随着我国对外开放日益深入和全球图书馆事业的发展,国际间以及内地与香港、澳门之间图书馆的交流日益增多,对图书馆工作人员的英语交流能力提出了较为普遍的要求。然而,由于图书情报专业教育机构将教学拓展到信息管理更广阔的领域,一定程度上影响了图书馆学专业的教学深度,致使近年来开设图书馆学专业英语课程的学校越来越少。在一些大力推广双语教学的高校的课程表中,鲜有图书馆学课程囊括其中。 从图书馆管理、服务和工作人员的成长需求看,近年来,图书馆工作人员的学科专业背景日益多元化。与此同时,为适应并满足读者的多层次需求,图书馆不断推出改革举措,进行业务重组与服务创新,导致工作岗位分工细化和交叉综合并存,工作节奏加快,压力增大。在此背景下,对新人馆工作人员的专业培训和老馆员的继续教育产生了紧迫的需求。如何让来自不同教育机构、学科背景与发展需求各异的图书馆员在紧张、琐细、繁杂的工作中不迷失方向,成为秉承图书馆精神、充满主动创造性、推动图书馆事业可持续发展的生力军,这是许多图书馆管理者面临的重要问题。 为了完成本人供职的清华大学图书馆的馆员业务培训工作,笔者曾花大量时间寻找适宜的教材与读物,但一直未能如愿。是国家图书馆出版社图书馆学编辑室主任金丽萍女士的建议和信任,使自己决定利用业余时间编写这本专业英语阅读资料,以微薄之力做弥补上述缺憾的尝试。 在信息超载的今天,借助网络和传统出版物可以看到专业领域的大量英语论著和各类信息。在有限的篇幅中,采用何种结构、方法,选择哪些资料编著这本专业英语阅读资料,是笔者面临的最大挑战。经过反复斟酌比较,最终决定采用面向实际应用的框架,将全书分为两大部分。第一部分收录作者摘编和撰写的22篇英语短文与买用资料,以图书馆学经典文献或论著片断奠基,穿插图书馆学研究与实践领域有影响人物的介绍,辅以笔者的评述和专业领域最新的发展动态,并将它们按照业务领域和主题相关度编排组织为7个单元。每个单元收录3-4篇英语短文。每篇英语短文包括标题(Title)、内容(Context)、注释(Notes to the Text)和拓展阅读(Further Readings)。注释用于说明作者、选文出处和专业术语等,拓展阅读部分列出与正文相关的推荐阅读资料线索。
Part One Unit One: Overview of Library 1.1 What is library and what would it be? 1.2 Five laws of Library Science 1.3 Hear the other side Unit Two: Library Profession and Librarian 2.1 General description of library work 2.2 Librarian as one of the best careers 2.3 The qualifications and employment of librarian Unit Three: Development and Maintain of Collection 3.1 Selecting Books 3.2 Buying Books 3.3 Record of collection Unit Four: Resource Description and Organization 4.1 Classifying and marking books 4.2 Cataloging books 4.3 Introduction to Dewey Decimal Classification 4.4 Faceted Classification: A Consideration of its Features as a Paradigm of Knowledge Organization Unit Five: Public Services and Management 5.1 Lending service and management 5.2 Reference service and related rules 5.3 The Advertisement of ideas Unit Six:Digital Library 6.1 Digital library and its origin 6.2 Operation of digitalization 6.3 Sustainable development of digital library1 Unit Seven:Academic Communication with Colleagues 7.1 IFLA and China 7.2 2006 INTERNATIONAL PAPER CONTEST:on International Digital Libraries and Information Science&Technology Advances in Developing Countries 7.3 IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section Call for papers第二部分 第一单元 图书馆综论 1.1 图书馆是什么?图书馆将会是什么? 1.2 图书馆学五定律 1.3 听取另外的声音 第二单元 图书馆专业与图书馆员 2.1 图书馆工作综述 2.2 图书馆员作为最佳职业之一 2.3 图书馆员的任职资格与就业 第三单元 馆藏建设与维护 3.1 选择图书 3.2 购买图书 3.3 馆藏登记 第四单元 资源描述与组织 4.1 图书分类与标记 4.2 图书编目 4.3 杜威十进分类法介绍 4.4 分面分类:作为知识组织范式的特征思考 第五单元 公共服务与管 5.1 借阅服务与管理 5.2 参考咨询服务与相关准则: 5.3 思想的宣传 第六单元 数字图书馆 6.1 数字图书馆及其起源 6.2 数字化操作 6.3 数字图书馆的可持续发展 第七单元 与同行进行学术交流 7.1 国际图联与中国 7.2 2006国际论文竞赛:国际数字图书馆与发展中国家的信息科学技术进展 7.3 国际图联文献传递与资源共享分会征文通知后记
(Four) When a borrower returns a book the librarian can learn, from the date on thepocket, whether or not a fine should be paid on it; if not, he can, if in haste,immediately take out the borrowers card from the book pocket, stamp the date ofits return at the right of the date on which it was lent, thus canceling the charge(15)against the borrower, and lay the book aside and look up its book-card later.Double and special borrowers cards are not needed under this system. Itaccommodates itself readily to a "two-book" system(16). ( Five ) In most places, certainly in all small towns, a sufficient safeguard against theloss of books is found in the signature of the borrower himself. No guarantee needbe called for. To ask for a guarantor for a reputable resident is simply todiscommode two people instead of one. The application which the borrower signsshould be brief and plain. Name, residence, place of business, and any necessaryreferences, should be written in by the librarian on one side; the signature to anagreement to obey the library rules can be written by the applicant on the other. All borrowers agreements should be filed in alphabetical order. They shouldreceive borrowers numbers(17)in the order of their issue, and the date. Theborrowers cards should state that they expire in a definite number of years from thedate of issue, and the date of issue should be stamped on them. An index ofborrowers agreements should be kept by their numbers. This need contain only theborrowers number, his name, and, when necessary, his address. It isconveniently kept in a book. It is better to keep it on cards. (Six) All persons residing in the city, and giving satisfactory reference, are entitledto use the circulating department(18) of the library on subscribing to the followingagreement: I hereby certify that I am a resident of the city, and, in consideration of theright to use the free circulating department of the library, agree to comply with theregulations provided for its government.