张翠玲 主编
本书是2l世纪高等学校规划教材,内容新颖实用、条理清晰、通俗易懂、针对性强。 《大学英语实用教程》共分四册。每册主要由对话、课文及语法三部分组成。对话部分以提供的主题示例训练学生实际交流及表达的能力;课文部分侧重对语言点和语篇整体的理解,为非英语专业的学生在学位考试中的阅读部分打下坚实的基础;语法部分中,结合学生英语基础知识和基本能力的实际,针对非英语专业学位考试大纲的要求,有的放矢。在内容上全面覆盖考点,重点突出,系统性强;在形式上,题型新颖,有利于学生能力的训练和培养;在编排上,注意由易到难的阶梯性、针对性和适用性。 本套教材的每个单元紧密配合,又不重复;单元内的内容又相对独立,可根据学生的实际情况调整侧重点:并且,每个单元中的对话、课文、语法三部分都配有相应的练习。 本书为《大学英语实用教程(3)》,作者为北京科技大学等高校的一线英语教师,他们具有丰富的教学与实践经验,以确保本套教材教学的可操作性、针对性及实用性。 本书由张翠玲主编,徐莉芳、刘新华、陈妍茹副主编,华北科技学院的杨玉枫、杨慧也参加了编写工作。
本书为21世纪高等学校规划教材。《大学英语实用教程》共分四册,每册都以对话、课文及语法三部分形式表现,内容新颖实用、条理清晰、通俗易懂、针对性强。本书为第三册,重点为复合句的讲练。在每单元里采用一个主题,分别用对话和课文的形式来培养学生的听、说、读、写、译全方位的实际表达技能。在语法部分中,以非英语专业学位考试大纲要求为主线,更加注重实用性和针对性。每单元之间既相互独立又互相呼应,且单元中的对话、课文、语法都配有相应的习题及参考答案。 本书可作为高等院校非英语专业教材,也可作为高职高专院校及远程教育、业大、函授等学生的基础英语课教材,并可作为成人非英语专业学位考试的参考用书。
前言Unit 1 Love and Friendship Communicative Samples Paragraph Reading A:Friendship Paragraph Reading B:Friendship Grammar Focus:情态动词(一)Unit 2 Customs and Habits Communicative Samples Paragraph Reading A:Beliefs and Interests Paragraph Reading B:Gender Tax Grammar Focus情态动词(二)Unit 3 Human and the Earth Communicative Samples Paragraph Reading A:The Meaning oft he 21st Century Paragraph Reading B:Imagine Earth without People Grammar Focus:主谓一致(一)Unit 4 Youth and Dreams Communicative Samples Paragraph Reading A:The Autumn the Harvest Season Paragraph Reading B:The Two Roads Grammar Focus:评为一致(二)Unit 5 Festivals and Holidays Communicative Samples Paragraph Reading A:The Thanks We Give Paragraph Reading B:The Origins of the April Fool's Day Grammar Focus:虚拟语气Unit 6 Language and Culture Communicative Samples Paragraph Reading A:Proverbs Paragraph Reading B:What Is the Worth of Words? Grammar Focus:名词性从句Unit 7 Time and Money Communicative Samples Paragraph Reading A:The Value of Time Paragraph Reading B:Your Money Is Your Life Grammar Focus:定语从句(一)Unit 8 How to Learn Communicative Samples Paragraph Reading A:The Special Joy of Super-slow Reading Paragraph Reading B:Feed Your Mind Grammar Focus:定语从句(二)Unit 9 Weather and Climate Communicative Samples Paragraph Reading A:The Weather in Britain Paragraph Reading B:Weather Grammar Focus:状语从句(一)Unit 10 Education Communicative Samples Paragraph Reading A:In Amy's Eyes Paragraph Reading B:Culture and Arts Grammar Focus :状语从句(二)Unit 11 Traffic and Transmission Communicative Samples Paragraph Reading A:The Breakdown Assistance Paragraph Reading B:A Letter Grammar Focus:交际用语习惯达(一)Unit 12 Environment and Conservation Communicative Samples Paragraph Reading A:The Air Pollutant Paragraph Reading B:Greenspace Grammar Focus:交际用语和习惯表达(二)GlossaryModel Test 1Model Test 2Answer Keys
Human kind has been able to thrive for thousands of years because nature provided it withresources like topsoil, underground water, fish in the oceans, minerals, oil and wetlands, butthese resources are finite, like cookies in a jar. We are using up many of these resources, andsome dont have substitutes. Water is vital for our survival and for producing food. It takes about a thousand tons ofwater to produce one ton of grain that, fed to cows, produces only 18 pounds of meat. Todaymankind is using about 160 billion tons more water each year than is being replenished by rainand fed back into water storages. If this water were carried in water trucks, it would require a300,000-mile-long convoy of trucks every day——a convoy length 37 times the diameter of theEarth. This is how much water we are using and not replenishing. During the lifetime of todays teenagers, fresh water will run out in many parts of theworld, making food production difficult. Many fish species will be too depleted to replenishthemselves. Global warming will bring hurricanes far more severe than Katrina and will causenatural climate control mechanisms to go wrong. Rising temperatures will lower crop yields inmany of the worlds poorest countries, such as those in central Africa. The interconnected set of problems has an interconnected set of solutions. If we humansimplement these solutions, we can gradually achieve sustainable development and asustainable but affluent life. Working toward sustainability requires many different types ofactions in different subject areas. In light of rapidly advancing technology, however,sustainability alone is not enough. We need to be concerned with survivability. There must be amove from the untenable course we are on today toward a world where we learn to control thediverse forces we are unleashing.
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