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许家金 译 (奥地利)凯特曼,(奥地利)马  




  “语料库与计算语言学研究丛书”旨在向国内读者推荐语料库语言学与计算语言学这两个学科最新和最经典的外文著作。语料库语言学的语料要建立在计算机上,而计算语言学则专门研究自然语言的计算机处理,这两个学科都要使用计算机,都与计算机有着不解之缘。这篇序言主要介绍了这两个学科的学术背景,以及它们之间的关系,以方便读者的阅读和理解。  1.语料库语言学研究简介  语料库是为一个或多个应用目标而专门收集的、有一定结构的、有代表性的、可被计算机程序检索的、具有一定规模的语料的集合。  语料库应该按照一定的语言学原则,运用随机抽样方法,收集自然出现的连续的语言运用文本或话语片段来建立。从其本质上讲,语料库实际上是通过对自然语言运用的随机抽样,以一定大小的语言样本来代表某一研究中所确定的语言运用总体。


  《通过语料分析促进教与学》是2000年在奥地利召开的“教学与语料库(Teaching and LanguageCorpora-TALC)”国际研讨会的论文集。该会议每次都能汇集语料库与语言教学领域的众多顶尖学者,已成为国际上此领域的风向标式会议。《通过语料分析促进教与学》是从会议宣读论文中遴选出的能反映会议主旨的代表性文章,其涉及面较广,所收论文按主题可归为六个专题:关于语料库的一般性问题、基于语料库的教材编制、数据驱动学习、学习者语料库、专门用途英语教学中的语料分析、通过语料分析进行翻译教学。适合语料库和语言教学的研究人员、研究生以及语言教师作为研究参考。


  本书编者Bernhared Kettemann是奥地利Karl-Franzens-University大学的英语语言学教授,主要研究方向是语言学中计算机的应用,Ceorg Marko现在奥地利Karl-Franzens-University大学任教。书中所收论文的作者有学习者语料库领域的知名学者Guy Aston、BNC的核心成员LOU Burnard、数据驱动学习的首创者Tim Johns、语料库语言学的理论大家和先驱Tony McEnery等众多语料库语言学领域的知名专家学者。


《语料库与计算语言学研究丛书》序《通过语料分析促进教与学》导读原书目录前言第四届“教学与语料库国际研讨会”(TALC4)——我们向何处去?第一部分 语料库语言学的一般性问题学习者作为语料库设计者现代英语语料库语言学的时间维度描绘大型语料库的关键词及其呈现的词汇分布图:探究《卫报》的世界观英国国家语料库(BNC):我们哪里做得有问题?第二部分 基于语料库的教材编制学术英语词表:一个基于语料库的学术用途词表基于语料库的英语教学语法第三部分 数据驱动学习数据驱动学习:永恒的挑战给非英语母语学习者更大自主权:欧洲大陆英语系里尚未充分发掘的语料库的剩余价值语料库动摇了语法的根基:标准英语语法,完成体及明显与传统语法相悖的语料证据用于数据驱动学习的自动索引工具:针对语言学习者的生词过滤设计在语料库语言学中使用BNC以提高批判性思维能力探索发现式学习的新方向当代意大利语语料库(CWIC)项目:针对中级意大利语学生的语料库建设和使用使用语料库进行语言学教学第四部分 学习者语料库影响学习者语言运用的外部因素如何描述学习者积极词汇的增长:一项基于语料库的研究对语言学习者日记的计算机辅助分析:一项基于词频和索引软件的定性分析第五部分 专门用途英语教学中的语料分析英国国家语料库(BNC)的语体、语域、文本类型、主题域和文体有关利用小型语料库呈现专门用途英语(ESP)问题的思考学术写作中情态动词的使用第六部分 通过语料分析进行翻译教学英意-意英翻译语料库CEXI的设计英语中的能愿式虚拟结构及其在法语中的对应形式:用双语方法研究翻译的理论与实践短语动词的翻译作者介绍索引


  Yet it would be wrong to conclude that the use of corpora in the classroom began with the first TALC conference. Long before the first TALC conference there had been much informal discussion of how to use corpora in teaching, most notably at the ICAME conferences. More importantly, there were pedagogues worldwide, both in language teaching and linguistics, who were using corpora in the classroom on a regular basis. The basic problem that the TALC conferences have sought to address is how to share expertise and best practice in the use of language corpora in teaching. When corpora in the classroom were used by a disparate group of teachers, rarely discussing their successes and failures with one another, mistakes and triumphs were often replicated with no chance of learning from the experience of others. If anything; the first TALC conference was marked, in my mind, with the surprise that teachers expressed when they realised that they were not alone in using corpora for teaching, and that they had valuable lessons to pass on.  TALC has matured since the first conference. There are, tO my mind, at least two distinct ways in which this has happened. Firstly, the range of TALC has broadened somewhat, with issues that were marginal at the first TALC becoming central. A good example of this is work with multilingual corpora. At the first TALC there were very few talks of this sort, and most discussion of the topic was held in a specialist meeting away from the main conference. However, the presence of multilingual corpora at the second TALC conference was such that the book which came from the conference (Botley et al. 1996) was focused expressly on.multilingual corpora. TALC continues to innovate in this way, and will continue to do so, I believe, for the foreseeable future. There are good examples of innovation. For example, in this volume the following papers strike me as relatively novel.  ……




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