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杰克·伦敦(Jack London 1876~1916)美国作家。生于破产农民家庭,从小出卖劳力为生,曾卖报、卸货、当童工。成年后当过水手、工人,曾去阿拉斯加淘金,得了坏血症。从此埋头读书写作,成为职业作家。他共写了19部长篇小说、150多篇短篇小说和故事,3部剧本,以及论文。
我慢慢了解到他是很孤独的。船上没有一个人不恨、怕他,也没有一个人不受他的轻蔑。他似乎只对他自己的权力感兴趣。他不只是是孤寂,而且还郁郁寡欢。他笑时,是体内的那个野兽在笑。他几乎没有真正地笑过。 通党瞎种忧郁和失落会使人们皈依宗教。但沃尔夫·莱森没有。他身上所有的就只是穿凶极恶。如果他不那样可怕的话,我可能会以替他难过。比如,三天前的一个早晨,我发现他独自坐在船舱里。他没有看见我。他把头埋在手里,我听见地低声叫着:“上帝!上帝!上帝!”他并不是真的在呼唤上帝,但那呼唤却来自于他灵魂的深处。
In this novel, Jack London told us a story about the access for a man to be himself, who used to be learned but fragile.
By some accident, the Matinez was crashed and destroyed. Fortunetly, Humpgrey Van Weyden was rescued by the captain of the Ghost Wolf Larson.
At first, Humphrey felt terrible on the ship, for their endless quarrel, violence and without mercy. But in the end, Humphrey became brave and strong. In a quiet night, he stolen a boat and got away from the Ghost with a woman, who also saved by the captain.
They floated Endeavor Island, which was named by them, and had a hard life there. To their surprise, the damaged Ghost some day appeared in the shore and the captain Wolf was no longer powerful as before.
In the end, the brave Humpgrey and his small woman Breyster completely repaired the Ghost and got rescued on their voyage to USA. The captain Wolf died quietly in a windy night days not long before.
"It maybe difficult for you to walk, but you will be going to walk on your own feet." This is what Wolf said to Humphrey when his knees got hurt. It was just Wolf had a great influence on Humphrey and shaped him to Act as a Man.