1 导言1.1 研究背景1.2 研究目的1.3 本书结构2 中国高等教育的变迁2.1 改革开放前的中国高等教育简要回顾2.2 改革开放以来的社会变迁2.2.1 经济体制改革2.2.2 政治体制改革2.2.3 对外开放2.2.4 价值重构2.3 改革开放与国际环境对中国高等教育的冲击2.4 高等教育投入体制改革与多元化投入政策3 高等教育投入问题的理论基础与尚未解决的问题3.1 世界高等教育经费来源的多元化3.1.1 人力资本理论与高等教育投资主体的多元化3.1.2 成本分担理论与投资主体的划分3.1.3 政策与市场的作用3.2 中国高等教育投入体制变迁的理论基础3.2.1 理论背景3.2.2 中国高等教育投入的多元化体制3.2.3 研究背景及研究问题的复杂性3.2.4 系统的复杂性思考3.3 本书的研究问题4 一种新的方法论4.1 系统思想方法论4.1.1 宏观综合与微观分析相结合4.1.2 定性研究与定量描述相结合4.1.3 系统的演化与复杂性4.2 比较研究方法论4.3 高等教育经济学方法论4.4 一个新的概念模型及其分析框架4.4.1 一个新的概念模型4.4.2 概念模型的分析框架4.4.3 概念模型和分析框架中的术语解释4.5 信息需求4.6 研究方法4.6.1 文档追踪4.6.2 案例研究4.6.3 有设计的采访4.6.4 比较4.7 数据采集4.7.1 案例研究院校的选择4.7.2 多样本分析院校的选择4.7.3 采访对象的选择4.8 数据分析程序4.9 局限性5 多元化投入政策的起源与实施5.1 政策变迁的过程5.2 政策变迁的理论基础5.2.1 高等教育的个人和社会收益与成本分担和补偿5.2.2 高等教育扩张与财政短缺5.3 多元化投入政策的内涵5.4 多元化投入政策的目的5.5 多元化投入政策的实施措施5.5.1 扩大资源5.5.2 提高效益6 案例研究6.1 不同类别高等院校案例分析6.1.1 案例Al6.1.2 案例A6.1.3 案例B6.1.4 案例C6.1.5 案例C2,C3和C6.1.6 不同案例院校的经费来源构成比较6.1.7 案例分析的初步结论6.2 不同类别高等院校多样本分析6.2.1 不同案例院校组的经费来源构成6.2.2 三组案例院校经费来源构成的比较6.2.3 经费来源及其构成的影响因素6.2.4 多样本分析的结论6.3 中国高等教育的经费来源构成6.4 小结7 经费来源构成及其层次性的影响因素分析模型7.1 影响因素的三力综合7.2 均方差与层次性7.2.1 均方差与政府力量的相对性7.2.2 均方差与市场力量的相对性7.2.3 均方差与学术力量的相对性……8 结论与政策建议参考文献附录
Under centralism and the planned economy system, supply-and-demand inhigher education is totally dependent on governmental decision-making. The government takes charge of higher education, invests in higher education, and plans student recruitment as well as arranging jobs for graduates according to the demand for talent of national development objectives. Therefore, the government exerts highly centralized power. It is not only the supply main agent, but also the demand main agent. Thus, it is a state monopolized higher educational supply- and-demand relationship.(Wang, S.1996) As mentioned above, the economic system reform experienced several stages. These include the early growth and build of township and village enterprises, the establishment and growth of special economic zones, the later joint-stock reform of state-owned enterprises, the emergence and development of private enterprises, joint-venture enterprises and the foreign enterprises. The essential feature of these reforms is that enterprises became independent legal entities outside the planned economy, The impact on higher education is that these enterprises have their own right to determine their demand for high-quality labour and can attract talents with high salaries. Since the middle of the 1980s, many university graduates voluntarily gave up their state assigned jobs, and have begun to look for jobs on their own. Therefore, the enterprises become the main demand agent for higher education. Meanwhile, with the development of economic system reform and the formation of the market system, the Chinese economy develops rapidly, and the demand of the labour market for high-quality talents changes the traditional "going to college is a privilege" , into "going to college is not only a means to change personal identity, but also an important way to obtain economic benefits",so as to stimulate personal demand for higher education, and to make individuals the main agent of demand. ……