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《研究生英语泛读教程》是“研究生英语系列教程”系列教材之一。本教材是河北工业大学外国语学院联合南开大学、天津财经大学、军事交通学院、长安大学、华北科技学院等高校中具有丰富研究生英语教学经验的教师所编写。它根据我国近年来研究生英语教学特别是工科院校学生的实际情况确定选材内容及编写体系,以期帮助学生真正提高英语阅读水平,开拓他们的知识视野,培养深厚的人文知识底蕴。 本教材具有以下特点: (1)选材广泛兼顾专业取向:《研究生英语泛读教程》共12课,每课包括两篇文章:TextA和Text B,内容涵盖亲情、人物传记、文化、经济、医药以及经典名著节选等范畴。选材多为英语原版文章,语言规范,内容新颖,题材多样,具有可读性、实用性和时代性。所选文章大部分为基础英语阅读,其余部分选材多为专业英语奠定基础:例如,第五课(Lands ofOpportunity)与管理类专业结合,第十二课(Why Can’t He Speak)与化工等专业相联系。这样,研究生在学习英语的同时也巩固了专业知识,达到了实际应用的目的。 (2)开放式关联:TextA和Text B主题紧密关联,文章体裁丰富,角度多样,有助于学生全面深入理解某一主题。每课设置的练习也都尽可能与课文相关,以扩大学生的信息量。 (3)编写形式多样化:本书以提高学生阅读及英语实际应用能力为目的,从而帮助他们循序渐进地掌握英语阅读技能。文章改变了传统的正文在前,单词注释在后的形式,而是采用单词释义边注的方法,以节省读者的时间。导读部分帮助学生做好热身准备;课后名言有助于他们扩展知识,陶冶情操;课后配有针对性强、生动有趣的多样化练习:Text A课后练习包括话题讨论、词汇练习和翻译训练;Text B后设置了理解练习,具体形式为根据对课文的理解判断正误。丰富的教学内容和多样的练习为学生们进行口语和书面表达提供了大量语言素材,也可作为扩充词汇量以及提高翻译技能不可多得的参考资料。
Lesson One Text A The Hidden Side of Happiness Exercises Text B Life without Fear Exercises Lesson Two Text A Dad’S Orange Tree Exercises Text B Mommies Dearest ExercisesLesson Three Text A The Adventures of Tome Sawyer Exercises Text B A Pair of Silk Stockings ExercisesLesson Four Text A The Hobby That Changed Churchill’S Life Exercises Text B Mother Teresa ExercisesLesson Five Text A Lands of Opportunity Exercises Text B rnle World Bank—That Empty—nest Feeling ExercisesLesson Six Text A The End ofthe Road Exercises Text B In Mr.Mortenson’S Orbit ExercisesLesson Seven Text A The Last Leaf Exercises Text B ThFee Hours of Fear and Hope ExercisesLesson Eight Text A ShowMetheWaytoGoHome Exercises Text B Switching Roles Exercises Lesson Nine Text A The Rivals Exercises Text B InMyDay ExercisesLesson TenLesson ElevenLesson TwelveKeys to Exercises
【4】My accident was a strange and very close call.If I had landeddifferently,even by a millimeter in one direction,1 wouldn’t have beeninjured;if I had landed a millimeter the other way,1 wouldn’t be heretoday.I had,at best,a 40 percent chance of surviving my surgery,duringwhich my head was actually reattached to my neck.Also during thesurgery I nearly died as a result of a drug reaction.1 was told 1 wouldnever again move below my shoulders,that 1 would absolutely have nofurther recovery and that my life expectancy at 42 years of age was,atbest,six to seven more years. [51 I dealt with it with my wife Dana at my side,thank God.We justdecided not to buy into the fear that people tried to instill in us.Thisdecision was the most important of a11.How many people are walkingaround today three years after they were told that they only had sixmonths to live?How many of us are doing things now that we were toldthat we could never do?It happens all the time.In 1995,when 1 wasinjured,scientists didn’t yet understand how to regenerate the spinal cord.Recovery in this field was still a mystery.Dana and I figured that ifdoctors didn’t know what could be done,we were not going to accept theirabsolutes.We figured we should look at the glass as being half full andsimply try to go forward.Were we happy about it?No.Did we feeluplifted by this challenge?Absolutely not.Not at all——not for onesecond. 【6】But I,ve learned that it doesn.’t matter.h1 fact,one ofthe keys to goingahead and conquering fear is to ignore your moods.Ignore it when youfeel like you really don’t want to do whatever it is today.Ignore it whenyou feel like you can’t be bothered.Often you start the day feeling bad-feeling like you dont want to do something or you are treading water andgetting nowhere or you can’t ke印going-and the day turns out to beone of the best you’re ever going to have.You have to leave yourself opento possibility.By staying in the moment regardless of how you actuallyfeel,you leave yourself open for surprises,both on a big scale and on alittle scale.That was my first lesson.We decided that 1 would go to arehab center and make the absolute best of it.Why? 【7】Because everyone was saying nothing would happen,and I don’t takekindly to that.1 was given a spinal cord manual that tells you all kinds ofthings that you really don’t want to know.A spinal cord injury affectsevery organ and all the systems ofthe body.It’s not that you’rejust sittingin a chair,paralyzed.Your skin breaks down,your circulation andcardiovascular systems break down and your bone density weakens.