翻译是从源语到目的语的语码转换过程,因而翻译首先是一种语言现象。语言学作为一门研究语言的科学,在翻译实践以及在对翻译实践的描述、总结和探究中至关重要,甚至可以说是不可或缺的,语言学对于翻译研究的重要性是显而易见。 在历史上,翻译研究逐渐发展成为一个较为系统的学科,可以说始于语言学,并在一定程度上依赖于语言学的研究成果。有关翻译的研究曾经一度是语言学研究中的一个组成部分,或被看成是语言学的一个分支。到了二十世纪中叶,语言学的发展及其对于翻译理论研究的介入,使翻译理论得以摆脱以往点评式、印象式的特点,变得越来越科学、系统。美国的奈达,英国的卡特福德、纽马克,以及加拿大的维内和达贝尔内,都尝试借助语言学的研究成果,对翻译进行学理上的思考和系统的研究,并取得了具有里程碑意义的研究成果。 从二十世纪八十年代后期开始,文化批评和文化研究在西方学术界崛起,并逐渐上升到主要地位,学者们开始从文化角度切入翻译研究,语言学途径的翻译研究因为其“唯科学主义”的嫌疑受到质疑。借用张柏然教授的话说,“翻译的语言学范式给人们带来了理性思维,破除了原来与文学研究范式的神秘性和主观直觉的研究方式,从主观性走向客观性,使翻译研究取得了很大进展。但由于语言学范式使译者过多依赖于语言的规律性,忽视主体的主观能动性,排除言语活动的社会制约性和规定性,从而突出了原文文本的中心性,追求同一性和一致性,最终堕入语言逻各斯中心”。语言学理论在翻译研究中一统天下的地位也受到挑战,翻译研究出现了“文化转向”,语言学途径的翻译研究似乎出现式微的迹象。然而,从前几年开始,文化途径的翻译研究似乎逐渐失去了兴奋点和增长点,人们于是乎又回过头来重新反思翻译问题,有些学者开始探讨“翻译研究的语言学回归”。在编者看来,翻译研究中语言学回归绝不可能是一种简单的回归,历史的洪流不会逆转,翻译研究也绝不能简单地回到语言学途径。 ……
第一章 绪论:语言、语言学与翻译研究导论选文选文一 On Linguistic Aspects of Translation选文二 Translation and Language:A Linguistic Approach to Translation Studies选文三 Linguistics and Translation选文四 翻译的语言学情结选文五 翻译学研究中的语言学模式与方法选文六 试析翻译的语言学研究延伸阅读问题与思考研究实践重新审视现代语言学理论在翻译研究中的作用——比利时“语言与翻译研究国际研讨会”专家访谈录第二章 语言对比与翻译研究导论选文选文一 翻译与对比语言学选文二 Comparative Stylistics of French and English:A Methodology for Translation选文三 Principles of Correspondence选文四 Shifts of Translation选文五 Type,Kind and Individuality of Text: Decision Making in Translation延伸阅读问题与思考研究实践汉语双主句英译初探标语翻译的文本分析和翻译策略——以上海世博会标语的翻译为例第三章 系统功能语言学(SFL)与翻译研究导论选文选文一 M. A.K.Halliday and Translation选文二 J.C.Catford and SFL选文三 Peter Newmark and SFL选文四 Basil Hatim,Ian Mason and SFL选文五 Translation Quality Assessment: Linguistic Description versus Social Evaluation选文六 系统功能语言学路向翻泽研究述评延伸阅读问题与思考研究实践汉英部分语篇衔接手段的差异第四章 文体学与翻译研究导论选文选文一 The Place of Literary Stylistics in the Translation of Fiction选文二 Towards a Methodology for Investigating the Style of a Literary Translator延伸阅读问题与思考研究实践基于语料库的译者风格与翻译策略研究——以《红楼梦》中报道动词及英译为例第五章 语篇分析与翻译研究导论选文选文一 Text Linguistics and Translation选文二 语篇语言学与翻译研究延伸阅读问题与思考研究实践小说翻译的语义连贯重构第六章 语用学/社会语言学与翻译研究导论选文选文一 Pragmatics and Translation选文二 Perlocutionary Equivalence: Marking, Exegesis and Recontextualisation……第七章 心理语言学/认知语言学视域下的翻译研究第八章 语料库语言学与翻译研究参考文献
The first half of the 20th century also saw links established between translation and anthropologically-based linguistics. Through the Empire, English speakers had been broughtinto contact with a world beyond Europe and with speakers of vastly different languages.Through his fieldwork centred on the life of the Trobriand islanders of New Guinea in thesouthwest Pacific, Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942), holder of the first Chair ofAnthropology at the University of Lonclon, was empirically confronted with the limits oftranslation. With no English terms available for concepts crucial to his description of theculture and religion of the islanders, Malinowski was left no choice but to become "[iln thehistory of English linguistics [... ] the first scholar to deal with the systematic use oftranslation in the statement of meaning in ethnographic texts" (Firth, 1968:76). Previouslyundocumented languages also attracted the attention of linguists in the United States, whereinterest focused on the Native American languages. Rapidly facing extinction, these becamethe object of study of such linguists as Franz Boas (1858-1942) and Edward Sapir (1884-1939), both born in Europe and trained in neo-grammarian methodology. The observationsof Sapir, and in turn Benjamin Whorf (1897-1944), found an expression in what hasbecome known as the Sapir/Whorf hypothesis which, with its emphasis on disparity in worldview between speakers of vastly different languages (Whorf, 1956), makes translation anear impossibility in its more extreme, "stronger" interpretation. In its 66weaker" version,on the other hand, it does little more than confirm the experience of every practisingtranslator that languages differ not so much with respect to what it is possible to say in themas to the degree of difficulty with which it can be said. The European heritage of the neogrammarian insistence on rigour in methodology was atthe time reinforced in the USA by the influence of behaviourist, mechanistic psychology onlinguistics, which found its leading exponent in Leonard Bloomfield (1887-1949). With itsstrong emphasis on methodology and concern with the structure of language to the exclusionof meaning, Bloomfield's Language (1933) dominated the study of linguistics during the1930s and 1940s, confining the scope of linguistic analysis of American "structuralists" toonly the structure and rules of the language investigated. Early views on the link between translation and linguistics are found in an often-quotedpaper by the Czech-born American structuralist Roman Jakobson. In "On I,inguistic Aspectsof Translation," Jakobson (1959/2000) points to three different kinds of translation. Whileinterlingual translation entails the transfer of content as well as of form from one language toanother, intralingual translation entails the process of rewording in one and the samelanguage for purposes of clarification. The third kind is intersemiotic translation, which isthe method employed when a written text is transferred to another medium such as film ormusic. Acknowledging the need for the latter two types of translation, Roman Jakobsonpresciently anticipated recently-debated issues and developments in present-day translationstudies. In an article in The Independent of 15 November 2001, Susan Bassnett provoked alively debate with her proposal that, in order to maintain the interest of present-day schoolchildren, Shakespeare is in need of rewording (in other words, intralingual "translation")into modern English. And, as the need for expertise in audio-visual translation rocketsbetween English and other lesser-used European languages for use in film and television,intersemiotic translation is becoming the subject of avid attention. ……