

(美) (埃莉诺·霍奇曼·波特Porter) (E.H.) 清华大学出版社





(美) (埃莉诺·霍奇曼·波特Porter) (E.H.)  




  《波莉安娜》是20世纪最伟大的童话著作之一,是一部关于“快乐”的童话。主人公波莉安娜自幼父母双亡,与姨妈生活在一起。姨妈是个有钱的老姑娘,对波莉安娜的管教非常严格且似乎不近人情,但她为人很正直、心地善良。波莉安娜虽然是个孤儿,可她从未因此抱怨哭泣,反而能在每一个困难面前积极乐观地去发现快乐、享受快乐,她的“高兴游戏”深深地感染了她身边的每一个人,整个小镇也因她的到来焕发出勃勃生机。在波莉安娜的努力下,她的姨妈也终于与恋人冰释前嫌,有情人终成眷属。  《波莉安娜(插图·中文导读英文版)》自出版以来,已被译成世界上几十种文字,曾先后多次被改编成电影、电视剧、话剧、舞台剧。无论作为语言学习的课本,还是作为通俗的文学读本,《波莉安娜(插图·中文导读英文版)》对当代中国的青少年都将产生积极的影响。为了使读者能够了解英文故事概况,进而提高阅读速度和阅读水平,在每章的开始部分增加了中文导读。同时,为了读者更好地理解故事内容,书中加入了大量插图。


  埃莉诺·霍奇曼·波特(Eleanor Hodgeman Porter,1868—1920),美国著名童话作家和小说家。埃莉诺一生共创作了20多部短篇故事和15部小说,《波莉安娜》是其代表作。小说成功塑造了一个家喻户晓的人物——波莉安娜。波莉安娜(Pollyanna),一个整天喜气洋洋、生机勃勃的小姑娘,她的名字甚至被《美语韦伯斯特词典》收录,“Pollyanna”所代表的正是“乐观昂扬得无法抑制,万事万物都能看出好来”的那一类人。


1.波莉小姐2.老汤姆和南希3.波莉安娜来了4.阁楼上的小屋5.游戏6.责任问题7.波莉安娜与惩罚8.波莉安娜去串门9.关于“那个人”10. 给斯诺太太的惊喜11. 介绍吉米12. 面对妇女互助会13. 彭德尔顿森林14. 只是肉冻的问题15. 奇尔顿医生16. 红玫瑰和蕾丝披肩17. “就像一本书”18. 水晶棱柱19. 令人吃惊的事20. 更加吃惊的事21. 一个问题的答案22. 布道和木柴箱23. 一次意外24. 约翰·彭德尔顿25. 一个关于等待的游戏26. 一扇半开的房门27. 两次拜访28. 游戏和玩家29. 透过一扇打开的窗户30. 操盘手吉米31. 新姨夫32. 波莉安娜来信了


  "I don't think I quite understand, Milly. Just what is it that youwant me to tell my niece?" "Yes, that's it; I want you to tell her," answered the girl,feverishly. "Make her see what she's done for us. Of course she'sseen some things, because she's been there, and she's knownmother is different; but I want her to know how different sheis-and me, too. I'm different. I've been trying to play it-the game-a little."  Miss Polly frowned. She would have asked what Milly meantby this "game," but there was no opportunity. Milly was rushing onagain with nervous volubility.  "You know nothing was ever right before-for mother. She was always wanting me different. And, really, I don't know as onecould blame her much-under the circumstances. But now she letsme keep the shades up, and she takes interest in things-how shelooks, and her nightdress, and all that. And she's actually begun toknit little things-reins and baby blankets for fairs and hospitals.And she's so interested, and so glad to think she can do it!-andthat was all Miss Pollyanna's doings, you know, 'cause she toldmother she could be glad she'd got her hands and arms, anyway,and that made mother wonder right away why she didn't dosomething with her hands and arms. And so she began to do something-to knit, you know. And you can't think what a different room it is now, what with the red and blue and yellow worsteds, andthe prisms in the window that she gave her-why, it actually makesyou feel better just to go in there now; and before I used to dread itawfully, it was so dark and gloomy, and mother was so-sounhappy, you know.  "And so we want you to please tell Miss Pollyanna that weunderstand it's all because of her. And please say we're so glad weknow her, that we thought, maybe if she knew it, it would make hera little glad that she knew us. And-and that's all," sighed Milly,rising hurriedly to her feet. "You'll tell her?"  "Why, of course," murmured Miss Polly, wondering just howmuch of this remarkable discourse she could remember to tell.  These visits of John Pendleton and Milly Snow were only thefirst of many; and always there were the messages-the messageswhich were in some ways so curious that they caused Miss Pollymore and more to puzzle over them.  ……




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