房玉靖 编
“经贸英语”是专为高职高专英语教学所编写的一本综合性教材。本书遵循“高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求”,本着高职教育“实用为主,够用为度”的指导思想,着重培养学生的实际语言应用能力——常见经贸文章的阅读能力及常用经贸文本的翻译和写作能力。 高职高专英语专业的学生最终需要掌握的实用技能包括口头表达能力(听力一口语一口译)和书面表达能力(阅读一写作一翻译)。本书主要针对高职高专学生的特点,以经贸工作的实际需求作为出发点,集阅读、写作和翻译为一体,全方位地训练学生经贸英语的阅读能力和书面表达能力。 针对高职高专教学目标,本教材有以下特点。 1.编排独特,难度适当 每个单元的Bilingual Reading旨在介绍相关的背景知识并激发学生的学习兴趣。考虑到直接阅读专业英语文章对高职高专学生来说有一定难度,但用中文介绍背景知识又对学生学习英语帮助不大,所以本教材采用了双语阅读的形式,这种教学方法已在编者实际教学中进行了实践并收到了良好效果。 教材中的翻译课前练习采用了“改写翻译”的间接翻译形式,也是出于对高职高专学生直接翻译有困难的考虑。练习原文大部分出自本院商务英语专业的学生作业(编者略加改动),其中的翻译错误或不当之处均是学生使用英语过程中会遇到的常见问题。教师在授课时可针对原文与参考译文的差别,循序渐进地引导学生摆脱中式英语,掌握地道的英文表达方法。
本书是专为高职高专英语教学所编写的一本综合性教材,根据高职教育培养“高素质技能型专门人才”的目标,本着高职教育“实用为主、够用为度”的指导思想,针对高职高专学生的特点,以经贸工作的实际需求为出发点,集阅读、写作和翻译为一体,着重培养学生的实际语言应用能力,全方位地训练学生经贸英语的阅读能力和书面表达能力。 本书编排灵活,实用性强。本书适用于高职高专院校商务英语、国际贸易、国际商务等相关专业的学生,也可供从事翻译、外事、外经贸、旅游等涉外人员及有较好基础的英语自学者使用。
Unit 1 China's Eco, nomy Warm-up: Bilingual Reading Text A: China's Development Roadmap Text B: Beefing Up BPO Business English Translation Extended Knowledge: Business English WritingUnit 2 Investment and Technology Transfer Warm-up: Bilingual Reading Text A: Transfer of Technology to Developing Countries Text B: Foreign Investment Hits $2.1! Trillion in 30 Years Business English Translation Extended Knowledge: Business English WritingUnit 3 Banking System Warm-up: Bilingual Reading Text A: Knowledge of Bank Deposit Text B: China to Spend 78% More on Emission Reduction Business English Translation Extended Knowledge: Business English WritingUnit 4 Financial Crisis Warm-up: Bilingual Reading Text A: Foreign Ptrchases of U.S. Debt Rise Text B: ECB, Bank of England Cut Rates to Record Lows Business English Translation Extended Knowledge: Business English WritingUnit 5 Stimulus to Economy Warm-up: Bilingual Reading Text A: What Should Washington Do? Text B: European Leaders Agree to Extra Stimulus Money Business English Translation Extended Knowledge: Business English WritingUnit 6 Global Efforts Ne, eded Warm-up: Bilingual Reading Text A: Crisis Reveals Growing Finance Gaps for Developing Countries Text B: G-20 Leaders Lay out Plan to Restore Growth Business English Translation Extended Knowledge: Business English WritingUnit 7 Entrepreneurship and Employment Warm-up: Bilingual Reading Text A. Entrepreneurship Text B: Unemployment Is Americans' Top Economic Concern Business English Translation Extended Knowledge: Business English WritingUnit 8 A Glance at America's Economic Situation ……Unit 9 Combating CrisisUnit 10 MarketingUnit 11 AdvertesingUnit 12 Human ResourcesUnit 13 E-CommerceUnit 14 Customs DeclarationUnit 15 ContractsUnit 16 LogisticsAppendix Ⅰ Reference & KeyAppendix Ⅱ Commonly-Used Business Terms参考文献
——Deepen business cooperation and promote economic growth.Economic developmentconstitutes an important basis for the resolution of global issues.Given the cu~em financial crisis,it is of particular importance to prevent trade and investment protectionism.We should strengthentrade and investment cooperation between countries in Asia and Europe,implement the ASEMTrade Facilitation Action Plan and Investment Promotion Action Plan,intensify consultation andcoordination and work for early progress in the Doha Round negotiations.To further promotetrade between Asia and Europe,China proposes that we explore the possibility of establishing amultilateral cooperation mechanism for ASEM trade security and facilitation to create enablingconditions for trade growth between the two regions. ——深化经贸合作,促进经济增长。经济发展是解决全球性问题的重要基础。在当前金融危机的形势下,要特别防止贸易和投资保护主义。亚欧国家要加强贸易与投资合作,落实亚欧会议《贸易便利行动计划》和《投资促进计划》;加强磋商与协调,推动多哈回合谈判早日取得积极进展。为进一步促进亚欧贸易发展,中方倡议探讨建立亚欧贸易安全与便利多边合作机制,为亚欧贸易增长创造良好条件。 ——Put people first and pursue sustainable development.We should actively promoteinternational development cooperation,redouble efforts in poverty reduction,provide moreassistance to developing countries within Our regions and strive for the achievement of the UnitedNations Millennium Development Goals on schedule.We should adhere to the principle of“common but differentiated responsibilities,”carry out intemational cooperation on climatechange in keeping with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and its KyotoProtocol,and implement the“Bali Roadmap.”We should strengthen technological cooperation toimprove energy efficiency and conserve energy.We should promote social harmony by upholdingjustice and equity and ensure that the benefits of development are shared by all the people.Inorder to achieve sustainable development of Asian and European cities,China proposes the establishment of an ASEM Eco—City Network to facilitate exchange of experience and promotethe concept of conservation culture.
不过既然是教材就必定有它的亮点之处 我相信我会受益其中的哦