曾建彬,英语语言文学博士,中国认知语言学会会员,TESOL会员(2001—2002),复旦大学外文学院党委副书记,大学英语研究生教学部主任,United Board访问学者(St.Mary’s College of Maryland,USA,2001—2002)。主要研究领域为认知语言学和英语教学研究。著有《下义关系的认知语义研究》,《英文原著选读》,《研究生综合英语》,《博士生英语》,《21世纪大学新英语读写译教程》;“下义关系中的下义词”,“上下义和上下文”,“基本层次范畴和基本范畴词”,“对原型的认知框架解析”,“体验哲学与合作学习”,An Asian’s View of America,On Course Design of English for Graduate Students等。曾先后获上海市教学成果三等奖(2001),上海市教学成果二等奖(2005),复旦大学研究生教学成果三等奖(2008),CASIO优秀论文奖(2009)等奖励。
Table of ContentsPart One Orientation: Setting the SceneChapter One Introduction and Overview1.1 Historical Survey1.2 Fundamental Concepts1.2.1 Hyponymy and inclusion1.2.2 Sense and concept1.3 Assumption and Approach1.4 Book OrganizationChapter Two Hyponymy: Theoretical Survey2.1 Preliminary Remarks2.2 Literature Review2.2.1 Philosophical investigation2.2.2 Linguistic exploration2.2.3 Anthropological taxonomy2.2.4 Psychological analysis2.2.5 Computer science2.3 Comments2.3.1 Philosophical consideration2.3.2 Cognitive motivation2.3.3 Semantic study2.4 SummaryPart Two Theoretical ExplorationChapter Three Hyponymy: A Cognitive?Semantic Approach3.1 Preliminary Remarks3.2 Taxonomic Perspective3.2.1 Primary and secondary lexemes3.2.2 Cultural factors3.3 Prototypical Perspective3.3.1 A cognitive framework3.3.2 Basic level category and basic level terms3.4 Semantic Perspective3.4.1 A proposed cognitive?semantic approach3.4.2 The advantages of a three?level hyponymy3.5 SummaryChapter Four Hyponymy: A Revised Three?Level Model4.1 Preliminary Remarks4.2 A Revised Model4.3 Advantages of a Revised Model4.3.1 Cognitive reality4.3.2 Explanatory adequacy4.4 Subtypes of Hyponymy4.4.1 Nominal hyponymy4.4.2 Verbal hyponymy4.4.3 Adjectival hyponymy4.5 SummaryPart Three Linguistic Data AnalysisChapter Five Hyponymy: Case Study5.1 Preliminary Remarks5.2 Hyponymy in English and Chinese5.2.1 Hyponymy in English5.2.2 Hyponymy in Chinese5.3 Hyponymy across Languages5.3.1 A cross?linguistic study of hyponymy5.3.1.1 The hyponymy of ‘kan’ The hyponymy of ‘xiao’5.3.2 Lexical Gaps in English and Chinese hyponymy5.3.2.1 Selectional preferences in Chinese and English hyponymy5.3.2.2 The compensating mechanism within and across languages5.4 General Discussion5.5 SummaryChapter Six Hyponymy: From Lexicon to Context6.1 Preliminary Remarks6.2 Lexical Hyponymy6.3 Hyponymy in Phrases6.4 Hyponymy in Sentences6.5 Hyponymy in Discourses6.6 SummaryPart Four Conclusion and PreviewChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 Achievements7.2 Limitations7.3 Direction for Future StudyBibliographyAppendixAfterword