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2004年教育部制定的《大学英语课程教学要求》,明确提出“大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流。”这一要求无疑是为当今的大学英语教学树立了方向标:着力改变以语法、阅读为核心的英语教学传统,而朝着语言技能全面并举的方向倾斜。新大纲推动了英语教学的变革,而教学的实际需求,更催唤着新一代教材的诞生。《新21世纪大学英语》,正是在这一形势下审慎推出的一套力求体现大学英语编写新理念的系列教材。 上世纪90年代后期我们在编写《21世纪大学英语》时,除了强调选材的内容清新、语言生动外,在练习编写和教学过程中更突出听、说、读、写、译诸方面语言技能的培养。与此同时,也开始利用现代化教育技术手段,如课件光盘及学习软件系统等,积极展开以学生为中心的课堂教学活动。现今推出的《新21世纪大学英语》系列教材,以功能意念贯穿始终,充分利用现代计算机技术、网络技术和多媒体教学手段。
Unit 1 College LifeListeningVocabulary and StructureTranslatingReadingWritingUnit 2 Growing Up ListeningVocabulary and StructureTranslatingReadingWritingUnit 3 Radiating Kindness ListeningVocabulary and StructureTranslatingReadingWritingUnit 4 World of WondersListeningVocabulary and StructureTranslatingReadingWritingUnit 5 Silent LanguageListeningVocabulary and StructureTranslatingReadingWritingUnit 6 Sound of MusicListeningVocabulary and StructureTranslatingReadingWritingUnit 7 Life as It IsListeningVocabulary and StructureTranslatingReadingWritingUnit 8 Staying HealthyListeningVocabulary and StructureTranslatingReadingWritingKey
However, somehow over the years, my relationship with my little brother hastaken a complete 180~ turn. Once again, I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but ifI had to guess, it would be my senior year when we both realized that I would be leav-ing home in just a short time. All throughout my senior year, my brother and I reallygot to know one another. It's strange when I look back and consider I lived with mybrother for 17 years before I really got to know him. It's not a happy thought, but it'sone of those things that are better late than never. At graduation, I cried. I thought ofMatt. I thought of all the fights and battles we have had, the mornings we woke up notspeaking to one another, and the time wasted arguing. Then, I thought of all the swimmeets he has been to just to watch me compete, times where he has told me how proudof me he is, and fun times where we would be laughing so hard I'd start to cry. It wasthese things that I would miss when I went to college. ……