一部文学史是人类从童真走向成熟的发展史,是一个个文学大师用如椽巨笔记载的人类的心灵史,也是承载人类良知与情感反思的思想史。阅读这些传世的文学名著就是在阅读最鲜活生动的历史,就是在与大师们做跨越时空的思想交流与情感交流,它会使一代代的读者获得心灵的滋养与巨大的审美满足。 中国对外翻译出版公司以中外语言学习和中外文化交流为自己的出版方向,向广大读者提供既能提升语言能力,又能滋养心灵的精神大餐是我们的一贯宗旨。尽管随着网络技术和数字出版的发展,读者获得这些作品的途径更加便捷,但是,一本本装帧精美、墨香四溢的图书仍是读书人的最爱。 “熟读唐诗三百首,不会做诗也会吟”,汉语学习如此,外语学习尤其如此。要想彻底学好一种语言,必须有大量的阅读。这不仅可以熟能生巧地掌握其语言技能,也可了解一种语言所承载的独特文化。“中译经典文库·世界文学名著(英语原著版)”便是这样一套必将使读者受益终生的读物。
《小妇人》讲述美国南北战争期间马奇一家的故事。马奇先生远赴战场做了随军牧师,四个女儿和母亲在家里过着清苦的生活。她们坚强乐观,虽贫穷却乐意帮助比她们更需要帮助的邻居;她们充满幻想,希望能过上公主般的生活,而在现实中却依靠自己的努力来面对生活的各种艰难困苦。大女儿梅格生性爱美,对恋爱充满憧憬;二女儿乔独立自主,立志通过自己奋斗成为作家;三女儿贝思是传统的乖乖女,柔弱而惹人怜爱;小女儿艾钟爱绘画。这部小说以家庭生活为描写对象,以家庭成员的感情纠葛为线索,描写了马奇一家的天伦之爱,描写了她们对家庭的眷恋,对爱的忠诚以及对亲情的渴望。虽然四姐妹的理想和命运各不相同,但是她们都具有自强自立的共同特点。在这本书中可以读到初恋的甜蜜和烦恼,感情与理智的差异,理想和现实的距离,贫穷与富有的矛盾。书中描写的种种情感体验和生活经历,是每一个少女走向成熟所要经历的过程;书中提倡的善良、忠诚、无私、慷慨、尊严、宽容、坚韧、勇敢,是人类永远尊崇和追求的美德和信仰。 《小妇人》强调个人尊严和自立自律的重要,富有强烈的感染力,一个多世纪以来影响了一代又一代读者。这部小说自1868年初版以来,多次被搬上银幕,并被译成各种文字,成为世界文学宝库中的经典名作。
奥尔科特(1832-1888),是美国女作家,以写儿童读物闻名,《小妇人》是她最成功的作品。 奥尔科特出生在宾夕法尼亚州的日耳曼敦,但她的一生却是在靠近马萨诸塞州的康科特城度过的,在那里,爱默生和梭罗是她最早的朋友。奥尔科特自小受当作家和教师的父亲的影响。在父亲的熏陶下,她很早就对写作产生了兴趣。不过,她也很早就意识到父亲不切实际,不能维持妻子和四个女儿的生活,因此,她开始为家境而操劳,短期教过书,当过佣人,最后从事写作。内战开始后,她自愿当了护士,在卫生条件很差的医院里染上伤寒,被送回家。此后一直没有康复。她的书信集《医院速写》(1863)的出版使她初露头角。短篇小说开始在《大西洋月刊》上发表。由于家庭经济困难,他写自传体小说《小妇人》(1868-1869)一书,获得成功。1869年,她在日记中写道:“感谢上帝,债务全部付清。”随后,一批以她早年经历为题材的作品相继问世,其中包括《墨守陈规的姑娘》(1870)、《乔大妈的废物袋》(6卷,18721882)、《小男儿》(1871)、《八个表兄妹》(1875)、《乔的男孩们》(1886)。
Part ⅠChapter 1 Playing PilgrimsChapter 2 A Merry ChristmasChapter 3 The Laurence BoyChapter 4 BurdensChapter 5 Being NeighborlyChapter 6 Beth Finds the Palace BeautifulChapter 7 Amys Valley of HumiliationChapter 8 Jo Meets ApollyonChapter 9 Meg Goes to Vanity FairChapter 10 The PC. and P.O.Chapter 11 ExperimentsChapter 12 Camp LaurenceChapter 13 Castles in the AirChapter 14 SecretsChapter 15 A TelegramChapter 16 LettersChapter 17 Little FaithfulChapter 18 Dark DaysChapter 19 Amys WillChapter 20 ConfidentialChapter 21 Laurie Makes Mischief, and Jo Makes PeaceChapter 22 Pleasant MeadowsChapter 23 Aunt March Settles the QuestionPart ⅡChapter 24 GossipChapter 25 The First WeddingChapter 26 Artistic AttemptsChapter 27 Literary LessonsChapter 28 Domestic ExperiencesChapter 29 CallsChapter 30 ConsequencesChapter 31 Our Foreign CorrespondentChapter 32 Tender TroublesChapter 33 Jos JournalChapter 34 A FriendChapter 35 HeartacheChapter 36 Beths SecretChapter 37 New ImpressionsChapter 38 On the ShelfChapter 39 Lazy LaurenceChapter 40 The Valley of the ShadowChapter 41 Learning to ForgetChapter 42 All AloneChapter 43 SurprisesChapter 44 My Lord and LadyChapter 45 Daisyand DemiChapter 46 Under the UmbrellaChapter 47 Harvest Time
Jo happened to suit Aunt March, who was lame, and needed an active person to wait upon her. The childless old lady had offered to adopt one of the girls when the troubles came, and was much offended because her offer was declined. Other friends told the Marches that they had lost all chance of being remembered in the rich old ladys will; but the unworldly Marches only said: "We cant give up our girls for a dozen fortunes. Rich or poor, we will keep together and be happy in one another." The old lady wouldnt speak to them for a time, but, happening to meet Jo at at a friends, something in her comical face and blunt manners struck the old ladys fancy, and she proposed to take her for a companion. This did not suit Jo at all; but she accepted the place since nothing better appeared, and, to everyones surprise, got on remarkably well with her irascible relative. There was an occasional tempest, and once Jo had marched home, declaring she couldnt bear it any longer; but Aunt March always cleared up quickly, and sent for her back again with such urgency that she could not refuse, for in her heart she rather liked the peppery old lady. I suspect that the real attraction was a large library of fine books, which was left to dust and spiders since Uncle March died. Jo remembered the kind old gentleman, who used to let her build railroads and bridges with his big dictionaries, tell her stories about the queer pictures in his Latin books, and buy her cards of gingerbread whenever he met her in the street. The dim, dusty room, with the busts staring down from the tall bookcases, the cozy chairs, the globes, and, best of all, the wilderness of books, in which she could wander where she liked, made the library a region of bliss to her. The moment Aunt March took her nap or was busy with company Jo hurried to this quiet place, and curling herself up in the easy chair, devoured poetry, romance, history, travels, and pictures, like a regular bookworm. But, like all happiness, it did not last long;