江淑娟,吴松林 编
1 DrillingSiteSelection1.1 Introduction to Drilling Site Selection1.2 The Drilling Site1.3 FindingOilandGas1.4 TypesofPetroleumTraps1.5 LocatingPetroleumTraps1.6 Selectingthe Drilling Site1.7 ExploratoryDrilling(1)1.8 ExploratoryDrilling(2)1.9 Exploratory Drilling(3)2 RigComponents2.1 Power System2.2 MechanicalPowerTransmission2.3 ElectricalPowerTransmission2.4 The Drawworks and the Cat-heads2.5 The Blocks and Drilling Line2.6 Masts and Rotating Equipment2.7 TheDrillString2.8 TheBit(l)2.9 The Bit(2)2.10 Jet Bit Nozzle Size Selection2.11 Maximum Nozzle Velocity and Maximum Bit Hydraulic Horsepower2.12 Drilling Fluids(1)2.13 Drilling Fluids(2)2.14 Drilling Fluids(3)2.15 Mud Pumps and Conditioning Equipment(1)2.16 Mud Pumps and Conditioning Equipment(2)2.17 Circulating Equipment2.18 AuxiliaryEquipment3 Drilling Operations3.1 Preparing Site3.2 Riggingup3.3 Jobs ontheRig3.4 Drilling the Surface Hole3.5 Spudding3.6 Trippingout3.7 Running Surface Casing3.8 Cementation3.9 Tripping in3.10 Runninglntermediate Casing and Drilling to FinalDepth3.11 Well Logging and Well Completion3.12 Setting Production Casing and Perforating3.13 Installing Chstmas Tree4 SpeciaIDrilling Operations and Accident Maintenance4.1 Introduction to Directional Well4.2 Directional Drilling4.3 Turbo-drill and DirectionaIDrilling4.4 Drilling Deep Well4.5 Air Drilling4.6 Fishing4.7 Fishing Tools and Tectuuques(1)4.8 Fishing Tools and Techniques(2)5 Well Control5.1 Blowout(l)5.2 Btowout(2)5.3 Well Control……6 Well Logging and testing7 Advanced Drilling Technology
For the granulated slag to be“ active”(10), it must be cooled from its molten state in the blast furnace at a temperature of about 1 5000C to a solid glassy granule at less than 100℃. After further treatment,the glassy slag is finely ground to ensure complete hydration on mixing with water. A mixture of 10:90 slag with Portland cement has been used worldwide in the construction industry with great success. Although there are existing mud-to-cement conversion technologies, they have not received wide acceptance by the industry because of limitations. The slag is composed of calcium silicate. Slag-mix is resistant to chemical attack and slurries are designed to give the desired properties such as density and thickening time to suit the cementing application. The drilling mud to be converted is first isolated. If necessary the mud is diluted with water and then treated with a lignosulfonate thinner/retarder and alkaline activators. The treated mud is pumped to a cementing unit, where the slag is added. The mixed slurry is then pumped down the well. Pilottests ensure the correct composition ofthe slag-mix. ……