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Crop models and decision tools are increasingly affecting agriculture. Various forms of information technology are being adopted in agriculture as modern technology advances. To review research achievements and identify new directions in crop modeling and decision support, an international symposium on crop modeling and decision support was held in Nanjing, China in April, 2008. The main purposes of this symposium were to exchange the state-of-the art of current modeling and simulation approaches, as well as recent progress on crop models and decision support systems leading to on-farm applications; to explore future directions needed for advancement and potential opportunities for team collaboration. The symposium was successfully held with a grand gathering of about 120 scientists and researchers from more than 20 countries. Over 100 abstracts and 40 papers were presented at the meeting, and selected papers were combined into this book as the symposium proceeding, in addition to some papers submitted for journal publication. Thus, the present book is a main output of the symposium, and should be useful for the scientists, graduate students and management specialists in the areas of crop modeling and decision support. This proceeding book covers cutting-edge results on crop growth modeling, decision support system and model-based information technologies for crop growth prediction and production management. It covers the subjects of crop and soil process modeling, plant architectural modeling, climate change modeling, crop productivity modeling, simulation model development, model-based decision support systems (DSS), applications of crop models and DSS, integration of crop models with other information technologies. We would like to express our gratitude to all the participants for their participations and presentations at the symposium. Great thanks go to the Academic Committee of the symposium for their great efforts and hard work, to Drs Qi Jing and Liang Tang as the secretaries of the symposium, and to Drs Yan Zhu, Yongchao Tian, XiaoJun Liu and Xia Yao for their hard work during the symposium. We also thank the sponsors for their generous supports making the symposium successful.
Modeling Eco-Physiological Processes1 Modeling Time of Seedling Emergence of Spring Wheat H. Wang, H. Cutforth, T. McCaig, G. McLeod, K. Brandt, R. Lemke, T. Goddard, C. Sprout2 Complete Parameterization of Photosynthesis Models-An Example for Barley J. Müller, H. Braune, and W. Diepenbrock3 Studies on Photosynthesis Model of Mini-Cucumber Leaf in Greenhouse Ping-Pin Li, Ji-zhang Wang, Xin Chen, Wei-Hong Liu4 Finding a Suitable CO2 Response Algorithm for Crop Growth Simulation in Germany C. Nendel, K.C. Kersebaum, W. Mirsche, R. Manderscheid, H.J. Weigel and K.O. Wenkel5 Bringing Genetics and Genomics to Crop Simulations: Experiences with Wheat,Sorghum and Common Bean in Solving the GEM-to-P Problem J. W. White6 Establishment of Dynamic Model for the Nutrient Uptake and Development about Tomato in Greenhouse 54Jin-Xiang Chu, Zhong-Fu Sun, Ke-Ming Du, Qian Jia, Shuang Liu7 CANON: A Canonical Composition for Building Plant Shoots From the Bottom Up J. N. G. Hargreaves, G. S. McMaster8 A Quantitative Analysis on Leaf Curvature Characteristics in Rice Liang Tang, Chun-Lin Shi, Yan Zhu, Qi Jing, Wei-Xing Cao9 The Response of Canopy Direction Reflectance Spectrum for the Wheat Vertical Leaf Distributing Chun-Hu Xiao, Shao-Kun Li, Ke-Ru Wang, Yan-Li Lu, Jun-Hua Bai, Rui-Zhi Xie, Shi-Ju Gao, Xiao-Jun Li, and Hai-Zhen Tan10 Modeling Leaf Sheath and Internode Growth Dynamics in Wheat Yan Zhu, Liang Tang, Zi-Hui Tan, Guo-Qing Chen, Wei-Xing Cao11 Modeling Fruit Morphological Formation on Muskmelon Li-Ying Chang, Ming-Han Chi, Dan-Feng Huang12 Shape Modeling of Organs and Structures Generating for Crops Sheng-Lian Lu, Xin-Yu Guo, Chun-Jiang Zhao, Chang-Feng Li13 Modeling Shoot and Root Biomass of Lucerne Crops-New Insights on the Seasonality of Dry Matter Partitioning and Root Maintenance Respiration Edmar I. Teixeira, Derrick J. Moot, Hamish E. Brown, David P. Monks14 A Morphogenetic Crop Model for Sugar-Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) S. Lemaire, F. Maupas, P.H. Cournède, P. de Reffye15 Coupling Process-Based Models and Plant Architectural Models: A Key Issue for Simulating Crop Production P. de Reffye, E. Heuvelink, Yan Guo, Bao-Gang Hu and Bao-Gui Zhang16 A Functional-Structural Plant Model-Theories and Its Applications in Agronomy Meng-Zhen Kang, Paul-Henry Cournède, Amélie Mathieu, Véronique Letort, Rui Qi, Zhi-Gang Zhan17 New Approach for the Study of Source-Sink Dynamics on Maize Rui Qi, Yun-Tao Ma, Bao-Gang Hu, P. de Reffye, Paul-Henry Cournède18 A Review of Research on the Virtual Plants Lin Hu, Guo-Min Zhou, Yun Qiu, Jing-Chao Fan, Jian WangWhole Model Development and Applications19 Concepts and Applications of AquaCrop: The FAO Crop Water Productivity Model P. Steduto, Dirk Raes, Theodore C. Hsiao, Elias Fereres, Lee K. Heng, Terry A. Howell, Steven R. Evett, Basilio A. Rojas-Lara, Hamid J. Farahani, Gabriella Izzi, Theib Y. Oweis, Suhas P. Wani, Jippe Hoogeveen, Sam Geerts20 Simulating Biomass and Grain Yields of Barley and Oat Crops with the Sirius Wheat Model A.L. Fletcher, R.J. Martin, J.M. de Ruiter, P.D. Jamieson, R.F. Zyskowski21 Application of the CERES-Wheat Model to Winter Wheat Yield Forecast in Beijing Xian Wang, Cun-Jun Li, Liang-Yun Liu, Wen-Jiang Huang, Peng-Xin Wang22 Improving the Calibration Process of GreenLab Model on the Cotton Plant Dong Li, Zhi-Gang Zhan, Yan Guo23 Dry Matter Production and Partitioning in Tomato: Evaluation of a General Crop Growth Model Ling-Zhi Li, P.H.B. de Visser, Ya-Ling Li, Hai-Ping Li24 Spatial and Seasonal Simulations of Irrigated Processing Tomato M. Rinaldi, R. Ubaldo, S. Ruggieri25 Development of Feeding Strategies for Cows in Small Scale Dairy Farming Systems in the Highlands of Central Mexico by a Simulation Model and On-Farm Experiments. Phase Ⅰ: Development of a Novel Framework 241Virgilio Ambriz-Vilchis, Julieta G. Estrada-Flores, Martha Hernández-Ortega, María A. Rojas-Gardu?o, Ernesto Sánchez-Vera, Angélica Espinoza-Ortega, Octavio A. Castelán-Ortega26 Development of Feeding Strategies for Cows in Small Scale Dairy Farming Systems in the Highlands of Central Mexico by a Simulation Model and On-Farm Experiments. Phase Ⅱ: On-farm Experiments and Validation of a Simulation Model Virgilio Ambriz-Vilchis, Julieta G. Estrada-Flores, Martha Hernández-Ortega, María de los Angeles Rojas-Gardu?o, Octavio A. Castelán-Ortega27 The Dynamic Model of Crop Growth System under the Multi-Environment External Force Action and Result Simulation Tao Chi, Dan-Feng Huang28 APSIM-Lucerne Validation in the Temperate Climate of New Zealand D. P. Monks, D. J. Moot, H. E. Brown, E. I. Teixeira29 Decision Support System for Greenhouse Environment Control Based on Model Ji-Zhang Wang, Ping-Ping Li, Yong-Guang Hu, Han-Ping Mao30 A Simulation Analysis on Climate Change -Threats or Opportunities for Agriculture S. Asseng, F. Ludwig, S. Milroy, M. I. Travasso31 Spatial Analysis of Soil Water Balance in an Agricultural District of Southern ItalyD. Ventrella, E. D. Giacomo, L. Giglio, M. Castellini, D. Palumbo32 Uncertainty in Multi-Criteria Evaluation Techniques When Used for Land Suitability Analysis K. K. Benke, C. Pelizaro, K. E. Lowell33 Simulation of Spatial Variability of Organic Matter on the Vineyard Area Using the Model of Artificial Neural Networks M. R. Karaman, M. Dursun, O. Karkacier, S. ?ahin34 Integration of a Crop Simulation Model and Remote Sensing Information M. Acutis, M. Rinaldi, F. Mattia, A. Perego35 Research of Maize Leaf Disease Identifying Models Based Image Recognition Yu-Xia Zhao, Ke-Ru Wang, Zhong-Ying Bai, Shao-Kun Li, Rui-Zhi Xie, Shi-Ju Gao36 Spectral Characteristics of Cotton Infected with Verticillium Wilt and Severity Level of Disease Estimated Models Bing Chen, Ke-Ru Wang, Shao-Kun Li, Xue-Yan Sui, Fang-Yong Wang, Jun-Hua Bai