张增健 著
The New SchoolmasterPhotographing HistoryJohn F. Kennedy Jr.:What Would He Have Made of His Life?Perfect HarmonyYou Can Win Them AllMy Fathers Gift of MagicA Real Life Miracle: Perfect MatchGift of Life —— Delivered!What Makes a Place a HomeItaly Eyes Concept of Selling Suns EnergyFrank Lloyd Wright and His "Falling Water"Glass: Capturing the Dance of LightGregor Mendel: The Father of Modem GeneticsJames Watson and Francis CrickThe Development of TelevisionWhy a Liberal Arts Major Makes Business SenseAmerican Schools and Minority StudentsBA 85:The Unlucky Journey of a Young Classicist-Cum-ClerkOnline Education: A Virtual BoomComputer LiteracyMen, Women and ComputersCalling HomeCracking Down on Computer CrimeThe Case of the Shaking HandKey to Exercises
Bradys assistants adjusted the reflectors that kept shadows from appearing on the sitters face.Then they brought up the head and body clamps Taking a picture in those days wasntdone in an instant, as it is today. Even with good light, the subject had to stand perfectly still formany :seconds. To. make sureLirtcolns head wouldnt move,they would tighten an iron clamparound the back of his head where it wouldnt show. A second clamp would hold his back. But here was a problem Brady hadnt,encountered before. Lincoln was so tall that theadjustable stand on which the head clamp rested wouldnt reach high enough. They all smiled atthis. Lincoln was used to jokes about his height. He may have told one while an assistant lookedfor a stool to set the head clamp on. The camera was moved forward a bit. The photograph wouldhave to show Lincoln from the knees upward tO keep the stool out of the picture. Perhaps the delay or the false backdrop made Lincoln grow stiff and nervous as the camera wasreadied. The formal setting may have seemed out of place to him. Brady later recalled, "I hadgreat trouble making a natural picture. "