing a NationLesson Seventeen:HOW‘Soft Power’Got‘Smart’Lesson Eighteen:A Race We Can All WinLesson Nineteen:Why the Monarchy Must StayLesson Twenty:The Coming Conflict in the ArcticLesson Twenty—one:Big Maoist wins could reshape Nepal’s politicsLesson Twenty-two:A Witness from Australia’s “Stolen Generation”Lesson Twenty-three:Colombia crisis is settled,but which side wins? Lesson Twenty-four:Yawns:A generation of the young,rich and frugalLesson Twenty—five:Ahead—of—the—Curve CareersLesson Twenty—six:Nanospheres leave cancer no place to hideLesson Twenty-seven:Kaka:Brazil’s Mr.PerfectLesson Twenty-eight:Doris Lessing Wins Nobel Prize in LiteratureLesson Twenty—nine:He’s just like you and 1Tie,except for the £31bn fortuneLesson Thirty:Bill Gates is retiring,sort of附录I 美国政府Ⅱ 英国政府Ⅲ 美国历任总统一览表IV 英国历任首相一览表V 美英军衔一览表VI 值得注意的几个词缀VII 报刊标题常用词汇VIII 标题自我测试IX 外刊课考试的若干说明X 考试样题参考书目
1. What will happen in the public high school in rural Dover in the late fall? Why do scientists feel horrible about it? Sometime in the late fall, students will be taught intelligent design as the explanation of the origin of life in their biology class. This is a challenge to Darwin's theory which is widely regarded as one of the best-supported ideas in science since it comes from decades of study and objective evidence. Till now Darwin's theory is the only explanation for the rich variety of life forms on Earth, so scientists feel horrible about the teaching of such a pseudoscience. 2. What is President Bush 's attitude towards "intelligent design"? What is the effect of his attitude? President Bush supports the idea of introducing both evolutionism and "intelligent design" in biology class, although he did not show his support for the "intelligent design" itself. ……
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