《中国民族艺术与文化》从大量种类繁多、形式各异的民间艺术中精选了有主要代表性的中国民族艺术,全面、系统、科学地介绍和讲述了其起源历史、传统文化与艺术特色。本书分16个章节,每个章节围绕一个主题,各个章节后还配有思考题和理解练习。全书融艺术性、审美性和实用性为一体,能提高读者的艺术修养和审美能力,加深对中国民族艺术与文化的认识和理解。 本书不仅适用于高等学校艺术类专业学生和其他学科艺术爱好者的学习用书,而且可以作为外国朋友了解中国民族艺术与文化的很好的读物。 本书为英文版。
Chapter Ⅰ A Brief Introduction to the Music of China's Ethnic MinoritiesⅠ.Folk SongⅡ.Folk InstrumentalⅢ.Folk Singing and DancingⅣ.Folk OperaChapter Ⅱ The Musical Instruments of China's Ethnic MinoritiesⅠ.The Folk Musicallnstruments Of NorthⅡ.The Folk Musical Instruments of Northwest ChinaⅢ.The Folk Musical Instrument in Southwest AreaⅣ.Minority Musical Instrument in Central South and Southeast ChinaChapter Ⅲ Colorful Minority Music of ChinaⅠ.Ancient Naxi MusicⅡ.Folk Songs on GrasslandⅢ.Twelve Muqam and Dolan MusicⅣ.The Dong Grand SongⅤ.Hua'er in Northwest ChinaⅥ.Tibetan Folk MusicⅦ.The Musical Charm of the Yi Ethnic MinorityⅧ.The Flying Songs of the Miao Ethnic MinorityⅨ.Korean BalladsⅩ.The Mountain Tunes of the Zhuang Ethnic GroupⅪ.Folk Songs of Hainan IslandⅫ.The Haba of the Hani Ethnic Group