成应翠 武汉大学出版社 (2010-02出版)
成应翠 编
拉萨概况一、拉萨新城1. 布达拉宫1.1 红宫1.2 白宫2. 药王山二、拉萨老城1. 大昭寺2. 八角街3. 小昭寺三、拉萨西郊1. 哲蚌寺2. 罗布林卡3. 西藏博物馆四、拉萨东郊甘丹寺五、拉萨北郊色拉寺六、拉萨周边1. 楚布寺2. 纳木错3. 藏王墓4. 羊八井地热七、特色民俗1. 民俗1.1 衣1.2 食1.3 住1.4 行2. 礼节和风俗2.1 礼节2.2 禁忌2.3 婚2.4 丧2.5 纺织工艺2.6 雕刻3. 传统节日3.1 藏历新年3.2 传召大法会3.3 酥油灯节3.4 雪顿节参考文献
无论从哪个方向进入拉萨,首先映入眼帘的必定是布达拉宫,朋友们,现在我们已经来到了这座宏伟的宫殿面前,我先给大家简要介绍一下它的基本情况。布达拉宫是世界上海拔最高、规模最大、保存最为完好的古老的城堡式建筑群,是拉萨也是西藏的标志性建筑,是藏族古代建筑的一座丰碑。它不仅是全国第一批重点文物保护单位,也被联合国教科文组织正式列入《世界遗产名录》。布达拉宫高119米,共计13层,涵盖了堡垒、宫殿、寺庙佛堂等建筑形式,以其极高的历史、艺术价值和旷世宝藏闻名于世。布达拉宫坐落在红山上,庞大的建筑群整体依山向上收紧,顶部是结合汉式飞檐和藏式平川建筑特点的辉煌金顶,令布达拉宫在具有强烈精神凝聚力及提升力的同时,又不失稳重。由于依山而建,布达拉宫很好地结合了地势特点,在建筑框架上煞费心思,呈对称结构,整体上浑然一体,气势磅礴,极具空间感和秩序感。单从建筑角度来说,布达拉宫既是皇家宫殿又是堡垒要塞,同时还具有宗教圣地和陵寝的功能。经过历代重建与维修,布达拉宫本身及其周边建筑得以不断整饬,使得该建筑群在形式、功用及美感上形成完美的统一。布达拉宫的神奇还在于它与红山的结合度上,无论傍晚还是清晨,无论从哪个角度看,那种建筑与地势浑然一体、恍若天成的气势都清晰而强烈,深深地震撼着每一位参观者。不少藏族同胞都只是远远地朝着布达拉宫膜拜而不进入。对于心存敬畏并极端虔诚的心灵来说,仅仅是口诵“布达拉”几个字便会被震撼,那种发自内心的崇拜使每个人肃然起敬。No matter which direction you come to Lhasa, you must first see the Potala Palace.Now you are in front of the magnificent palace.First of all, please allow me to give you a brief introduction.The Potala Palace is the best-preservedancient highest building at the elevation in theworld. It is a symbol of architecture in Tibet aswellasamilestone of ancient Tibetanarchitecture. Not only is it listed in the firstgroup of key cultural relic units under nationalprotection, but also is included in The WorldHeritage List by the UNESCO.Consisting of 13 storeys, the Potala Palaceis 119 meters high and includes different building styles such as castles, palaces and temples. It is world-famous for its high value inhistory and art as well as its rare treasures.Located on Red Mountain, the great buildingcomplex follows the terrain of the mountain andthe top is a splendid golden roof combining thecharacteristics of upward eaves in Han-styleconstruction and the plain style of Tibet. With these characteristics, the Potala Palace has astrong spiritual cohesion and is quite solemn.Built along a mountain, the Potala Palace is well matched with the terrainanditssymmetrical framework shows the designer'sintelligence.The whole buildingis well constructed and has great momentum with astrong feeling of space and order. The PotalaPalace is either an imperial palace or a castleand it is also a religion site as well asmausoleum. The palace and the buildingsaround it have been continuously renovated.Thus, the Potala Palace complex keeps a perfectunity of form, function and sense of beauty.The mystery of the Potala Palace also lies on its relationship to Red Mountain.No matter whether it is dusk or morning and no matter from which aspect you see the palace, the unityof the building and the mountain is clear andstrong which amazes every visitor.Many Tibetan people do not enter the palace but just prostrate themselves in worship towards the Potala Palace from a distance. With reverence and faithful hearts, they would be. shocked by just saying the word "Potala". This veneration from the bottom of their hearts calls forth a feeling of profound respect.