宋天锡,等 编
《致用英语综合教程》(共四册)是一套新生代英语专业教材,殚力于语言的学能培养,供攻读英语专业的一、二年级大学本科生以及具有相应水平的英语学习者使用,特别荐引于应用型英语专业的教学。 在我国的英语教学改革中,教材的创新本来就显得有些滞后。近几年,英语专业的教学创新与教材编写无论在理论与实践的探讨上、在教学界的关注度上、在学术的活跃度上,以及在教材的更新频度上,又都不够活跃。现有的英语专业教材存在的主要问题是:有些失之于“经院式”,偏重于文学作品或20世纪以前经典作家的作品,与现实生活中真实的、鲜活的语境以及学生未来职场的实际需求相去甚远,致使学生的“书本知识”同“实际技能”不相匹配;有些则失之于凸显教师的“学术权威性”,而忽视了学生的感受,把他们置于完全被动接受的地位,表现为信息量过大、知识点过繁、练习量过多,形成了“满书灌”的问题,使学生眼花缭乱,疲于应付。单元内容大大超过规定学时的负荷,在教学实践中很容易引发“满堂灌”的弊端。针对这些问题,我们对英语专业的教学现状进行了大量调研,对国内外同类教材进行了对比、分析、思辨,认为对英语专业教材进行积极的探索与改革势在必行,于是向社会奉献出此套教科书。 一、编写理念 一套较好的教材应该满足以下条件:选材新而且涵盖面广;知识点的介绍重点突出、模块链接、贴近实用;项目设计以“任务型”为主,陈述简约,突出“实战”;体例力求多样化、趣味性、助推式,这也是本套教材所力求实现的特色。在教材编写的过程中,我们始终把体现学能培养与潜质开发作为编书的核心理念,多方面地帮助学生掌握学习策略、求知方法论、思辨能力、实践动口动手能力、语言应用的创新能力。本教材之所以冠以“致用”二字,志在引导学生“学以习得”和“学以致用”也。英国著名诗人托马斯·莫尔(nlomas Moore)曾说:“One of the greatest Droblems of our time is that many are schooled but few are edLlcated… Education is,not the Diling on of learning,information,data,facts,skills,or abilities——that’s training or instruction-but is rather。making visible what is hidden as a seed.”莫尔的话从一个侧面道出了对教育的本质要求。的确,教育的功能不能局限于灌输具体的知识,核心的问题是要培育“种子”并造就它释放出自己的全部潜能。教材的编著也应该具备这样深邃的认知和多维的视角。 在微观层面,我们力图在教材中既融入语言学的语用学、英汉语对比、认知语言学、二语习得、语块理论里与教学相关的智慧,又吸收交际法、任务型教学、自主学习等理论的精华,让英语教学更有效果。
前言Unit 1 Successful English LearningUnit 2 The Butterfly's StruggleUnit 3 Piano LessonsUnit 4 The American University SystemUnit 5 For Better or For WorseUnit 6 Alienation and the InternetUnit 7 How to Shed Bad Habits and Cultivate Good OnesUnit 8 Secrets of SuccessReviewUnit 9 Companionship of BooksUnit 10 US Presidential Inauguration Seen as Enduring Symbol of DemocracyUnit 11 Reasons for International TradeUnit 12 China's Panda AmbassadorsUnit 13 Environmental Protection Is Not a LuxuryUnit 14 2008 Summer OlympicsUnit 15 Gardening for Strangers in TokyoGlossaryPhrases and ExpressionsReference
Last weekend my wife and I invited our extended family to ourhome to celebrate our daughter's birthday. During the celebration myyoung nephew spent the entire time on my computer playing asimulated war game. My brother-in-law and I were chatting near byand it struck us that in generations past, his son, my nephew, wouldhave been outside playing with his friends. But now the little fellowgoes on line to play his games against his friends in cyberspace. It seems to me that the Internet is a powerful tool that presents anopportunity for the advancement of the acquisition and application ofknowledge. However, based on my personal experience I canunderstand how, as they surf the web some folks might be confrontedwith cognitive overload19. And I can also understand how one mighthave his or her sense of reality distorted in the process. Is the Internet areal place? Depending upon how a "real place" is defined it might very wellbe. At the very least, I believe that when we use the Internet, we areforced to ask fundamental questions about how we pei'ceive the worldabout us —— perhaps another unintended consequence. Some would arguethat the virtual existences Created by some users who debate, shop,travel and have romance on line are in fact not real. While otherswould argue that, since in practical terms, folks are debating,shopping, traveling and having romance, the converse is true. Disaster Risk and the Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management A Comparison between Disaster Risk Classifications in Different Mode Ning Li, Yang Lei, Chunhua Li, Peng Zhang, Yue Shi Assessment on Agricultural Drought Vulnerability and Strategy for Resilience Yanrui Shang, Wenshuang Zhao, Yinjie Wang, Huilian Shang Disaster Risk Assessment at Municipal Level in South Africa: The Need for a Multi-Disciplinary Approach A.J. Jordaan Early Warning System and Shake Map for Deep Vrancea Earthquakes (Romania) and Place of Them in Seismic Risk Management Gheorghe Marmureanu, Constantin Ionescu, Alexandru Marmureanu Earthquake Focus Probing and Earthquake Forecast Dexiu Zhao Impact of Disordered Urban Growth on Alluvial Fans, Geomorphic System and the Catastrophic Floods on the North-Central Venezuelan Coast December of 1999 Maximiliano Bezada Impacts of Rapid Urbanization on River Network and Flood Risk in Shenzhen Region, China Hongjian Zhou, Jing'ai Wang, Peijun Shi, Jing Zheng, Lu Gao, Xueguang Su, YiYuan Integration of Public and Private Sectors for Disaster Reduction in Peru's Action Plan 2007~2011 Luis F. Palomino, Julio Kuroiwa Living Intelligently with Risks——An Application of CBDRM in Mitigating Landslides (A Case Study of Landslides Control Project Supported by Oxfam) Wenguang Ding, Juan Yu, Xiujuan Wang, Jian Liu Long-Period Response Spectra of Chi-Chi Main-Shock Recordings and Design Spectra in Chinese Code GB 50011 Yong Chen, Yanxiang Yu Method of Ultra Long Range Weather Prediction by Solar Eclipse and Earthquake Effect Dexiu Zhao Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Modeling Based on the Seismicity Distribution in the North-China Area Yong Yang, Baoping Shi, Boyan Liu Risk Management——A Practical Tool for Communities and Cities Eric Veulliet, Mag. Helmuth Rieder Risk Mitigation through Measurement of Safety Compliance in Built Environment and Establishment of Vulnerability Atlas Vivek Ogra, Manish Bharadwaj, Aurobindo Ogra Strong Ground Motion Field Forecast for Disaster Risk Reduction in Urban Area Xiaxin Tao, Xiaodan Sun, Haiming Liu, Ping Li The Analysis of Economic Methods Choices for Water Resources Sustainable Development in Songhua River Basin Jing Zhang, Jie Shang The Influences of Disaster Information Dissemination on City Public Disaster Risk Perception: Cases Study in Beijing and Wuzbong Na Li, Dong Ma, Yun Su The Relation between Population Vulnerability Post-earthquake and Preparedness Capability for Emergency Resource Xinyan Wu, Jianhua Gu, Shaoyu Wang Turkey's Disaster Management System and Education for Mitigation Akin Demir Institutional Basic and Policy Designing of Reduction Disaster Risk A Process Protocol for Disaster Management and Reconstruction Fleming Andrew, Lee Angela, Brandon Peter Measures to Reduce Safety Risks of Chinese Coal Mines ……