

杜金榜 著 杜金榜、 郭万群 复旦大学出版社 (2010-05出版)



杜金榜、 郭万群 复旦大学出版社 (2010-05出版)  


杜金榜 著  




《法律英语基础教程》是复旦大学出版社“21世纪大学实用行业英语系列”之一,该套教材于2009年荣获“华东地区大学出版社第八届优秀教材学术专著二等奖”。本教材由广东外语外贸大学法律语言学博士生导师杜金榜教授审定,编写由法律英语方面的专家和经验丰富的一线高校教师合力完成。它是一本法律英语入门教材,供普通本科院校和水平较高的高职高专院校的法律、英语、国贸等专业师生及其他法律英语爱好者学习使用。嚼编写体例全书共由10个单元组成,内容涉及法学概论、法律体系、程序法、国际法、合同法、公司法、侵权法、知识产权法、环境保护法、刑法等。每单元包含三篇课文,Text A是主课文,用于精读,课文后附有丰富多样的练习;Text B是副课文,用于泛读;Text C是实用性法律英语阅读材料,如案例、法律、法规等。每单元主课文之前是Warming。up,包括Listen & Do,Surf & Learn,Lookup & Write down三项任务。


  《法律英语基础教程》是复旦大学出版社“21世纪大学实用行业英语系列”中的一本,该套教材于2009年荣获“华东地区大学出版社第八届优秀教材学术专著二等奖”。《21世纪大学实用行业英语系列:法律英语基础教程》由广东外语外贸大学法律语言学博士生导师杜金榜教授审定,编写由法律英语方面的专家和经验丰富的一线高校教师合力完成,是法律英语入门教材,供普通本科院校和水平较高的高职高专院校的法律、英语、国贸等专业师生及其他法律英语爱好者学习使用。全书共10个单元。每单元包括Warming-up,Text A,Text B,Text C和Suggested Readings&Activities五部分内容。在编写原则上,从ESP教学实际出发,立足中国法律语境,以学生为中心,突出情境化学习和任务型教学。在教学理念上,坚持“听说领先”的教学原则,以“阅读教学”为突破口,“听说读写译”多能并重,练习和活动任务丰富多样。在材料的选编上,力求选材多样新颖、内容实用、难易适当。在教材体系上,努力打造立体化、数字化、网络化教材体系,包括纸质出版物、CD-ROM光盘和网络化教学服务平台。


Unit 1 Introduction to LawWarming-upText A What Is Law?Text B Sources of LawText C Legal English (I): Its DevelopmentSuggested Readings & ActivitiesUnit 2 Legal SystemsWarming-upText A World Legal SystemsText B China's Legal System in TransitionText C Legal English (II): Its FeaturesSuggested Readings & ActivitiesUnit 3 Procedural LawWarming-upText A Introduction to Procedural LawText B Criminal ProcedureText C Case Study: Clearfield Trust Co. v. United StatesSuggested Readings & ActivitiesUnit 4 International LawWarming-upText A An Overview of International LawText B Historical Review of China's Accession to the WTOText C AgenciesSuggested Readings & ActivitiesUnit 5 Contract LawWarming-upText A Introduction to Contract LawText B Remedies for Breach of ContractText C Sales Agency AgreementSuggested Readings & ActivitiesUnit 6 Corporate LawWarming-upText A Corporate LawText B New Labor Contract Law Changes China's Employment LandscapeText C Guangdong Province Employment Labor Contract(Excerpts)Suggested Readings & ActivitiesUnit 7 Tort Law and Intellectual PropertyWarming-upText A Introduction to Tort LawText B Introduction to Intellectual PropertyText C Case Reading: Dazhong Accuses Baidu of TM InfringementSuggested Readings & ActivitiesUnit 8 Environmental Protection LawWarming-upText A International Environmental LawText B Developing Nations Have Slowed Greenhouse Gas RiseText C Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution and Other Public HazardsSuggested Readings & ActivitiesUnit 9 Legal ProfessionWarming-upText A How to Become a Lawyer in the United StatesText B Barristers in England and WalesText C Lawyers' Practice Licensing in ChinaSuggested Readings & ActivitiesUnit 10 Criminal LawWarming-upText A Criminal LawText B Changes in American Death PenaltyText C Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China(Excerpts)Suggested Readings & ActivitiesReferences


插图:Secondary sources consist of materials that organize, summarize and analyze law. 7 Examples are textbooks, articles, services and encyclopedias. Mainly as summary, analysis, discussion and criticism of law, they are valuable tools for the study of law. Moreover, they can be useful in research as a means to finding other legal material. Secondary sources of law are therefore sought for their own sake and also because they contain information which realizes some of the aims of legal research.One of the obvious advantages of secondary sources of law is that they are a much quicker way of finding the law on the subject than going to primary sources. But a warning is necessary. Secondary sources may be deficient in three ways. 8 First, they will frequently not be up to date, and the older they are the more likely will this be the case. Second, they may not be accurate in their citation or statement of principles in cases or statutes. Consequently it may be necessary to check the accuracy by going to the primary sources of law. Third, their commentary on the law by way of analysis and interpretation may not be comprehensive. So while one will inevitably use secondary sources and obtain the advantages they offer, these limitations must not be overlooked.






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