程岚 编
随着普通高中新课程标准实验的稳步推进,各种版本的新课标教材,丰富多彩的教辅资料,在为广大师生提供更为广阔的教学资源的同时,也不可避免地存在着鱼龙混杂的现象。鉴于此,我们组织了近6年高考中为北京市培养出5名状元和一大批尖子学生的中国人民大学附属中学各学科教研组的老师,基于人大附中新课程改革的教学实践和广东省的课改实验及研究成果,依据人教版新课标教材,编写了“普通高中新课程标准实验教科书同步辅导与训练丛书”。 本套丛书经过人大附中数十位特级教师和广东省教育厅教研室专家的严格把关,并且经过人大附中等学校的试用,实践证明,这是一套对教与学更具有针对性的优秀学案,它既能帮助学生掌握课本知识,关注社会,关注生活,拓展视野,提高思维能力,又能帮助教师从多方面检测学生的学习状况。 在编写过程中,本套丛书力求突出以下几方面的特点: 1.重视基础知识每一课的讲解和练习都以基础知识作为主体内容,让学生通过阅读和练习把握考纲要求掌握的基本知识。每课都设有“研学互动”、“状元笔记”、“错题本”等特色栏目,从多角度帮助学生梳理基础知识,揭示出各知识点之间的内在联系。 2.紧扣新课改精神丛书严格按照新课改的要求,注重培养学生对所学知识的实际运用和迁移能力,以政治、经济、社会、科技文化等领域的新形势和新变化作为命题的背景材料,体现新课程改革贴近社会、贴近生活和贴近学生的教学理念。 3.突出重点与难点每一课的重点、难点知识都会在题目中体现出来,帮助学生在练习的过程中进一步对重点、难点知识有所突破和深入理解。 4.体例新颖,实用性强丛书体例由人大附中各学科带头人亲自设计,符合学生学习习惯,极大地提高了学生学习的有效性。丛书练习题的结构设计为一课一练,与教学同步。每个单元都有测试题和答案详解。这种有分有合的练习,使练习的题目与教学内容在每一学时、每一学段都能相对应,这样的练习无论对教师还是对学生都很实用,教师可及时对学生实行检测,学生也可及时发现自己的知识漏洞,实时反馈,实现教与学的统一。
Unit 1 Cultural relicsSection Ⅰ Warming Up and ReadingSection Ⅱ Learning about LanguageSection Ⅲ Using LanguageUnit 2 The Olympic GamesSection Ⅰ Warming Up and ReadingSection Ⅱ Learning about LanguageSection Ⅲ Using LanguageUnit 3 ComputersSection Ⅰ Warming Up and ReadingSection Ⅱ Learning about LanguageSection Ⅲ Using LanguageUnit 4 Wildlife protectionSection Ⅰ Warming Up and ReadingSection Ⅱ Learning about LanguageSection Ⅲ Using LanguageUnit 5 MusicSection Ⅰ Warming Up and ReadingSection Ⅱ Learning about LanguageSection Ⅲ Using Language测试与答案Unit 1 测试Unit 2 测试Unit 3 测试Unit 4 测试Unit 5 测试必修2综合测试测试卷答案与解析正文答案与解析
People often ask me how, as a man, I became so committed to improving the quality of women's lives. It wasn't until aged forty that I realized what had started me down the career path that was to become my passion in life. One morning thirty-seven years ago, I was awak- ened by the passing school bus. I was thirteen years old, living at home with my two younger brothers and our mother, Doris Joy Heavin. She has just passed her fortieth birthday. She was a committed mother of five children and had struggled with emotional and physical problems most of her life. As I awoke to the sound of the passing school bus, my brother Paul came in and told me that I'd better come quickly because mother was badly sick. As I knelt beside her bed, I could feel the absence of warmth. I put my arms around her, first to feel for a sign of life, and then as a final embrace. I took my younger brothers, in my arms and gently told them that our mother was in heaven. Her premature death was unnecessary. The high blood pressure that contributed to the blood clot (血块) that took her life was unnecessary. Rather than medi- cate (施药) the symptoms, she could have dealt with the cause of her high blood pressure. We now know that ex- ercise and proper nutrition will almost always alleviate the cause of high blood pressure and most other chronic diseases. Many years later, while teaching a fitness and weight loss class to a group of women, I realized I was subconsciously (下意识地) searching the crowd for the face of my mother-it was then I realized what had driv- en me all of my life and what my career was't be. Now Curves founded by me and my wife Diane, has become the world's largest fitness company with over 4 million members. ......