王小平,葛蕴鲜 主编
本套教材的内容贴近工作岗位,突出岗位情景英语,是一套职场英语教材,具有很强的实用性、仿真性、职业性,其特色体现在以下几个方面: 1.开放性 本套教材在坚持编写理念、原则及体例的前提下,不断增加新的行业或岗位技能英语分册作为教材的延续。 2.国际性 本套教材以国内自编为主,以国外引进为辅,取长补短,浑然一体。目前已从德国引进了某些行业的技能英语教材.还将从德国或他国引进优秀教材经过本土化后奉献给广大师生。 3.职业性 本套教材是由高职院校教师与行业专家针对具体工作岗位、情景过程共同设计编写。同时注重与行业资格证书相结合。 4.任务性 基于完成某岗位工作任务而需要的英语知识和技能是本套教材的由来与初衷。因此,各分册均以任务型练习为主。 5.实用性 本教材注重基础词汇的复习和专业词汇的补充。适合于在校最后一学期的英语教学,着重培养和训练学生初步具有与其日后职业生涯所必需的英语交际能力。 本教材在编写过程中,参考和引用了国内外作者的相关资料,得到了北京大学外语编辑部的倾力奉献,在此,一并向他们表示敬意和感谢。由于本套教材是一种创新和尝试,书中瑕疵必定不少,敬请指正。
Unit 1 The Post Readin9 1 History ofthe Post Readin9 2 Universal Postal UnionUnit 2 Post Utlice Reading l Post Office ofthe Royal Main Readin9 2 Being Your Own PostmanUnit 3 Mail Carrier Readin9 1 Delivering the Mail Readin9 2 Proud to ServeUnit 4 Customer Service Readin9 1 How to Treat Your Customers? Readin9 2 Dealing with Difficult CustomersUnit 5 Philately Readin9 1 Such a Simple Idea—IThe Story of the Postage Stamp…… Readin9 2 The Philatelist’S PassionUnit 6 Direct Marketin9 Readin9 1 Mailshots Readin9 2 A Piece that PopsUnit 7 EMS and Logistics Readin9 1 TNT Express Readin9 2 UPS Supply Chain SolutionsUnit 8 Postal Technology and Equipment Readin9 1 Sorting the Mail Readin9 2 The Challenge ofEmerging TechnologiesUnit 9 Postal Finance and Insurance Readin9 1 Japan Post Bank Readin9 2 How Does Insurance Work?Unit 10 Social Responsibility Readin9 1 Leaving a Green Footprint Readin9 2 Taking Responsibility
7. If you welcome complaints you're able to rectify the problem, then you are contributing towards your Striving for Excellence. 8. You should also realize that sometimes for no apparent reason your customers may feel: Hassled, Upset, Angry and Confused. So you should always think about your customers' feelings. For example, if you must leave them at the counter to go away and gain the information you need, tell them what you are doing and why. Don't leave them guessing. One person's attitude towards a customer can change that customer's opinion of the whole organization. Keep your customers satisfied. Dissatisfaction leads to losing customers and losing customers means less revenue. 9. Finally by asking questions you are able to find out the customers' true needs and not your perceived idea of these needs. Once you have found out their needs then you are able to make suggestions that will help them to gain the service best suited to them. Remember the customer does not like waiting, especially when it is not necessary. You know that sometimes long queues make it impractical to give your customers anything other than fast service, but fast service with a smile can send them away happy. ……